Chapter - 67

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When the IV finished, after completing the hospital formalities, heirophant and Ai Jia along with Jinyang and Lu parents took Yao back to the base. After they reached, Tong Yao was directed to her room by her brothers, " Yao call us okay!! And eat and drink well. I told you what all instructions the doctor gave right? We will pass it to the boys. Follow them!! Be a good girl. We will get going..." Said Ai Jia. He kissed her forehead, so was heirophant, and went out of the room. She decided to take a bath and change the clothes.

She took out her clothes and rushed to take a bath

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She took out her clothes and rushed to take a bath. Since the doctor suggested for two days rest Lu Yue was replacing her in tomorrow's match and she was okay with it. She took a cold shower and was feeling much calmer. She quickly changed and came out wrapping the towel on her hair. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Lu Si Cheng was in the room, placing a glass of orange juice on the side table. His back was facing her. She ran and hugged him from behind. He was surprised but immediately turned and pulled her more to his embrace. " I missed you, Zhi Zhi..." He said.

Tong Yao : It was just one day, Xan!!

Lu Si Cheng : Even though it was 1 day, I understood one thing, I can't stay apart from you. I don't want to....

Tong Yao : You like me that much?

Lu Si Cheng : have no idea, how much I love you. My little bunny!!

Tong Yao giggled, nuzzling on his chest. He felt so much relief in having his little bird close to him. He kissed the top of her head. " Baby...drink this orange juice.."He said.

Tong Yao : I don't want to...

Lu Si Cheng : Drink it baby. For me!! Come on..

Tong Yao nodded and finished the juice. " Finished!!" She exclaimed. He took the glass and put it on the side table. He then pulled her by the waist, more to him. " Why are you looking at me like this, GeGe?" She asked. Instead of replying, he bent down and captured her lips. It was a slow but passionate one. She grabbed a fist of his t-shirt tightly with one hand and her other hand was on his hair, running fingers through it. He was sucking her lips, like there is no tomorrow. He couldn't deepen it, because suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. They broke the kiss and looked towards the door. They looked at each other, he was frustrated but she gave him an assuring look. He sighed and went to open the door. It was his mother, " What is it mom?" He asked.

Mrs.Lu : Take your uniform and other stuff. Jinyang will be staying with Yao today. You guys have a match tomorrow. Yao cannot be left alone here, so Jinyang will stay here. We have talked about it. Shift to her old room, or with Yue and Fatty. Whatever your choice is we are fine, but you won't sleep here today!! Uncle Tong is also here. Come out and greet your in-laws!! Yao baby...come out dear, Grand Pa and Grand ma are here!!

Tong Yao who heard Mrs.Lu, smiled and went to her, " Mumma!!"

Mrs.Lu : GrandPa and Grandma are here dear. Come on..come with me. Should I give you special invitation you brat? Come out. Come Yao, let's go!!

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