Chapter - 22

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The next day just like Xiao Rui mentioned, the day started with exercise schedule. Lao Mao who was a fitness freak, was the one to help them in exercise. The boys started with jogging. Since Tong Yap was not well, Xiao Rui asked her to rest for the day. She woke up and changed her clothes. She then came downstairs, but she didn't saw any of the boys there. She slowly walked outside and saw Ming god and Xiao Rui at the gate with a stop watch on their hands, " Ge!! What are you doing there? "
She asked loudly. Both of them turned and smiled seeing the little girl. Rashes were reduced but redness was still in her face and hands. Even though she wore a full sleeve sweat shirt and a joger pants, redness was visible on her exposed skin. She was tired as well. She walked near them.

Tong Yao : What is it, Ge?

Xiao Rui : The boys are jogging. It's their 4th lap. We are waiting for them. Just to keep them fit!! You guys are sitting in front of the computer for the whole day, you need exercise. So from today it is included in your schedule!!

Tong Yao : Oh that's great!! Then I should also join them...

Tong Yao was about to go out with the boys, but Ming God caught her by her hands, " No!! Not today. From tomorrow you can join them. Today you should rest Mei Mei!! You are tired." Said Xiao Rui.

Ming God : Zhi Zhi...why is your hand so hot? Rui...get that thermometer!! Fast...

Xiao Rui nodded and went to get the thermometer. He came back with it!! Ming god checked her temperature. " You are having a slight fever!!" He said.

Tong Yao : It may be due to allergic reaction. No need to worry about it!! It will be okay soon...

Xiao Rui : Zhi Zhi..go inside!! We will be back soon. Go and take rest!! No arguments...

Tong Yao : Okay!!

Tong Yao went inside the base and sat on the couch, scrolling through the phone. Suddenly she got a message from Jian Yang!!

Unknown : Yao Yao!! How are you? Are you okay?

Tong Yao : Who is this?

Unknown : Yao Yao!! It's me..Jian Yang!!

Tong Yao : What do you want?

Unknown : Just wanted to make sure that you are fine!! Your health is all okay right!!

Tong Yao : Whether my health is alright or not! It is not your concern!!

Unknown : Yes!! You are right!! How was the Mango sago pudding, dear?

Tong Yao was shocked to read the final message. " How did he know, I had that yesterday?" She thought.

Tong Yao : What are you saying? How does...

Unknown : My dear Yao Yao!! It was me who gave you that pudding. I saw you and Jinyang inside that Italian restaurant. So I picked a random girl, who was coming to that restaurant, and asked her to give you that pudding. And one more thing dear, it was not made of coconut milk. It was made of pure cow milk. If I am right you might have undergone some allergic reaction!! Am I correct?

Tong Yao : You bastard!! Why are you doing this? What do you want?

Unknown : Simple.... quit ZGDX and join Ck!!

Tong Yao : No, I won't!! Let me tell you something Jian Yang, I am not afraid of you!

Unknown : Oh!! Is it because of Lu Si Cheng?

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