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As the sun set, everyone began preparing to head to the human base. Everything was going perfectly according to plan.

The Gipo's were ready to take flight, and our foot soldiers were set. Yokul gave me a proud smile, and we nodded at each other in mutual acknowledgment.

Passing by my sister, I saw her geared up in her warrior attire. Thalia was beside her in a smaller uniform, and when she turned, I was mesmerized. I had never seen her in our battle gear before, and her beauty held my gaze. Eldrith had braided her hair and helped her with the gear.

"Vorian, about time you showed up," Eldrith said, her tone irritated.

I blinked, realizing my sister was talking to me. "You both look great," I said with a smile. My sister nodded before rushing off, distracted by something else.

Thalia was adjusting her shields around her chest, which weren't tightened properly. I set down my weapons and went over to help her.

I pulled the straps tight as she smiled gratefully. "Are you nervous?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"No, I want to end all this fighting," she replied, and I agreed.

Thalia explained that our main enemy was the corporal and that we had to take him out to achieve peace. I agreed with her plan: we would sneak in and eliminate the man threatening the humans, forcing them to leave us alone.

"After today, we will be at peace," I whispered, kissing her tenderly.

Eldrith began to cough just as Yokul walked in, interrupting us. "Let's go, lovebirds," he joked, and we all laughed as we headed out.

Our warriors mounted their Fallpo's, and I helped Thalia onto Hipo, who she would ride with me. Our mothers and children bid us farewell as we embarked on our journey.

Yokul shouted, and we began to leave Olha, venturing into the forest. We had three different teams: those in the air, those running through the trees, and the Fallpo warriors. Thalia held on tightly as we rushed through the forest.

It was the dead of night, but fortunately, our beasts thrived in the darkness, their eyes capable of seeing everything. We swiftly reached the field at the entrance before the mountains, an area no human dared enter due to the dangerous beasts that roamed there.

Yokul sent another signal, and we separated into our positions. Eldrith joined me, and I slowed down to let Thalia go with her. We decided I would be with the front team and the council, while Thalia stayed with the warrior team and Eldrith.

"Stay alive," she shouted as Eldrith helped her onto her Fallpo. Then, I sped off to be by Yokul's side. Unbeknownst to Thalia, the front team had a different mission. The council feared Thalia might still be a traitor and wanted her away from the real objective. They aimed to eradicate all humans at the base, while Thalia believed we were only targeting the corporal. Yokul and the others disagreed with her plan.

I tried to reason with them, but their fear clouded their judgment. As we reached the forest closer to the northern border, our men in the trees waited patiently. A few nights ago, they had planted bombs similar to the humans' at each wall.

At the signal, they would light them and blow down the walls. Thanks to Dr. Evans' teachings, we could replicate much of their technology. Yokul promised me he would spare Thalia's friends and father, as I had begged him not to harm them.

Thalia wanted to ensure their safety, and when I learned of the council's real plan, I had to make sure this wish was respected. The men argued that she couldn't be trusted, but they didn't know her. They only saw her as a human and never tried to interact with her.

As we hid in the forest, we fell silent, waiting for Yokul's signal. The night was still, with only the sounds of insects breaking the silence. In an instant, Yokul lifted his fist, and loud explosions shattered the quiet.

"Gi hol bok Uhroh!" Yokul shouted, and we all charged in.

(For King Uhroh!)

A loud alarm went off at the base, similar to when we freed the prisoners. Military men came running out, guns blazing, as we charged. The battle quickly turned into a bloodbath as Kraten and humans clashed.

I pulled on Hipo's reins, flying into the sky to avoid the massive machines with large guns emerging from the base. Some of my comrades were shot down, and I growled, diving back down.

There were small humans operating the machines. I pulled out my arrows, shooting them down as their bodies fell to the ground. Hipo's belly rumbled before he unleashed hot fire, melting the machinery.

The Fallpo's began spilling fire across the base, burning its structures and bringing them down. "Move in!" Yokul shouted as more of our men dropped from the trees, engaging the geared-up humans.

Following the front team, we ascended above the base, breaking it down. Our mission was clear: find the corporal and end his life.

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