Mother Tree

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We approached a massive tree that towered above us. The Kratens ran inside, their cheers and cries echoing through the forest.

Vorian set me on my feet as I was led inside. The tree was enormous, teeming with Kratens who all turned to stare as we climbed the stairs to what I assumed was the main level.

I was placed in the center of a circle as they crowded around. Suddenly, I heard another human voice shouting and saw Dr. Evans thrown to the ground beside me.

"Thalia?" she questioned, her eyes widening in recognition.

"Ink po rika ey," an older man said, lifting a spear.

(We have saved our people)

The crowd cheered in response.

"Uh nolk wi folki yu," the woman beside him said, pointing at Dr. Evans and me.

(What do we do with these prisoners?)

Her gaze was cold and unsettling. "Holo Pollen, trik ewr qual," someone from the crowd shouted.

(Queen Pollen, let's kill them.)

I wished I had paid more attention in language class. I could barely make out their words. "What's going on?" I asked Dr. Evans.

"We are prisoners," she whispered. "They want us to pay."

"Gee trik ewr qual," the crowd chanted louder.

(Let's kill them.)

This wasn't what I expected. Dr. Evans had always tried to help them. The king and queen seemed amused, listening to the crowd.

Vorian sat quietly beside his family, his sister chanting along with the others. It angered me that I save them and then he in turn treats me like a prisoner. We had to escape before it was too late. I used my hands to secretly pull out the knife hidden in my pocket, slowly cutting my bindings. My hands were free, but I kept quiet as another man entered from behind Vorian's family.

He looked ill and limped to the front. "Boka sisa ewr qual," he shouted, causing the crowd to groan in disagreement.

(No, don't kill them.)

I paused, gripping my knife tightly. The injured man approached Dr. Evans, who gave him a light smile.

"This woman saved my life," he shouted in English, shocking everyone.

He untied Dr. Evans' ropes and helped her stand. She thanked him as they embraced.

"Ash... they locked your brothers and sisters in cages. Killed and tortured them," the older woman shouted.

They've spoken English all along? I was confused by the sudden language switch.

"But they are not all the same! You know Dr. Evans... she saved all of us and risked her life," he shouted back, silencing the crowd.

"She is the reason we are here," the queen shouted.

The man beside her stood up, asserting his dominance. The woman huffed and sat down. The king nodded at his son.

"I will take full responsibility for Dr. Evans," the man said firmly.

"What about the other one? Who will watch her?" he asked.

I gripped my knife harder, ready to attack. The room was silent until a low voice spoke.

"I will," Vorian said, walking down to me.

Everyone was surprised as he stood before me. "It's settled. My sons will watch the two humans. No harm is to come to them," the older man announced.

His wife seemed displeased as she stormed off, Eldrith following. Dr. Evans was deep in conversation with the man as the room emptied.

Vorian grabbed my wrist, pulling the knife from my hand. "Brother, introduce me to this one? I'm very surprised by your actions tonight," the man said.

That's his brother? This must be Ash.

"That is Thalia, Ash. She helped us save everyone," Dr. Evans spoke for Vorian.

I stopped hiding the fact that my hands were free. Ash noticed but only smirked.

"Dr. Evans, let me show you to your room," he said, leaving Vorian and me alone.

"You didn't have to do that," I mumbled not understanding why he chained me just to free me later.

"I didn't do it for you," he replied as we began to leave the area.

We followed Ash and Dr. Evans, who laughed and caught up. The tree was enormous, unlike anything I'd seen before.

We arrived at a smaller room within the tree. Ash smiled as Dr. Evans and I walked inside.

"Hope this is comfortable. The hunting team will be going out soon," Ash said warmly. Dr. Evans nodded.

"Can I join?" I asked, causing the brothers to exchange glances.

"No—" Vorian began, but Ash cut him off.

"Absolutely," Ash said, making me smile in anticipation.

Vorian glared at his brother, who acted oblivious. "I'll come back shortly before we leave," Ash said as they left us alone.

"It's been so long since I've been back," Dr. Evans said excitedly, resting on a grass bed.

"What happened back at the base? I thought you were dead like the others," I finally asked, now that we were alone.

Dr. Evans sighed as I sat beside her. "I'm not sure, but Lieutenant Lee got word of a prison break. Her guards came full force. I ran to the lab to save the ones in the tubs. It was risky, but when I saw Ash among them, I had to help him," she started.

"I knew him well; he was my first student when we landed. What they were doing in the lab I couldn't condone any longer. Once we got out, we saw what was happening at the prison. I tried to go back and help, but Ash quickly took me with the rest, and we ran," she finished.

Someone ratted us out. My thoughts turned to Ava. She was the only one who saw us that night, but she promised not to tell. It didn't make sense who could have tipped off the lieutenant.

"We're not safe here," I whispered, feeling uneasy. The Kratens wouldn't accept us, and we were probably labeled as traitors back at the base.

"As long as Ash speaks for us, we will be safe," she said, closing her eyes to rest.

I nodded, staying awake. I couldn't sleep yet, not knowing when the hunt would begin. I was on edge being here.

Why did Vorian take me? He could have easily left me with the rest to face my people.

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