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"Dr. Evans, I suggest you start speaking," the corporal barked as the woman remained silent, locked in her prison cell.

With her back turned, she refused to utter a word, joined by her comrades who had aided in the escape. Pushed into prison, they awaited their grim fate.

"She's been silent all day," one guard grumbled.

"Well, make her talk! We need another vaccine," the corporal shouted before departing.

After the attack on the Kratens, they knew more was to come, but with the doctor back, they could strategize better.

"Where is my daughter?" the general demanded upon entering the prison.

The corporal sighed, facing the angry father. "We didn't find her," he replied solemnly.

"Daddy, I've told you, she's a tree hugger," Halle interrupted, earning a stern glance from the corporal for speaking out of turn.

"Jake, you and your sister leave now," the corporal ordered, and the siblings complied, knowing they had to prepare for the impending final attack.

Entering the training base, tensions were high as the group grappled with Thalia's betrayal and the worsening situation with the vaccine.

"How much longer do we have to pretend Thalia isn't a traitor?" Halle lamented, voicing her concerns for the past three weeks.

"We don't know that, Halle," Jax said quietly as she glared at him.

"She is... I saw it with my own eyes!" Halle exclaimed.

Chris began laughing, making her seem crazy. "You've been losing it lately. The corporal says she's missing, so let's just believe that," he joked.

Halle's frustration boiled over. She threw her tablet at Chris's head, missing him but shattering it on the floor.

Everyone was stunned by her outburst. "What the fuck?" Chris said angrily.

Halle stormed out of the room without saying another word.

Ava, burdened with Thalia's secret, felt the weight of guilt as tensions escalated within the group.

"She needs to calm down," Chris remarked.

Michelle glared at him, her expression turning sour. "No, Thalia is a traitor, and we should treat her as such," she retorted sharply.

"Hey, she's our childhood friend. Besides, you're basing this solely on Halle's assumptions. The general still believes she was kidnapped," Chris countered, his tone unwavering.

Michelle quickly stormed off refusing to listen, Jax frowned before departing too, a heavy sigh filled the room.

"Am I the problem?" Chris questioned as he stood up, seeking reassurance from Jake and Ava, who both shook their heads. The friend group was divided between Thalia's disappearance.

Ava fidgeted with her fingers, overwhelmed by the weight of Thalia's secret. Jake offered his support, holding her hands to help her find calm amidst the chaos.

Guiding Jake away from the group, Ava pulled him to a quiet corner. "You didn't tell anyone, right?" she asked, fear evident in her eyes.

"Not a soul, Ava. But if they find out Thalia helped..." Jake trailed off, understanding the grave consequences for traitors.

Ava nodded solemnly, sharing Jake's understanding of the danger Thalia faced. Despite the risks, she vowed to protect her best friend at all costs.

Amidst the divide, Jake and Ava sought solace in each other, grappling with the dilemma of keeping Thalia's secret to protect her from the harsh consequences.

As the group grappled with loyalty, fear, and uncertainty, the bond that held them together was put to the ultimate test.

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