Chapter - 69

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Note : For the past two days, I have been a little busy!! Sorry to keep you waiting!! From tomorrow I will update regularly....


Tong Yao took Wang Xia inside the base tugging her hands. She was very happy upon knowing Xia and her brother's relationship. Even though she was a little sad at first, later she felt happy as her brother finally got someone who cares about him.
Lu Si Cheng and Lu Yue sat on the couch and Tong Yao along with Xia sat opposite to them. The boys were in the gaming area...

Lu Si Cheng : Xia!! Don't act...tell the exact reason why you are here?

Wang Xia : I came here to ask for your help to find my boyfriend!!

Lu Yue : You even got a boyfriend!! Who is that unlucky man? said help you find!! So where is he?

Wang Xia : Shut the fuck up Yue!! I came to ask for your help, Si Cheng. But after coming here I got him!! I got the cat out of bag!!

Lu Si Cheng looked towards the boys, " Why are you looking at us? We didn't even know, who she is?" Said Little Fatty.

Lao K : all were at YQCB right!! Jie you know anyone from them?

Wang Xia : Ofcourse K...I know someone from them!!

Lu Si Cheng mouthed Tong Yao, " Who is it?". " No need to ask your wife, he will be here soon!!" Said Wang Xia.

Suddenly Heirophant came in. " What are you doing here?" Asked Lu Si Cheng.

Lu Yue : Jie he?

Wang Xia : My missing boyfriend!! This bastard flew from korea without informing me!! So I came behind him to track him down and give a good beating. I didn't knew you two know each other. If I knew that, it was easy for me to track him out!!

Lu Si Cheng looked at Heirophant, " You didn't got anyone else beside this damn witch!!"

Heirophant chuckled. " Why are you laughing? You didn't got anyone else other than this spawn of devil to marry off your angel sister? You knew how he was!! Still you married her to him. Poor girl!! Yao jie jie is here, if ever this scoundrel, bastard yells at you or anything, just call me okay!! I will help you escape from this brat!! I will help you divorce this devil man!!" Said Wang Xia.

Lu Si Cheng : Wang Xia!!  Even you are older than me, don't think to cross that line. Who the hell are you to get us divorced!! Congratulations!! You yourself got a witch into your life Heirophant!! You should have told me earlier, I would have definitely helped you escape from her!! You still have time, just tell me. I will help you get rid of her.

Wang Xia : Just try!! That second itself, I will take your wife away from you!! You want to see...

Heirophant : Enough both of you!! Show some maturity!!

Wang Xia : Sorry Sorry...

The boys and Tong Yao giggled. " Stop Stop...Jie Jie...I am happy for you two. When are you returning back!!" Asked Lu Yue. The boys were also happy and congratulated the two.

Heirophant : She's not!! She is going to start working in one of the hospitals here. So basically from now on she will be here!!

Lu Si Cheng : Great!! Don't think to hangout with my wife. I won't allow that.

Wang Xia : Who needs your permission? Get lost you brat!!

Lu Yue : Where are you staying ?

Wang Xia : I got an apartment near the hospital itself!!

Heirophant : I will get going, I have a match tomorrow, with CK!! Zhi Zhi come with me!!

Tong Yao : Okay Ge...

Heirophant took Tong Yao with him. Once outside the base, " You are not angry with me for hiding this right?" He asked.

Tong Yao : I am not!! I am happy to know, you finally found your life partner. I like her.

Heirophant : I just need your approval my child...

Tong Yao : he angry with you?

Heirophant : Who? Chessman!! No...its just he reacts to everything like this. I know, he is happy with this!! I will get going. Take care and take medicine on time. I will call you!!

Tong Yao : Okay Ge...

Heirophant pressed a kiss on her forehead and walked to his base. Tong Yao sighed and walked inside the base. Wang Xia was watching everything with Lu Si Cheng from balcony, both of them smiled whole heartedly, " She is truly an angel!! Why didn't you meet her before, Si Cheng?" Asked Wang Xia.

Lu Si Cheng : I thought about it earlier as well. May be this is called fate, destiny, what ever it is called!! I gave a promise to her brothers, I will take care of their treasure. I will do it!! No matter what!!

Wang Xia : I heard she is not well!! What happened? Am I going to be an Aunt? I am a gyneacologist, don't forget that!!

Lu Si Cheng : No she is not pregnant!! She fell from stair. I went for a blind date, before we got married. No body knows, I am married now. The girl, Su Luo, used to call me asking for a chance to date each other. I rejected many times, but day before yesterday, after the match, when we were returning after shoe shopping; she pushed Yao Yao in attempt to break our entwined hands. She got discharged yesterday only. Luckily, she was not hurt. Just a concussion due to low BP!! She was on rest because of that!!

Wang Xia : What the hell!! Didn't you guys take any action against that bitch?

Lu Si Cheng : Your man, he cancelled their new deal with Su's. He even threatened to send their daughter to jail, if they didn't agree to cancel the deal. I think it caused a huge loss to Su's. By the way, when did you two started dating? You didn't told us!!

Wang Xia : Its been two years, you were...

Lu Si Cheng smiled, " I understand!! Forget the past...I am now happy with my little wife!! She has gone through alot!! I want to show her, how much adorable she is. I want to give her everything she deserves!!"

Wang Xia : I know, you will!! She is so cute. Nobody from our family had met her. Not even a single photo from your marriage!! Everybody was happy to know you finally got married at this age even after going through this much. I am sure they will love our Zhi Zhi. She is such a cute little kitten. Take care of her, else I promise, I will take her away from you!! Not even Junhe or Ai Jia can stop me. I am her elder sister-in-law, which is equivalent to mother.

Lu Si Cheng : I know!!

Wang Xia : For me, your wife is my daughter from the moment I heard about her from Junhe!!

Lu Si Cheng smiled, " He is a gem!! Take care of him as well. He is my best friend. The three siblings are of pure heart. Ai Jia is much similar to Yue, Jinyang is having hard time managing him. "

Wang Xia : I know!! I will get going. I have to arrange everything, then join the hospital tomorrow...alot of things!! Bye, bratty cousin!!

Lu Si Cheng : Okay!! Should I drop you?

Wang Xia : No...he will drop me!!

Lu Si Cheng : Okay...

Wang Xia talked with the boys as well and then went back to her apartment. Lu Si Cheng and Tong Yao went to their room. He locked the door. Suddenly, she hugged him. He smiled, " What happened?". She broke the hug and started circling on his uniform jacket, " You are not mad with Ge and Jie Jie, right?" She asked softly.

Lu Si Cheng : My little bunny...I am happy for them!! I am not mad. Isn't it good that my bestfriend and my sister is dating? Afterall I married my bestfriend's sister!! I am so happy.

Tong Yao : Really..

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, sweet heart!! Now give me your lovely smile..

Tong Yao smiled brightly at him. He pulled her to a tight hug.....

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