Chapter - 71

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Jinyang then took Tong Yao to a salon with spa. Tong Yao told her on way itself that, they are going for a vacation and she needs a spa. But Jinyang decided to make her prepared by all means.

Jinyang : Excuse me miss!! We had an appointment under Chen Jinyang.

Receptionist : Yes, Chen Jinyang and Tong Yao!! Come on. Which all service do you want?

Jinyang : We want a spa, and waxing including bikini waxing for her!!

Receptionist : Okay...please come in!!

The girls followed the lady. " Jinyang is this needed!! What will he think..." Tong Yao asked.

Jinyang : Don't be insecure Yao!! He will love it!! After this, I will get you some slip wear and swim suits as well.

Tong Yao blushed, " I have some slip wear!! He...when we went out the other day, he asked me to buy it!!" She said shyly.

Jinyang : Oh my god!! He wants to see you in those!! I never expected there would be another face to the cold Chessman. Anyway we will buy some more!! He will go crazy for you...

Tong Yao hide her face with hands, " Don't tease me Jinyang..". Jinyang giggled...

Time Lapse...

The girls had completed the spa, hand and leg waxing and finally Yao had her bikini waxing. Tears rolled out from her eyes, since it was the first time she had it. After paying, Jinyang took her to a lingerie shop. She bought her some slip wear, and some swim suits. Tong Yao paid with card, Lu Si Cheng gave her and the girls went back to base happily. Tong Yao was utterly tired. Lu Si Cheng happily opened the door for his wife and saw her tired face, " What happened to my baby? Why do you look so tired? Come on!!" He hugged her and took her inside. It was noon and the boys were taking a nap after having lunch. They were practising thoroughly. They got inside their room. He made her sit on the bed and went to bring some water. He came, locked the door and sat beside her, making her drink the water.

Lu Si Cheng : What happened, dear? You look tired. Did you eat the lunch?

Tong Yao : Yes, we had!!

Lu Si Cheng : Then what happened?

Tong Yao : won't be angry right?

Lu Si Cheng : No, I won't be. I promise!!

Tong Yao : Jinyang got me an IUD!!

Lu Si Cheng looked at her, " You got what?"

Tong Yao : IUD!! If you don't like it..then I will...

Lu Si Cheng : I am okay with it!! It's a safer option than anything else. I must really thank Jinyang. She is such a good friend..

Tong Yao : And sister-in-law!! was Jie Jie who did the procedure. Jie Jie joined the Shenzhen city hospital, as gyneac!!

Lu Si Cheng : Really!! Thats great!! But that girl was going to start a private clinic as well! Maybe she will start it later....Anyways, I am happy!!

Tong Yao : And we...she took me to shopping as well.

Lu Si Cheng : Show me, what have you bought?

Tong Yao shyly gave him the packet. He opened it and looked at the clothes, she bought. " Remember to pack these along with some of the clothes, we bought that day. And those lace stuff!! Understand baby girl!!" He flicked her little nose.

Tong Yao nodded. " I want words, wifey" he said sharply.

Tong Yao : Okay, daddy!!

Lu Si Cheng pulled her more to him by gripping her waist, " What did you just called me? Daddy? Naughty girl..." He said and tried to kiss her, but she put her hands on his lips, " No!!" She said.

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