The End

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"Look at her go," I smiled, watching Luna's baby girl take her first steps.

She had given birth no more than ten months ago, and now the little girl was walking. She was so smart and ambitious, a perfect mix of her parents.

"Mother Pollen says Ash walked at nine months and believes Ashley is the same," Luna smiled as the girl fell into her mother's lap, pulling her hair.

Ashley was a beautiful girl with Ash's bright blue eyes and blonde hair. She looked like a carbon copy of him.

Not only me, but Eldrith was obsessed with her niece, bragging about how much she wanted one. Never having grown up with sisters, she was thrilled when they announced Ashley was a girl.

"How are you and Vorian?" Luna asked as I played with Ashley's toys.

It's been a few months since the bloody war. Everyone has praised Vorian for the victory, and he's regained his respect among the clan, but for me, it's been hard.

I still have these nasty nightmares of Christopher's face, blaming me for everything. Having to kill him is a recurring nightmare. I see Ava and Jake in that aircraft that got blown to pieces—the one I told them would be safe.

It's been haunting me, but Vorian has been there every step of the way. He stays up with me, gently rocking me until I drift off into sleep. Only he knows about the nightmares and the pain of the miscarriage. Despite his care, I can't shake the guilt. I find myself struggling to forgive him. There's a deep-seated resentment for the plans he kept hidden from me... the knowledge that they would bomb the aircraft, the very one I sent my friends into.

Luna went into labor that same month just a few weeks later, and everyone was cheering, expecting a firstborn boy to take the throne.

But to their surprise, Ashley made her presence known, shouting so loud everyone could hear for miles. Queen Pollen was overjoyed as the baby girl looked exactly like Ash, so she quickly dismissed any concerns about gender.

"We're doing good," I smiled as we heard the leaves rustle and saw Queen Pollen enter.

Our relationship was still the same. She kept a cold tone around me, but the moment she saw Ashley, her demeanor softened.

"I'm here for my grandbaby," she said, smiling at Luna as Ashley began to jump for the older woman.

"How are you, daughter?" she asked, picking up the baby but only referring to Luna.

I sat quietly as they talked warmly. Queen Pollen had helped save my life, but that didn't mean she liked me.

Looking outside, I saw the sun setting and knew Vorian and the hunting group would be back soon. Standing up, I made my exit; they didn't really notice or care, as the women were focused on Ashley.

Walking around Olha, Vorian mentioned he would begin moving us to a new home. They found a temporary relocation hidden under a waterfall. The journey was long, but he wanted his people to find a home again, to feel completely safe. Dr. Evans and her team were still on base, waiting to regain communication with the government.

She was going to tell them not to come to Tumia, that it wasn't safe and the vaccines weren't working. That part was true. Even with all the medicine, our lungs couldn't function on this planet, and many had to start wearing oxygen masks.

I, however, was an odd case. After I woke up and stepped outside, everything felt normal and has been for months. Dr. Evans still monitors me when she can but says my lungs look stronger and almost share the same anatomy as the Kratens.

It was all confusing science, but I didn't question it further. I heard the return call and watched various Kratens swing down to the ground, joking and cheering as they brought home food.

They all greeted me as they knew I was Vorian's human mate. Unlike others, some were accepting of us and treated me kindly.

"Waiting for my husband? I wish mine would come and wait hours for me to return," Ink joked as I nodded in response. Everyone assumed we were doing great, but behind closed doors, our relationship has never felt more distant.

He quickly became Vorian's right-hand man during the war. The two grew close and have been rebuilding everything since.

In an instant, I heard more commotion and quickly found Vorian, who was the last to join. He talked among his commanders, congratulating them, before his eyes caught mine.

Waving goodbye, he quickly marched over, greeting Ink then me. We gave each other an awkward eye contact acknowledging the other as Ink rambled about the hunt.

"I should head home to my wife now," Ink ended as he left. Part of me wished he would stay longer so I wouldn't have to be with Vorian alone.

I noticed he had mud all over his body and weapon. "Let's head home," he said quietly as I agreed, following behind.

We still slept away from the clan, although there was no need or point anymore. I was still seen as an outsider by many, and I somewhat enjoyed the quiet comfort from being alone.

"Did you fall in mud?" I asked, looking at his dirty and dark gear.

Vorian nodded as he walked to the smaller lake stream hidden in Olha. It was a spot we found together and have used for our baths since. Nobody came this far back, as the clan stayed at the front end of the tree where the bigger river lay.

He undressed before stepping into the water, and I stood by cautiously. Before, we used to wash each other and spend tender moments here, but those moments felt foreign to me now...

"Can we just wash each other tonight, nothing crazy," he said, catching my attention. His eyes, for the first time in months, held pain. I could tell my discomfort around him was clear, and it pained him much.

I began to undress and stepped in behind. Vorian softly grabbed my arm, pulling my body deeper inside as we relaxed.

For months, I had been pretending to be alright and recovering from my near-death experience to appear strong in front of everyone, but only Vorian truly knew I was far from that.

Nobody knew the days I contemplated being alive, blaming myself for every death around me.

"I shouldn't have let you go," Vorian spoke, his hands rubbing my back slowly as I laid my head on his neck.

Relaxing, I breathed, knowing I missed our intimacy just a bit. I had been taking my anger and guilt out on him... icing him from my heart. I just didn't know how to deal with my feelings, the loss of our child.

"You know I would have gone regardless," I replied lowly.

"It never leaves my mind—Chris, Ava, Jake, everything. I- I blame you but hate myself even more. There are days I wonder if I just die will it all stop," I added, tired of these nightmares.

Vorian held his breath as he moved my face to stare at me. "I can live with you hating me, but I can't live with your death. I'm sorry for everything," he choked, and I realized how hurtful my words might have been this time.

I blinked my eyes, feeling a pang of regret as my words were harsh. "I know you are," I whispered.

"I'll stay by your side, Thalia... no matter how many times you push me away. I'll fix this, I'll make things better," he pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. I listened to his words, his promises, feeling the weight of his sincerity.

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