The Prison

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Walking into my office hours with the combat team, I met up with Ava shortly after feeding Vorian.

Thankfully, no one suspected anything, which was a relief for now. We were currently sitting in the filing room, searching for documents.

Lieutenant Lee was in charge today, making me nervous. She had tranquilized me the last time we crossed paths, and I disliked her immensely.

"I think this is everything," Ava said, stacking the papers into our cart.

We left the room and headed back to the lieutenant's office. As always, she greeted us with no smile when we walked in with what she had requested.

"Place them over there, and you both can go to lunch," she barked. Ava and I quickly complied and left.

"That lady is a total bitch," Ava whispered, making me laugh. She was completely right; the lieutenant was someone we had to watch out for.

We walked into the cafeteria and prepared for lunch. My thoughts drifted to Vorian, wondering if he was hungry.

Dr. Evans wouldn't be back until nighttime, as she was stuck in the lab. Tapping my fingers, I played with my food, contemplating whether I should head over.

Going twice could look suspicious, and I didn't have a good excuse for Ava. "I have exciting news," she said, grabbing my attention.

"Jake asked me out," she whispered, my eyes widening in surprise.

About time, I thought. "Are you two official?" I asked, excited for her.

She nodded eagerly, her face glowing with excitement. This was amazing for Ava; she had been waiting for Jake to return her feelings for so long.

"You're not jealous or anything?" she asked.

I laughed, having no feelings for Jake. "Not one bit," I assured her.

"Is there anyone you're interested in around the base?" she asked, nudging my shoulder.

Thinking about it, no one came to mind. "Nope," I said, and Ava seemed skeptical.

"There has to be somebody," she insisted.

But no one on base interested me. "I'm not kidding, Ava," I laughed, telling her to let it go. She shrugged and let it drop.

Lunch ended, and we cleaned up, heading back to the lieutenant. As we approached her office, she was locking up, looking like she was leaving.

"Girls, let's go," she said. Ava and I exchanged looks before following her.

We walked outside, and the lieutenant got into a truck. We climbed into the back. "What's going on?" Ava asked.

"I'm needed at the prison and have no one to watch you both, so you're coming along," she answered quickly, speeding down the road.

I stayed quiet, my first time inside the prison looming. I had only seen it from the outside and couldn't imagine what was happening behind those doors.

We arrived quickly and followed Lieutenant Lee to the entrance. She scanned her ID, and the guards let us through.

The smell was terrible, and the hallways were dimly lit. We walked past cages filled with Kratens, who looked tired and beaten.

"What is that smell?" I asked quietly.

"A natural gas that keeps them weak," she answered.

As we walked further, I spotted Eldrith among her fellow Kratens. We turned a corner leading to stairs that ascended to a room on the second floor where guards stood watch.

"What is the problem?" the lieutenant asked harshly.

The soldiers stood at attention. "There isn't enough space for the Kratens," one said hesitantly.

Lieutenant Lee rolled her eyes. "And you call me?" she asked.

"They shout all night—" another started to explain, but she silenced him with a raised hand.

She walked to the controls and pressed a red button. Liquid began to spill from the ceiling, causing the Kratens to scream in pain.

Touching another button, she spoke into a mic. "If I hear any more complaints, you will suffer far worse," she shouted, listening to their agonized cries as the liquid burned their skin.

My eyes watered as their pale pink skin blistered. She stopped the flow and looked at the guards. "Why must I always be the one to assert dominance?" she mumbled, walking out of the room.

Ava and I quickly followed her, heading for the exit. Eldrith's weak hands gripped the bars as I mouthed, "I'm sorry," and she glared at us.

We caught up to the lieutenant and got back into the truck. "What was that?" I asked frantically.

"Just a small water and salt mixture," she said nonchalantly, starting the truck and driving away.

Back at the office, I was anxious to leave. Ava watched me suspiciously as I grabbed my purse and walked out quickly.

My head was spinning from what I had witnessed. We had to break them out tonight. Jumping in the car, I drove to the lab, trying to remain calm as the screams echoed in my mind.

Rushing up the stairs, I entered, shocked to see Dr. Evans and a few others.

Vorian glanced at me as I walked over, still shaken. "Perfect timing, Thalia," Dr. Evans said, continuing her discussion.

I sat down, trying to steady my racing thoughts. Vorian came over and bent down to my level.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, startling me.

"I—I'm alright," I answered, unable to tell him about the inhumane scene I had witnessed. It was something anyone would cry over.

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