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"Ulk Olha jigho Ulk jigho Olha," my mother pleaded as she prayed to the ground.

(Please protect them, Olha.)

Holding back my tears, I knelt down, resting my arm over her shoulder. Everybody was in a frantic state as the humans kidnapped Eldrith and her friends.

My father was furious with rage. All our rescue teams hadn't returned, and we feared that they could be dead.

"Let me go and find them," I shouted to my father as he prayed beside my mother.

"No, your brother and sister are missing. We can't lose you," he replied.

Hitting my fist against the ground, I stood up, leaving the two. My mother was a crying mess as she continued to pray for her children.

Walking back to my room, I punched the wall, angry and boiling inside. I knew I should have walked them to that base. Who knows where they could be... if they're even alive.

"Vorian," a low voice came from beside my door.

It was Luna as she stood there, tears in her eyes. I stood up and gave her a hug. Ash had been missing the longest. Nobody knew where he and his group vanished to, but once word reached that Eldrith was kidnapped, we concluded they must have Ash.

"I'll find him, Luna," I whispered, holding her shoulders.

She nodded, rubbing her stomach as my nephew kicked. Holding back my tears, I had to bring my siblings and clan home.

"He's still alive; I can feel him," she whispered.

Listening to her words, I turned around, grabbing my weapons and loading my bag. Luna watched me, confused, as I stormed out of my room.

"Vorian, where are you going?" She shouted as I walked to the edge of the tree.

"I will bring him back... all of them," I said before jumping into the dark woods.

Swinging through the vines, I was determined to get there quickly. Anger carried me as I rushed through the forest.

The humans had crossed the line. Once I freed my people, a war would begin. They couldn't live among us any longer.

Reaching their border, I stayed high in the trees, watching. They built higher walls as more men filled the area with guns.

Their roof was pure glass, giving me easy access to look inside. Dropping lower, I went to my signature spot near the school. This was the only place where there weren't guards posted everywhere.

Watching closely, I saw a human walk around. I kept my eyes stern on them as another followed behind.

Grabbing my knife, I slowly came down the tree. It was dark, so they wouldn't see me coming. At the right moment, I leaped from the tree, grabbing the woman and holding my knife to her throat.

The other feared for her life as she wore a lab coat. I recognized her as the scientist who taught at the school.

"Gil polika gre," I shouted, keeping my grip tight against the girl's throat.

(Where are my people?)

The doctor was quiet as she looked around, scared. "Let her go," she pleaded, but that only made me pull the knife closer to the woman's neck.

I couldn't see her face as her hair covered it, but I didn't care who I had to kill to save my sister.

The woman in my arms nudged me in the groin area, loosening my grip as she grabbed my knife, catching me off guard. I groaned, holding my pants as she hit pretty hard.

I looked up, shocked to see it was Thalia. She held the knife defensively as she stood in front of the doctor.

"Try anything, and I'll stab you this time," she said.

I glared at her, pulling out another weapon. We faced each other, waiting for one to move.

"Wait, don't fight," the doctor shouted as she grabbed both of our arms, pulling me to another building.

Opening the door, she pushed us all in and slammed it. There were guards walking towards the school with loaded weapons as I watched them through the window.

"Let's go upstairs," the doctor said as I followed.

Thalia gave me a cold glance, seeming angry that I tried to kill her. The doctor sat us down at a table and placed two cups filled with warm water.

I wasn't here to play nice... I needed to know where my people were. "Vorian, I'm sorry for everything," the older woman said, sitting down beside me.

"Where are they?" I growled, not needing to hear any apologies.

"In the lab," Thalia snapped. "Be grateful she didn't turn you over to the guards," she huffed.

"Some are in the lab while others are being held prisoners," she said, giving me all the information I needed.

Standing up, I began to head down the stairs. Thalia jumped from her seat, halting me from leaving. "No way you're going to try and save them alone," she laughed, but this wasn't a funny matter.

Pushing her tiny body to the side, I continued down the stairs. She stood at the top, glaring at me. "It's a suicide mission," she shouted, causing me to stop.

"If you go in there alone, they will kill you on sight," she added, running down the stairs.

The doctor followed, nodding her head in agreement. "You need help, Vorian," the lady said, pulling out her phone and making a call.

I didn't need humans to help me. They were the reason this was all happening. "I don't need your kind's help," I growled.

Thalia crossed her arms firmly as she walked closer. Our bodies were practically touching as her sharp gaze caught my eyes.

"If you want to bring your sister home alive, I suggest you trust us," she whispered.

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