Chapter - 77

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Tong Yao took a nice warm bath. She felt relaxed and calm after bathing. She came out of the tub and dried her body well and wrapped her hair with a towel. She then took the lavender flavoured body moisturizer and applied all over her body. She wrapped a towel around her and began to dry her hair. Once it was completely dried, she took her strapless lace bra and panties; and wore it. She then took the slip dress. She felt shy to wear it. " I hope he likes it..." She thought and wore it.

" Oh no!! This is too much exposing

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" Oh no!! This is too much exposing.." she said. She then parted her well dried and combed hair and used it to cover herself. Since her hair was thick and long, it helped her to cover a bit of exposure. She then took a deep breath, " Lu Yao, it's nobody else, your own husband. Just relax!! You can do it!!" She said to herself looking at the mirror and opened the washroom door. She stepped out after closing the door and was surprised to see the room.

She looked around, but her husband was not anywhere to be found

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She looked around, but her husband was not anywhere to be found. " Where is he?" She thought. Suddenly, she felt a warm calloused hand around her waist touching the exposed skin from behind. " Yao Yao..." He called brushing his lips on her ears. He noticed she used her hair to cover herself. He smirked and slowly brought the hair to back, then again hugged her tightly from behind and rested his face on the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. " Yao you like this arrangement?" He asked.

Tong Yao : Y..Yes...its...its beautiful!!

Lu Si Cheng : Not as beautiful as you my wife!!

In a swift move, he turned her to face him. He watched her from head to toe, " You look damn hot baby!!" He said after pulling her to him. " It's a bit...rev.revealing.." she said with a stammered voice.

Lu Si Cheng : But I like it baby. We didn't had our wedding night properly. But today, I won't...So...Mrs.Lu Yao, are you ready for me? Are you ready to make sweet moments with me?

Tong Yao looked straight to his eyes. She saw his love for her. She felt shy hearing him, but wanted give him, everything she has. " Yes. Yes I am Xan. Make me yours..." She said. Lu Si Cheng smirked at her teasingly...

Warning : This chapter contains adult content!! Ignore if you want...

Lu Si Cheng smashed his lips on to her. He started to kiss her passionately. She didn't think twice and kissed him back, with same passion. He started sucking her lower lip, like his whole life depends on her. He trapped her in the wall and continued kissing the hell out of her. He had no intention to leave her. Both of them were lost in their own world. " Open your mouth, baby girl!!" He said seductively in between the kiss and she gladly gave him access. He started exploring inside her mouth and sucked her tongue. She gave out a light moan in between the kisses. She became red like a tomato, since they were running out of breath. They broke the kiss, panting and looked at each other. He lifted her and as it was a sudden action, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

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