The Meeting

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Kneeling at my brother's grave, I placed flowers on top, along with my father's.

"I'm sorry for being a disappointment," I whispered, praying before them.

"I lost the Jipo battle and our title," I added, tears slipping from my eyes.

This was the only place I felt vulnerable enough to cry. I missed my father's voice and comfort; he would know what to say to me right now. Maybe my mother was right... I was the wrong son to live.

Ash was born for this, to be king and take care of our people. I couldn't even stand up in a fight. I'm not fit to be king.

"Ash, you were right, Thalia has surprised me," I joked, sitting comfortably as I thought about the girl.

During this time, she has been by my side, supporting and taking care of me. I know she still blames herself for what happened, but I've never loved anyone this much.

"She's surprised me," I laughed, remembering how she's stood up for me, helped me find my strength, and not given up... she was everything.

"I will avenge you both," I whispered before standing up to head to the war meeting.

I was going to be present now and support Yokul as king. We needed a game plan to prepare for war; the humans broke our agreement, and they must pay.

Walking inside, all the elders stood as I greeted them. I took my seat at the end of the table as Yokul entered.

"Glad Vorian is here tonight," he boasted, and everyone agreed.

"We can finally get down to business," one of the council members spoke, causing the men to rumble. I was never allowed to sit in war meetings; I always watched my father and brother enter, but I was deemed too young to be informed.

"It's best we move now. We could get to the Hol tribe within two days; there, we will be safe," one of the elders spoke.

What did they mean? The Hol tribe lived almost 400 miles from us, deep in the mountains.

"I've sent word to their chief. He will take us in," another spoke, and Yokul nodded.

No, no, this was all wrong. We can't run like cowards and give the humans what they want. We have to fight!

The men continued to speak around me as my brain began to spin. This was all wrong. Slamming my hand on the table, everyone went quiet as they stared at me.

"You are all cowards," I rumbled as the elders gave me stern eyes.

"We can't run... they killed our chief... our brothers, uncles, fathers! Mothers, daughters, and sisters! We have to fight," I shouted, anger boiling inside as I stood up.

Yokul gave me a smirk as he crossed his arms, staring. "It's too risky," one of the elders said, disagreeing.

I groaned, not agreeing, "And if we leave, who's to say they won't follow? They will continue this until we are extinct," I replied, imposing fear into them.

"We are warriors... we must fight," I shouted, getting some men to agree as they listened to my words.

"I'm still unsure; they have so much manpower," one said, his face scared.

I understood their concerns, but we have scouted that base thoroughly. We can get around their defenses, get them in the forest—that'll be our advantage.

"And we are smarter," I smirked. "They don't know this place like we do," I shouted as the men nodded.

"The young prince is right," Yokul said, standing beside me, patting my back. I was taken aback by his words but thankful for his stance.

"We will fight," the council member stood, throwing his fist up. My face smiled, seeing the men following as they cheered.

The meeting ended soon, and we all walked out with one goal. We were going to attack in two days, using the darkness to our advantage. We would give them what they deserve.

Walking outside, the council members all shook my hand as they praised my plan. I smiled, feeling proud of myself. Once they cleared, I saw Thalia standing outside anxiously.

She came up to me, "How'd it go? Did they respect you? Are you hurt? Did Yokul say something?" She asked, a billion questions flying at me.

I laughed, holding her face before pulling her into a tight kiss. She was shocked but quickly melted into it as we enjoyed this small moment together.

I was intensely grateful for Thalia, as she made this all possible. Pulling back, I held a huge grin.

"They listened to me," I said as her eyes lit up excitedly.

"I told you they would," she shouted, jumping up and down. "What was the verdict?" she asked.

"We're going to attack in two days. I'll be training our men and helping prepare," I said proudly.

Thalia nodded at my words as she calculated the time. "I'm proud of you," she laughed as we both smiled. "When we get there we have to protect Ava, Jake, Chris and oh even Jax" she went on rambling about the small humans she called friends.

Her laugh started to turn into a heavy cough, and I eyed her suspiciously. "Are you okay?" I asked as she nodded and cleared her throat.

"I'm fine," she laughed. "I have to go see Luna again, but I'm so proud of you!" she finished, leaving a kiss on my cheek and rushing off.

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