Chapter - 32

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When it was dinner time, Lu Si Cheng ordered take out for him and his Zhi Zhi. Both of them, had their dinner together. For the first time after, she joined ZGDX, she felt comfortable with Lu Si Cheng. She understood one thing, there is a soft man inside this arrogant male.

Tong Yao : Captain I am a little sleepy. So...

Lu Si Cheng: Go and sleep. Boys will be here soon. Good night!!

Tong Yao : Okay..good night!!

Tong Yao smiled and went upstairs to her room. A little while later, the boys came back and saw their captain on the couch, resting his head backwards and eyes closed. Suddenly Lu Yue noticed a bandage on his brother's hand. " Ge....what have you done?" He yelled and ran to his brother. Lu Si Cheng opened his eyes.

Lu Si Cheng : Nothing!! Just a glass fell from my hand and broke. I was trying to clean it, and accidentally cut my hand. Nothing to worry about...

Xiao Rui : You should have been careful, Cheng ge!!

Lu Si Cheng nodded at him. " Who dressed the wound?" Asked K

Lu Si Cheng : Shorty up there!! She cleaned the kitchen as well.

Ming God : Did you two had dinner? We bought some food for you two!!

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, we had. We ordered takeout. She went to sleep. Fatty put that in the fridge, lets reheat that tomorrow!! You all must be tired, go and sleep. We have to restart the training tomorrow...

Xiao Rui : Except you!! You will take rest, with this hands of yours you can't play tomorrow. So listen to us, and take rest!!

Lu Si Cheng : Do I have an option?

Xiao Rui : No!!

Lu Si Cheng : Fine...I will get going...

Lu Si Cheng stood from the couch and walked to his room. " Both of them, fits well with each other!! Hope both of them find happiness in each other.." stated Xiao Rui..
They all sighed and walked to their own rooms.


Time flew faster....

The team was doing really very well. News of Tong Yao beated Tai in their skirmish was leaked to the fans. Someone from TAT itself accidentally spilled out the truth. Each and every chinese teams was surprised by this and one thing they came to conclusion, ZGDX has become invincible with smiling joining the team. Still nobody knew the fact that Tong Yao is heirophant's sister, which is going to be the next big surprise for the industry. Ai Jia and heirophant was proud of their sister.

It was 28th of May!! That day evening, Ming God recieved a mail regarding the visa. He smiled brightly. Their visa application is accepted and their visas are ready. He walked to the living room, and called out Xiao Rui. The others were on practise.

Ming God : Rui..come out for a second!!

Xiao Rui : Come on!!

Both of them walked outside the base, " Visas are ready!! I got the message." Ming God said.

Xiao Rui : Really, come on!! Lets go and meet Heirophant.

The boys went to YQCB base. It was Jinyang who opened the door. " Ming Ge, Rui Ge!! Come on in!! The boys are on skirmish with CK. Don't miss the show. Ge is slamming the hell out of Jian Yang!! Come on Come on!!" She said.

The two got inside and stood behind the boys watching the skirmish. Heirophant and Ai Jia was not giving a chance to Jian Yang. Both of them were slamming Jian Yang ruthlessly, whenever he showed himself on mid lane and bottom lane. As a result, YQCB won the match! 

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