War pt.2

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Running through the fire, I shot my knife at anyone in my path. It would have been prudent to mention that their dragons could breathe fire. Leading my group into the base, we stormed inside to attack.

The walls that once stood tall had crumbled, leaving the place unrecognizable. As we rushed in, more guards appeared, but they were no match for the dragons spewing flames, incinerating everything in their path.

I swung my spear, pushing many out of my way. I refused to kill anyone, for they were my kin, humans like me.

I sprinted, dodging bullets and knives. One came close as I ducked, only to find a man charging at me. I caught a glimpse of Michelle and Lieutenant Lee bearing down on me.

Grabbing my arrow, I shot, grazing Michelle's arm. She dropped her knife, groaning as it scratched her. Lieutenant Lee hurled her knife, slashing my arm as I retreated into the forest.

They were fast and soon caught up. "You should never have come back," Michelle sneered, an insane glint in her eyes.

She lunged with her knife, knocking me to the ground. I groaned, dodging her stabs, and with all my strength, threw her off. Unfortunately, she was ready and punched me in the stomach as I stood.

The pain was excruciating, and I gasped for breath. Michelle wasn't skilled with weapons, but her fists were deadly. Regaining my stance, I struck back, not wanting to kill my friends. We fought fiercely, rolling on the ground. 

"Michelle, I don't want to hurt you!" I screamed, landing a punch that hit her jaw.

"Traitor!" she shouted, hitting me hard, making my nose ache.

I groaned from the pain but refused to give up. As Michelle charged at me, I pushed her to the ground, buying myself time to think of a way to subdue her.

Glancing around, I spotted some rope. If I could tie her up, she would be safe. As Michelle lunged at me again, I sprinted towards the rope.

She chased after me at full speed. Suddenly, a gun clicked, drawing my attention. I scrambled as Lieutenant Lee pulled the trigger. She missed, but Michelle, unaware, was hit from behind. The bullet struck her head, and she collapsed.

"No!" I cried, kneeling beside her. Blood poured from her wound. The lieutenant showed no remorse, reloading her gun and pointing it at me.

"Should have killed you alongside that gullible chief," she began, but an arrow pierced her chest, and she fell, screaming.

I looked up to see Eldrith swinging down, grabbing the woman by the shirt. "What did you say about my father?" she shouted, driving the arrow deeper, killing her.

I laid Michelle's body to rest and pulled Eldrith away from the Lieutenant. "She's dead," I said as the girl had tears in her eyes.

"Find Vorian! I'll search for the corporal," I commanded. She nodded and ran.

I wiped my eyes and returned to Michelle. Tears streamed down my face as I found her lifeless body. Gently, I moved her, resting her peacefully and folding her arms across her chest. After saying a silent prayer, I turned and headed inside the base. Smoke filled the air, and more flames erupted around me. My cough returned, and I struggled to make my way through the thick, suffocating smoke.

Inside, debris littered the ground. Dead bodies were everywhere, making my stomach churn. I knew the corporal was on the west end, likely preparing to flee.

As I moved cautiously, I heard footsteps. The lights were out, and only a dim glow guided me. Staying alert, I sensed someone approaching. A knife flew towards me, and I dodged just in time, recognizing the attacker and almost screaming as he swung the blade at my head.

"Chris, stop! It's me!" I shouted, but he didn't seem to listen. His eyes were bloodshot red, and he pulled out another knife, sprinting full force to kill me.

I dodged him again but barely. I never knew he had this much strength. He didn't look like himself; his body was shaking and foam was forming in his mouth. "You did this to me," he shouted, running towards me again.

What did I do? I wondered, running deeper into the base to get away. He chased after me as more explosions went off, causing the ceiling to crumble. "Chris, it's me, Thalia... your friend," I shouted, running from the falling metal.

You could now see the sky as the base was blown apart. "You did this to me," he shouted again, tears in his eyes. I stopped for a second to stare as I got a better look at his face. He looked a mess, like somebody had been experimenting on him for days. There were burns on his body and bruises. My eyes almost cried seeing my friend in this shape.

But that soon ended when he charged at me again. I tried to run but fell over the fallen metal. Moving quickly I saw a bow and arrow on the ground it was the Kratens hunter one. Tears spilled in my eyes as I lifted it aiming at my childhood friend hitting him in the head as he fell to the floor.

I covered my mouth as I watched him bleed out. "Thalia," I heard Ava's voice scream as she ran towards me.

Jake was beside her, both geared up in military uniforms. I began to vomit looking at my dead friend, and Ava quickly came over to rub my back. I couldn't contain my stomach as everything spilled out.

"I— I killed him?" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

"He had rabies," she whispered quietly. "They—they did horrible things to him just because he refused to believe you were a traitor," she finished as I felt more puke rise in my stomach.

"We have to get you out of here," Jake said, looking around scared.

I nodded, standing up with them as we ran back outside. The base was falling apart instantly; all that stood was the aircraft runway. As we approached it, I noticed one ship getting ready to leave. I stopped, pulling my arm away as the two stared at me, confused.

They were all leaving... going somewhere I didn't know. "Thalia, we have to go," Ava pleaded, but I refused.

"I—I can't leave," I said, looking back at the war battle. Fire emerged as the base was broken down.

More of the animals flew in the air as I saw Yokul come down. He jumped off, holding his weapon out, pointing at Ava and Jake.

I ran and pulled his arm down. "Don't shoot, they are my friends," I begged, but he held cold eyes, ignoring me.

"No human is a friend," he shouted as his warriors all came down from the sky.

Fear formed in my eyes as I quickly dashed to Ava and Jake, standing in front of them. Vorian jumped off as well and looked at the scene, confused.

"Your mate must make a choice... us or them," Yokul shouted as they all held their weapons out.

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