Chapter - 20

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Everyone inside the base got restless. Heirophant called the doctor,  the girls went to consult.

Heirophant : Hello, Dr. Lin. This is Lee Junheoyk. Tong Yao's brother.

Dr.Lin : Yes, Mr. Lee. How can I help you?

Heirophant : May I know, which time did Tong Yao and Jinyang left the hospital?

Dr.Lin : Today's session was little longer. They left here by 1:30 pm. I made her practise some yoga as well. So it took some time. What happened?

Heirophant : They haven't reached back yet!!

Dr.Lin : May be they went for a movie or something like that.

Heirophant : Okay, Thank you doctor!!

Dr.Lin : You are welcome!!

Heirophant cut the call. " What did she said?" Asked Ming God.

Heirophant : They left by 1:30 pm. Where did they go? I am getting some negative vibes...

Everyone repeatedly started called both Jinyang and Tong Yao. Luckily after sometime, Ai Jia got connected to Jinyang!! He stared yelling...

Ai Jia : Jinyang!! Where the hell you two are? We all are tensed here!! Why are you two not at base till now...

Jinyang : Will you please allow me to talk Ai Jia? We are at hospital!!

Ai Jia : Hospital!! Wh..what happened? Speak up!!

Suddenly Lu Si Cheng snatched his phone sensing Ai Jia trembling. He signalled Lu Yue to handle Ai Jia and Heirophant.

Lu Si Cheng : Jinyang..this is Lu Si Cheng. Tell me what happened?

Jinyang : Yao went with some allergic reaction. She is now under emergency care!!

Lu Si Cheng : Send us the location!! We will be there soon!!

Lu Si Cheng cut the call and turned to the boys. " Cheng ge!! What happened to our missy" It was little fatty, he was on verge of crying...

Lu Si Cheng : She had some allergic reaction. Under emergency care!! Ming ge, Rui Ge, come with us!! You all stay here. We will call you if needed!!

Soon Ai Jia, Heirophant along with Ming god and Xiao Rui went outside the base with Lu Si Cheng. Remaining boys from both YQCB and ZGDX stayed inside the ZGDX base.

The boys soon reached the hospital. They saw Jinyang outside the laboratory section.

Ming God : Jinyang!! What exactly happened?

Jinyang : We after leaving the hospital, went to have lunch. There is a famous restaurant serving italian cuisine. So we went there. After having lunch, we were on the way back to the base. But suddenly, she felt uneasiness, and started vomiting. She was dizzy as well. Therefore I took her to the hospital. After she was admitted in emergency section, I noticed rashes developing on her body. The same rashes that happened when she had milk!!

Heirophant : Milk!!

Jinyang : Yes Ge!! Interesting fact is, she didn't had milk in this whole day!! I am waiting for the blood reports. Only then we can see what happened. It will be ready soon!!

Ai Jia : Can we see her?

Jinyang : No!! Not yet...

While they were talking, the results were ready. Jinyang took the results to the doctor treating Tong Yao. He looked at the results and his statement shocked everyone, " Its confirmed!! She had a strong allergic reaction due to milk!!"

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