Chapter - 25

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Lu Yue pulled Lu Si Cheng to his room and locked the door. He made his brother sit on the bed and pulled a chair to make himself sit on it.

Lu Yue : So, what was that?

Lu Si Cheng : What? Didn't you hear everything?

Lu Yue : Of course!! I heard everything and I saw everything as well. What's going on Ge?

Lu Si Cheng : Nothing!! There is nothing to say.

Lu Yue : were irritating her intentionally, right?

Lu Si Cheng remained silent." Why was that? I saw you looking at her, when she came down after getting ready and sat beside you. Your eyes were literally roaming from her head to toe. So let me be clear!! Do you like her, Ge?

" Nobody should know I have feelings for her. Yes, yue..I like her." He said in mind.

Lu Yue : Why are you silent, Ge? Tell me!!

Lu Si Cheng : N..No!! I hate her!!

" Really, Ge!! So tough to confess that you like her, right? Okay, I will play along with you. You are forgetting that I am your own brother." Lu Yue thought.

Lu Yue : Really!! Okay. If you hate her, then stay away from her. Oh I forgot to tell you, mom arranged a blind date for you tomorrow. You should go!! She is from a well off family and the same age as you. I heard from mom that she is beautiful as well. I think she is more beautiful than Zhi Zhi. If you like that girl, she will be my sister-in-law!! Get ready okay!! Mom will call you for further details.

Lu Si Cheng : What blind date? Did you guys asked me what I wants? I told mom that I am not ready for any blind date things!!

Lu Yue : Why Ge? Do you like somebody?

Lu Si Cheng remained silent. " Anyway it is fixed, you have to go!! So all the best!!" Lu Yue tapped his shoulder and walked outside the room.

" Blind date? Sorry, Ms.Blind date!! Get ready to get rejected. No matter how beautiful you are, I am not going say yes to you!!" Lu Si Cheng said gritting his teeth.

While Lu Yue was still outside, but not in view of his brother, " Lets play this cat and mouse game, Ge!!" He said smirking. He then walked downstairs and joined others to training. Lu Si Cheng stormed out of the base and sat on the swing. Tong Yao was already inside the base, having duos with Lao K. Lu Si Cheng was rubbing his hand on head, " What happened, Chessman?" A voice came from behind. Lu Si Cheng turned and saw Heirophant there. He sat next to Chessman.

Lu Si Cheng : I am forced to go on a blind date!!

Heirophant : It is a good thing. Afterall its around 2 years all that happened. You needs a life partner after all!!

Lu Si Cheng glared at him, " You are also of my age. Why don't you go for one? You also needs a life partner!!" He said.

Heirophant : I will!! But not now. I have to find someone for my sister. Plus, I need to beat you as well. You left korea before we proved who the best ADc is? So this time I came here!!

Lu Si Cheng : So confident to beat me!!

Heirophant : Yes!! I am.

Lu Si Cheng : Have you got someone for her?

Heirophant : Grandpa called this morning. He got a match for her. I am thinking to take her to meet that boy. Let's see...

Lu Si Cheng frowned hearing Heirophant, " A match for my girl!!  Oh god, will heirophant get her engaged to that boy? God please...don't do this to me. After so much difficulty I came to a conclusion to give myself a second chance. Please don't snatch her from me. I can't bear one more heart break!!" He said in his mind.

Heirophant : By the way, what was on live?

Lu Si Cheng : Didn't you saw it all? Your sister, she is really annoying. You and Ai Jia, along with those idiots inside is spoiling her too much. Do you know, the nick name she gave me?

Heirophant : T-rex!! I heard it!!

Lu Si Cheng : Why are you laughing? She is just a size of capsule, but her mouth!! Oh my god!! She is non-stop!!

Heirophant carefully observed his friend, he chuckled, " She is a bit naughty and talkative!! But once you get to know her, you will know, how soft and nice she is. She hides her pain behind her smile. She doesn't want anyone to be sad. In my lifetime, I never saw her getting angry on someone, other than that bastard!! And were annoying her too much as well!!"

Lu Si Cheng : I...I..

Heirophant : You were also childish just like her!! But trust me, it was a great show!! Can I tell you something?

Lu Si Cheng : What? If you are mocking me, then don't.

Heirophant : I saw a different chessman; not that cold and arrogant one!! Something changed in you!! I can see that!! Do you have anything to share with me?

Lu Si Cheng paled hearing him, " No..I don't!! If there is something, I..I will tell you. You know me."

Heirophant : Exactly!! I know you very well. Anyway, Lets arrange a skirmish. Just let us notified, when you are ready!!

Lu Si Cheng : Sure!! I will get going..

Heirophant : Okay!! All the best for your blind date, chessman. Do introduce me to her as well.

Lu Si Cheng : Heyyy!! I am going to reject her no matter what!

Heirophant chuckled and went inside his base. Chessman also went to his base. He saw his girl playing duos with his brother. His eyes softened seeing her happy. " How can I not love this girl? How can I go for a blind date, when a little girl stole my heart? Seeing her happy, my heart is beating faster. I am getting happy seeing her smile..." He thought looking at her. He then walked to his chair started his training.

Everything was fine, until Xiao Rui came running to Lu Si Cheng. " Cheng ge!! We got a skirmish invitation from TAT!!"

Lu Si Cheng : Not now!! Sometime later!!

Xiao Rui : But I accepted it!!

The situation changed. Lu Si Cheng turned, glaring at Xiao Rui, " Why didn't you ask me about this earlier?"

Xiao Rui : Its from headquarters. The management wants, Zhi Zhi to have the skirmish with TAT. We can't say no now!!

Lu Si Cheng : Don't come to me to clean the mess you made!!

Lu Si Cheng pushed his chair backwards and walked away. Xiao Rui followed him. " Kids, take a break!!" Ming God ordered. Everyone nodded and went to living room. Tong Yao took Da Bing and started playing with her.

Soon it was lunch time. Lu Si Cheng was missing from dining table. Nobody dared to ask where he was. Soon it was evening. The players were on another break. Tong Yao And Little Fatty were playing fruit ninja on her phone. " Ge, where is our tyrant?" She asked.

Little Fatty : Keep it low!! He and Rui Ge is on heated discussion...

Tong Yao : Then we should save our Rui Ge!! Who knows, he will eat our Rui Ge!! Come on....

Little Fatty laughed but the boys along with their only girl, slowly walked to balcony and hide to hear the conversation....

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