Chapter - 46

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It was the 1st of July. The draw ceremony!! The teams got ready and went to the arena. Tong Yao was seated beside her husband. He was trying to relax her, since he knows, how she feels when she comes face to face with her ex. When the bus reached the arena, the boys got down first leaving the captain and his wife.

Lu Si Cheng : Zhi Zhi...remember what I told you!! Be strong...

Tong Yao took a deep breath, " I will Xan.."

Lu Si Cheng : Remember who you are. You are Mrs.Lu Si Cheng. My wife should be a tigress not a scary kitten. Always remember, I loves you alot, I won't leave your side. The boys from ZGDX and YQCB both takes you are their own sister. I, Junhe and Ai Jia is very much happy on it. We are all here for you. Take a deep breath!!

She smiled and did as he said. " Good girl!! One more thing. Tomorrow I will take you to the therapist. No objection."

Tong Yao : Okay...but what will you tell the doctor about your identity?

Lu Si Cheng : Your boyfriend!!

Tong Yao : Okay...can we go now? They must be waiting for us...

Lu Si Cheng : Come on!!

Both of them got out of the bus and joined the rest of the team. When they got inside, YQCB was waiting for them. The teams greeted each other and went inside together. ZGDX sat on front row, and YQCB sat right behind them.

Tong Yao : Ai Ge...behave yourself!!

Ai Jia : Zhi too!! You don't love me as before. Ge and Cheng ge has taken enough class of me before coming here along with these idiots. I hoped, atleast you will support me. I am sad...

Little Fatty : Don't make that face!! Sit properly. We are just saying not to get excited overly. Ai Jia...turn right...

Ai Jia turned to his right and saw his elder brother staring at him coldly, " Ai Jia..."

Ai Jia : I accept my defeat!! I will behave....

Heirophant : Good!!

The others shook their head. Suddenly the team CK got inside the arena. Jian Yang saw Tong Yao right next to Lu Si Cheng. He frowned. The others from CK were well mannered and greeted the members from ZGDX. They all got seated. Jian Yang was last. " all bastards are still here!! I thought you might have withdrawn from the scene fearing me." He mocked at ZGDX.

Lao K : Mao Mao...some people thinks themselves to be a lion, when in reality they are just a donkey, which don't have capacity to think.

The boys from ZGDX and YQCB laughed. " Ge...this is Jian Yang!!" Ai Jia whispered to Heirophant. Heirophant burned in anger, clenching his fist!!

Jian Yang : Oh hello sweet heart!! How have you been? I thought you must have quitted ZGDX by now. I hope you don't miss me...look at your brother, he seems to kill me right here!!

Tong Yao : Get lost you bastard!!

Jian Yang : Ouch!! You are hurting me too much dear....

" Didn't you hear her!! Get lost before I lose my cool Jian Yang!!" Before he could finish talking with Tong Yao, a sharp and cold voice, came which made every team and audience froze. They all thought it was Lu Si Cheng, but this was a total surprise for everyone. Lu Si Cheng smirked evilish!!

Jian Yang : Heirophant!! Nice to meet you...but you have no right to interfere in our talk...

" Ge...please don't do anything. It will cause a ban on you!!" Ai Jia whishered. " I know!! But he should know, I am your and Zhi Zhi's brother. We expected this so I and chessman planned this before. Don't worry...just a reality check to him. He should know he messed with two powerful ADc's in the scene!!" Heirophant whispered back. Ai Jia felt proud of his brother and brother-in-law!! Heirophant slowly stood from his seat along with Ai Jia. They walked near Jian Yang creating space between Tong Yao and Jian Yang.

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