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"Harder!" Vorian shouted as the Kratens engaged in combat once more, knowing our safety here with Olha was temporary as the corporal would return relentlessly until the Kratens were eradicated.

Queen Pollen had assumed leadership as we readied for the impending battle for Vorian. As the last male in their family, he was obligated to participate in the tradition if he desired to ascend to kingship.

Both of us had been tirelessly training with the warrior group, ensuring they were in peak condition for the inevitable confrontation. Vorian, in particular, had been tirelessly drilling them day and night without respite.

Today, Vorian was practicing with a few comrades, his shirt discarded under the bright sun. As I watched, a smile tugged at my lips.

Eldrith approached, still limping and recovering her strength. "He's been out here for days," she whispered, startling me.

Observing Vorian lose his balance and fall, I remarked, "He's nervous," observing as he quickly regained his footing and pressed on.

"My brother isn't afraid," Eldrith snapped defensively.

Yet, she and her mother seemed oblivious to Vorian's underlying fear of assuming leadership. Having recently lost his father and older brother, he hadn't had time to properly mourn.

"Who is his opponent?" I inquired, prompting Eldrith to grow silent before reluctantly disclosing the name.

"His name is Yokul. You've likely met him... he was my father's right-hand man," she replied, triggering my memory of the formidable warrior who stood by the king's side during the attack.

Understanding Vorian's unease, I sighed, "My brother will emerge victorious, don't worry," before she departed.

Spotting me, Vorian waved and jogged over, his body glistening with sweat as he enveloped me in a hug, planting a kiss on my lips.

Laughing, I glanced around at the curious onlookers. "Perhaps we should reserve this for a more private setting," I murmured, gently pulling away.

"Let them stare," he insisted, though it was challenging to ignore the judgmental gazes and the murmurs surrounding us.

"You don't have to duel so soon," I reasoned, gazing at him with concern.

Vorian groaned, tilting his head. "It's tradition. We need a leader immediately," he muttered, his tone betraying his frustration.

"I understand, but you should take a break. The corporal doesn't know our whereabouts," I argued, growing increasingly frustrated.

"They won't cease until we're eradicated, Thalia. My people require a leader, so please, stay out of it," he retorted, surprising me with his firmness.

Nodding reluctantly, I acquiesced, "You're right... Take care of your people," before storming away, my frustration bubbling within.

Breathing heavily, I struggled to comprehend Vorian's decision. While I acknowledged the urgency of leadership, I couldn't fathom why he'd thrust himself into the role unprepared.

As I made my way to our quarters, I passed by his clan, enduring Queen Pollen's hostile glares. Never had I felt more unwelcome, especially now, amidst the discord with Vorian.

"Thalia," a soft voice called out, halting me in my tracks as I turned to face Luna.

We hadn't spoken since the turmoil following Ash's demise, as I harbored guilt for his death.

I bit my tongue as she approached. "I- I should-" I began, but she interrupted, "Can we talk?"

She gestured towards a secluded area behind the tree, and I followed her, uncertain of what awaited.

Luna had been confined to bed rest since the attack, her grief over Ash's death exacerbating her physical condition.

Queen Pollen had worked tirelessly to save both Luna and the unborn child, but the trauma lingered, her screams echoing in my mind.

"How is the baby?" I inquired, my voice catching with emotion as I coughed harshly.

Concern etched Luna's features as she patted my back. "I'm fine," I assured her, gradually regaining my composure.

She smiled, her hand caressing her stomach. "She's resilient, like her father," she remarked with pride.

"A girl?" I exclaimed, joy flooding my heart at the prospect.

"Queen Pollen suspects as much, and she's quite confident," Luna chuckled.

My eyes welled with tears as I embraced Luna, proud to witness her resilience. "I miss him," I whispered, my voice barely audible amidst the tumult of emotions.

"I'm deeply sorry, Luna," I added, wiping away my tears as she enveloped me in a tight embrace.

"I miss him too, but I find solace knowing he saved you," she confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "He died with honor," she whispered, her gaze unwavering.

Nodding in agreement, I accepted her words, grateful for her understanding. It was a relief to know that Luna harbored no resentment towards me, despite my fears.

"I apologize for keeping my distance. I feared you blamed me," I confessed, choked with emotion.

"You're a cherished member of this family. Even if Queen Pollen fails to see it, I could never hold you responsible," Luna reassured me, her words a balm to my wounded soul.

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