Chapter - 34

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Jinyang and Tong Yao reached the apartment. Both of them sat on the couch. Suddenly Jinyang noticed, Yao is gloomy!!

Jinyang : Yao Yao..are you not happy with this marriage?

Tong Yao : What should I say Jinyang? I don't know. But if you ask me, if I am happy, then it's a no!! Do you know why? Because my captain deserves a girl, so much better than me. I am girl, who was brutally raped and tortured by her own ex-boyfriend and his girlfriends. He, Lu Si Cheng deserves a noble girl, not a girl like me. Even though he knows the truth, he might be disgusted with me. I can sense his discomfort around me. I know he doesn't like me. I really don't know whether I can treat him well and accept him wholeheartedly. Did he agree for this marriage?

Jinyang : Yes he did!!

Tong Yao : May be from family pressure right.....I know, nobody can like me. He might be doing this for his family. He told me he had a girlfriend who cheated on him. I have sensed the pain in his eyes. I wished to god to send an angel to his life. Now look what happened....

Jinyang : Yao Yao...I know it is difficult for you. But trust me, maybe this is fate!! Destiny wants you two to be one. Try to cope up with the situation as well, mei mei.

Tong Yao : I will..but I don't know, how!! I don't know how marriage works. I don't know how to behave like a wife, how to treat the husband well. I am just 19 Jinyang. I don't know whether I am ready to take such a huge responsibility!! It will take time...

Jinyang : Take your own time, Yao!! I am sure you will slowly, slowly learn everything!! And about the physical relation...

Tong Yao : No!! I am not ready for that...I am afraid...No jinyang...No...I can't!! The horror of the past,  I want to forget comes into my mind!! I can't do that...No...

Jinyang : You can't deny that to him, mei mei. He is your husband, or soon-to-be husband!!

Tong Yao : Jinyang...But...I ..I am afraid!! I am really afraid....

Tears starts to drip from her eyes. Jinyang understood her pain, " Its alright!! Shhh...don't cry! I was just telling, he will be your husband soon, there are some things that makes your relationship strong. But take your own time. Talk to him, open your mind to him. He will understand that. Even though he is short tempered, he understand you. Don't cry mei mei!!!"

Tong Yao : I will try...

Jinyang hugged her, " Be strong mei mei. Be strong. We are all with you!!". Tong Yao nodded.

Jinyang : Mei Mei...I forgot, Mr and Mrs.Lu wants to meet you. Inorder to keep privacy, they will be here by evening.

Tong Yao : Mr and Mrs.Lu? His..his parents...

Jinyang : Yes!! They are really good and nice people. I and your brothers already met them. No need to be afraid. They adores you alot...

Tong Yao : Okay, I will be ready...!!

While on a villa far from the city:

A tall slender man is seen sitting on the chair sipping his drink. " Yang!! That day, I should have reached here earlier. If so, I could have also enjoyed her!!"

Jian Yang : Its god's grace that you were not here. Yao have seen your girlfriend and Juan. She can definitely identify these two girls. But still you can try to hit on her. Those bastards from ZGDX and YQCB other than Ai Jia doesn't know, how I have explioted his sister. We can blackmail her, using that. Do you think after knowing the truth, the boys will accept her? Nah!! They will be disgusted with her and disown her!!

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