Chapter - 75

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After having lunch, the team walked to their bus. Lu Si Cheng was walking with Tong Yao like, they have been plastered with each other. They were walking hand in hand. Little did they knew, Xu Tailun was watching both of them, with a smirk, " Well, Well!! The cold captain really fell for his mid. Don't worry, if he gets to know, how she was devoured by her ex-boyfriend, he himself will get rid of her. Who is willing to take a girl like Tong Yao as their life partner?" He said grinning his teeth.

The team boarded the bus and went back to their bus. It was dark and everyone except Tong Yao and Lu Si Cheng were sleeping. Lu Si Cheng peeked from back seat and saw everyone was sound sleep. Tong Yao was looking outside the window, suddenly she felt a strong warm hand on her thin waist. She turned and saw her husband moving close to her, " Did you miss me?" He asked huskily.

Tong Yao : Yes, I did!! I did miss my husband...

Lu Si Cheng : Did you sleep well yesterday?

Tong Yao looked at him carefully, " Why are you asking these Xan?"

Lu Si Cheng : Tell me...did you sleep well?

Tong Yao :!! It was difficult to sleep...

She said looking down. He turned her to him by lifting her by chin, " Same to you!! I couldn't sleep yesterday. My queen was not with me!!" . She smiled brightly at him. " Give me a kiss" He said.

Tong Yao : We are on the bus with our team. What if they saw us?

Lu Si Cheng : They are sleeping!! Come on..just one...they won't see us.

Tong Yao was nervous, but still she give in to his demand. She looked around and then kissed his lips. Sensing she is going to move back, his grip on her waist tightened and pulled her more to him, and deepened the kiss. Once he was satisfied, he broked it and kissed her forehead. " Are you ready for our honeymoon, baby?" He asked.

Tong Yao : Yes...I am!!

Lu Si Cheng : Don't think you will escape from me, this time!! I will claim every single inch of you, marking you as mine completely. Get ready for me, my dear wife!!

Blush creeped on her face, and she was like a mini beetroot. She covered her face with hands, since she felt shy to look at him. They were talking in low voice, that no body heard his dirty talk. He giggled seeing her blushing. " Cute!!" He exclaimed...

The bus stopped infront of the base and everyone went to their respective rooms. It was 4:30 pm. " Xan...which time is our flight?" She asked, after locking their room.

Lu Si Cheng : 6:30!!

Tong Yao : 6:30!! We should reach airport soon!!

Lu Si Cheng : Relax!! Flight won't takeoff until we are inside the plane. Trust me!!

Tong Yao : Oh!! But still we are running out of time!! I have to...

Suddenly he put his finger on her mouth, " I packed everything we need for our vacation sweetie!! I mean everything. You just have to take a bath and change to something warm and comfortable."

She smiled, and suddenly she stuck out her tongue and lightly licked his finger which was in her mouth. He was surprised by her sudden action. She smiled mischievously. She was about to turn to go to bathroom, but he pulled her back to him, " You know, how to push me to edge, right sweet heart? Who remoulded you like this?"

Tong Yao : You!!

Lu Si Cheng pulled her to a tight hug, " I love this change in you. Now take a bath and change your clothes!!"

Tong Yao : Okay...

She quickly went to bathroom taking her clothes and stood under the cold shower. She took a nice shower and came out wearing her airport clothes. She unwrapped her towel from hair and dried it well. Then she tied it to a half ponytail. By the time she was taking out her ipad, earbuds and her hand bag; Lu Si Cheng also came inside the room after changing. He was all black; black sweat pants and shirt.

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