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Walking down a familiar path, Vorian led me to another enormous tree. This one was different from their home; it had hanging vines that glowed brightly. Stepping inside, everything felt alive. My hands touched the hanging flowers, and I smiled as they sprouted.

"Where are we?" I asked as Vorian led us further in.

"This is Olha," he said, and I was amazed by what I saw.

The tree's roots spread far across the ground, physically connecting the entire forest. We walked inside, and Vorian helped me over to a nearby pond.

"When our people die, we rest them here to be with Olha," he said, showing me the river stream.

We walked around and made our way to where the flowers hung. As we entered, they all began to glow brightly, blooming beautifully.

"These are amazing," I smiled, touching each one.

Vorian's eyes were glued to me, and I felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze. "Why are you staring like that?" I asked.

He walked over, held my hands, and smiled as he pulled me to sit down under the tree. With a snap of his fingers, a bunch of butterflies began to flutter down.

I grinned, enchanted by the sight. It was dark inside, but the glow from the flowers provided ample light. A butterfly landed on my finger, and I smiled, looking at it. Over by the pond, I saw the same fish reappear and laughed, pointing. "Look, the fish are back."

Vorian watched me, his face stunned. This planet was magnificent; I had seen so much beauty in the past three weeks. Lifting my hand, I smiled at Vorian again. He had been acting odd all day—maybe the kiss had affected him too.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting up and reaching to feel his cheeks. They were super red, like he had a fever. As I moved closer, he grabbed my hand, pulling me into his chest. Startled, I laid on top of him, his hands gently pushing my hair back as we sat quietly.

My eyes focused on his lips, remembering how nice they felt against mine. Blinking, I leaned down to feel them again. Vorian must have had the same idea, as he sat up, pulling me hard against his chest. We kissed again, and my legs wrapped around his torso. The flowers glowed even brighter as my arms tugged at his hair. He was shirtless, and my hands gripped his chest, digging my nails in as we meshed together perfectly.

I had only kissed a few boys in high school, but this felt so much better. It was like we were made for each other, our bodies radiating heat and energy. Vorian picked me up and carried us further inside the tree. His lips found my neck again, biting hard. I groaned from the impact, wanting more.

"Vorian," I whispered as his hands began to tug my shorts down. I groaned, feeling his hands against my chest, squeezing tightly. He pressed his knee between my legs, causing me to scream from the sensation. I pulled his head from my neck and kissed him again. I heard him begin to take off his hunting belt, which dropped to the floor. I had no idea where this sexual tension came from, but being around him here was making me lose control.

Vorian helped me lift my shirt off as I unclasped my bra. He pulled away, staring at me before his lips found my nipples. I groaned, my body heating up from his touch. His hands pushed my underwear down slowly, and I helped him get them off. I tugged at his pants, loosening the string until they fell. He gripped me tightly, earning a gasp from me.

Taking my nipple out of his mouth, he glared at me intensely. My body was a mess, waiting to see what he would do next. As he pressed his lips back to mine, my back jolted from the impact on my lower region. He entered me, molding us perfectly together, and began to move aggressively.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I moaned from the pleasure. I had never felt anything so passionate and intimate. Vorian was rough as he sped up, hitting all the right places. Our bodies moved together as my head rested on his shoulder.

"Vori—" my voice cracked as he moved harder, causing me to jolt.

Pulling out, he dragged me to the floor as we lay together. He turned my body to the side, lifting my leg before reentering from behind. I screamed at the new angle, and he began a fast pace. His hands gripped my breasts as I felt his breath against my ear. He was like a new man, senselessly attacking my body.

"Vorian," I moaned, but it felt like he was in a trance, ignoring my words and going faster.

"Mine," he growled in my ear, biting it, earning a low moan from me.

He sped up, my body shaking from the intensity. His hands moved down from my breasts to my lower region, gripping tightly, causing me to scream. My body continued to shake as he thrust harder and harder. I felt my eyes growing tired as he continued. I felt him twitch inside me as he released, filling me with his fluids. I whimpered from the intense sensation, his size amplifying the feeling.

Once he finished, we both breathed hard. Vorian pulled out slowly, causing me to cry from the loss. Lying on my side, I was speechless. He sat up, looking over at my tired body. His hands ran up and down my thighs, a mixture of our fluids spilling from me.

I had just had sex, I thought, still in disbelief. Using my last bit of strength, I sat up and stared at Vorian.

"Thalia," he whispered, making eye contact with me.

I blinked, still lost for words. "How do you feel?" he asked, concern deep in his voice.

Pushing my hair back, I took a moment to think. Everything felt electric, like I was on a whole new planet.

"I feel—I feel really good," I laughed, confused about why my body felt so much energy and life.

Vorian nodded. "Wha—what just happened?" I asked, still confused about how we got here and the way my body felt.

"We mated, Thalia," he said, causing me to snap my head up. He seemed stressed, running his fingers through his hair.

Did he say mate? I'd read many stories about mates back on Earth; they were all fiction. But if that term meant the same here, then...

"It was just sex, Vorian," I laughed, trying to stand and put my clothes back on. I found my shorts and tank top and pulled them on. Vorian stood up too, completely naked.

"Can you cover up?" I asked shyly.

"Do you not understand what I said?" he said sharply, startling me.

"I do, but I'm just very confused right now. How can we be mates?," I shouted back.

"You're not the only confused one, Thalia! This has been annoying me for weeks," he barked, putting his clothes.

"How long have you known?" I paused, staring at him. It felt like this wasn't brand new news. Why would he have sex with me and then get mad? I felt used now.

Vorian was quiet, pausing as if not wanting to tell me. "How long?" I asked, pushing the question.

"Since I took you to the flowers," he admitted, causing me to stumble back. He'd known for months and never mentioned it to me? "I didn't believe it at first, but then Yobap appeared," he said, trying to make excuses, but I already began to feel disgusted with myself.

"You didn't want to believe it because I'm human," I whispered, seeing his face soften as he saw how hurt I felt.

"Thalia, it's not like that," he tried to say, but I stepped back, not wanting to speak anymore.

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