Young Warriors

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It's been three weeks since I've been with the Kratens. Vorian has been teaching me their ways every day and helping me improve with the bow and arrows.

Dr. Evan has immersed herself in their culture and grown close to the king, earning his favor. However, I still struggle to get along with the other Kratens.

They mock me daily, but I ignore them and spend most of my time with Luna and Ash. Today is special because some of the younger Kratens are going on their first hunt, and I insisted on joining this monumental moment. Although the older ones aren't fond of me, I've spent a few days helping Luna with the children.

"Watching the young ones hunt is always the best time of the year," Luna smiled, cradling a baby.

I smiled as I braided Naovi's hair. She was one of the young ones hunting today, and I promised to give her two braids. Vorian told me they start hunting at the age of eight. I found that quite young, but seeing how they master the Kraten bow and arrows, I understood why they started early. That material is heavier than a rock and requires immense body strength. I still haven't mastered it and stick with the beginner bows.

"Thalia, you're coming, right?" Naovi asked as I finished her braid, smoothing it out.

She turned around, her eyes wide with anticipation. "How could I miss it?" I said, and she smiled, hugging me.

All the kids cheered as the door opened. Naovi jumped from my lap to join her friends in welcoming the newcomer.

"Ash! Ash! Ash!" they all shouted as he smiled at them.

"Are you leading our hunt?" Jaklee shouted, pulling on his leg.

"Are you here to see Luna again?" Naovi asked, making me laugh at their questions.

"They're married and having a baby. That's a dumb question," Quinn interjected, folding her arms.

"My mom says there are no dumb questions," Naovi shouted back, and the children grew louder.

Luna put the baby in the crib, making sure the rest were asleep. "Everyone, shhh," she whispered, and they quieted down.

"Come on, let's get ready for your hunt and leave Ash alone," she said, pushing them out as I cleaned up the mess they left.

Ash gave her a tender kiss before letting her go.

He came over to my side, helping me stack all their toys in a box. "I swear, every time you come in here, they lose their marbles," I joked, making Ash laugh.

It's true; the children adored him. I don't know what it is, but he has a way with them.

"They're just excited," he replied sheepishly, but I scoffed, knowing that wasn't the full truth.

Ash and I have grown close over the past two weeks. He has taught me a lot and opened his home to me. I barely see Vorian as he's been busy with training.

The only time we hang out is during my training sessions, but he's usually mocking me or criticizing my form. It feels almost paternal, which is why I often seek refuge with the kids.

Despite his harsh methods, I am grateful for Vorian's help. Luna told me about the responsibility he took on by claiming me. Instead of throwing me in prison, he promised to teach me their ways, ensuring my survival among them. If anything happened, he would be held accountable and punished. Claiming an outsider carries a risk of public shame and humiliation, but as the king's son, he hasn't experienced that much. Instead, the scrutiny falls on me, but I remain grateful.

"They all look up to you," I said. The kids all aspired to be great warriors like the king's son.

"It's thanks to you and Dr. Evan," he replied as we stood up to carry the boxes.

The babies were still sound asleep, and I smiled, checking on them briefly. The door opened, and we watched Luna walk in with a huge grin.

"The hunt is about to begin," she boasted, wrapping her arms around her husband. I smiled at their interaction; they were a beautiful couple.

Eldrith waited by the door and groaned upon seeing me. I sighed, still not understanding her hatred, and followed behind to the center of the tree where everyone had gathered.

The six new hunters knelt with their face paint in front of the king and queen. I smiled, standing beside Dr. Evan. I caught sight of Vorian standing beside his father.

"Today, our young ones become men and women," the king announced, and everyone cheered.

"Are you ready to embrace this journey?" he asked with a smile, and they all shouted, "Yes!"

Vorian stepped forward, instructing them to pick up their weapons, and they followed him out. I waved goodbye to Dr. Evan as Eldrith, a few others, and I followed the kids. Our job was to ensure nobody got hurt or lost. We arrived at a familiar spot where I first started.

Vorian smiled at the children, who wore serious expressions. "Rule number one," he shouted.

"A pack always stays together," they answered in unison, and he nodded, jumping out the window with everyone following.

Thanks to Vorian's lessons, I've improved at swinging along the vines. I'm not perfect like the rest, but I can manage short distances.

Eldrith and her friends moved quickly, leaving me behind, knowing I couldn't keep up. "Uh jio kill molk," I heard them say, laughing.

(The human is so slow)

I groaned, understanding their words. Dr. Evan and Luna have been teaching me more Infani, and I'm slowly becoming fluent.

Everyone dropped to the ground, hiding in the grass. The children spotted a rabbit and moved together in a pack. I followed slowly with Eldrith and the rest. I smiled, watching Naovi work with her peers to prepare for the attack.

Birds flying in the opposite direction caught my attention. It was a large flock, which didn't seem like good news. We were deep in the woods, in an unfamiliar area. I made eye contact with Vorian, who also sensed something was wrong.

One of the children shot their arrow, killing the rabbit on the spot, earning cheers from their peers. Everyone clapped, but my eyes were fixed on the animals moving south. As I turned, I noticed glowing eyes in the bushes. I sprinted to the children. "Everyone, run!" I shouted as a huge mutated lizard pounced out.

The children screamed and ran. Eldrith and the rest gathered them, and they began to sprint. I saw Naovi on the ground, struggling to move. The lizard charged towards her, mouth wide open. I ran back, aiming my arrow and hitting the creature in the neck, taking it down.

Naovi was crying as I noticed her foot was caught. I untangled her from the vines as I heard more creatures coming from the bushes. I helped her up and pushed her to run. Another lizard jumped out as we ran to catch up with the group.

The lizard was fast, and at this rate, it would catch us all. "Naovi, don't stop running until you catch up with Eldrith," I said, sprinting in the other direction.

"Thalia!" I heard her shout as the lizard began to follow me.

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