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"The school is back open?" I asked, puzzled by Jax's announcement.

"Dr. Evan's is back," he smiled.

My face lit up at that realization; I honestly missed that side of the base. We all finished up lunch and began to head to the truck that led us to camp.

The 500 soldiers arrived early this week, and the base already started to feel crowded. There were more loaned guns around, and it kind of felt like a military camp rather than a home.

I saw my father walking over to our truck as he spoke to some of his men. He saw me and finished his conversation before coming to my side.

"Thalia," he announced in a tough tone.

"Take this," he said, handing me a loaded gun. I eyed him suspiciously, not understanding why he would give me a weapon. We were going to school.

"Why are you giving me this?" I laughed, confused by the sudden mood change.

"Just keep it by your side," he said before walking away. I rolled my eyes, stuffing it in my back pocket where my shirt would cover it.

We never brought weapons to school. It was one of Dr. Evan's biggest rules; she felt if we carried around guns, the Kratens wouldn't feel safe around us.

The truck began to move as we headed to the south end of the base. The ride was short as usual, and we all hopped off, heading inside. There were larger wires over the border now when I looked outside the window. That was definitely new, I mumbled to myself.

Heading to the classroom, the Kratens were all seated. They glared at us like usual but didn't speak once.

There was a second teacher in the room beside Dr. Evan's as she greeted us. "Guys, most of you should have met Lieutenant Lee," she said, pointing to the older woman.

I had briefly met her. Lieutenant Lee was under Michelle's father's group; they were lethal. Part of the fight force, they held all our weapons and were in charge of training camps.

My father talked about her a few times. That she was a strict woman. Never cracked a smile; for her, she was the only woman lieutenant, and I couldn't imagine working with military men in higher power.

"Sorry, we haven't properly met," she spoke, her demeanor just cold.

"You're all probably wondering why I'm here today," she said, pulling out her gun and loading it.

"Things are changing around here," she slowly began. I heard more trucks pull up from the front as I watched men surround the buildings.

I watched Eldrith also look out the window as her eyebrows raised. The Kratens seemed tense, and so did I.

It wasn't normal for Lieutenant Lee to be here. Her job was focused on our military force and preparing men for battle if it came.

"Polka ji wa," one of the Kraten kids shouted as the windows broke from a gunshot.

(Watch out)

My eyes widened as he was shot and fell to the floor. The Kratens all stood up hissing at the lieutenant as she held her gun out, pointing it towards them.

Looking around, my friends all also stood with their guns. My mind blanked as I couldn't believe what I was seeing... this is an ambush.

"Try anything, and they will take you out like they did your friend," she spoke harshly as the boy bled to the ground.

My hands fell over my mouth as I couldn't believe they killed him. Eldrith held angry eyes as she stared at her dead friend.

"You have started a war," she sneered, but the lieutenant held no emotion as she shot all of them with a dart, causing them to fall to the ground.

She took out her microphone, speaking into it, "I have them but one is dead. Bring in the trucks," she said as men moved in to grab the large creatures.

I was too stunned to speak as my eyes locked with Dr. Evan's. She seemed scared as she watched the Kratens be taken away.

Halle put her gun back as she flipped her hair. "About time they locked those freaks up," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still not putting the pieces together.

Everyone looked at each other as it seemed they knew this was happening. Halle sighed as she walked closer to me.

"Your father has shielded you," she said sharply. "We are reclaiming this planet and killing all of those circus freaks," Halle spoke.

"You- you can't. This is their home," I said, not believing her words.

Ava walked up to me with a somber expression. "Thalia, there is a lot you don't know," she tried to say, but I couldn't believe anything.

What happened to peace? Living among the Kratens, why would they open this school if peace was never the goal?

"This is wrong," I shouted, not wanting to take part in this.

The lieutenant heard me as she eyed Halle. I was starting to freak out as once the Kratens find out we've kidnapped the chief's daughter they will rage a war... we killed one of their people.

"Thalia," Halle spoke as my face began to sweat; this wasn't right.

She moved closer to me, and I pushed her hand back, not wanting to be near them. "You can't do this! They are people too," I pleaded, but my words fell heavy with a needle shot me in the neck.

My eyes began to drop as they closed, and I collapsed.

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