Chapter - 51

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Jinyang took Tong Yao back to base. With the key, she opened the door and took Yao inside the base. Jinyang decided to stay until the boys come back. She made Tong Yao eat some porridge and took her to the room. " Rest for a while mei mei. I will go back once the boys are back!!" Jinyang said and Tong Yao nodded. Yao's mind was full on Lu Si Cheng, about how he will be. Slowly she fell asleep due to her tiredness!! Jinyang sat on the sofa in the living room.

After some time the boys returned. Jinyang heard a bus pulling its brake, and opened the door. " She just fell asleep. I was waiting for you people come back. Now I will get going.." She said.

Xiao Rui : Thank you Jinyang!! Did she had something?

Jinyang : Yes I made her eat the porridge. Hey do you feel now?

Lu Si Cheng : I am fine!!

Jinyang : Please do take medicines and listen to these boys, once in a lifetime. Who do you think yourself to be? A god, someone invincible or something...

Lu Yue : No...he thinks he can heal everything with some magic!! My brother is a magician you know!!

Lu Yue mocked his brother which earned a death glare from Lu Si Cheng. " Anyway..take care Mr.Magician!!" She said and went back to YQCB base.

Lu Si Cheng : I should be careful around this girl!!

Ming God : You should be!! Now go inside and get some rest!!

Lu Si Cheng : Fine Fine!!

Lu Si Cheng and the boys went inside the base. Lu Si Cheng went straight to his room. Hearing the door opening, Tong Yao opened her eyes and saw Lu Si Cheng locking the door. She sat up and switched the dim lights on. She then got out of the bed and hugged Lu Si Cheng. " I am fine!! What happened? Are you sad?" He asked while hugging her back. She just nodded with red eyes and her face deep buried in his chest.

Lu Si Cheng : Look at me dear!!

Tong Yao looked up at him. " Look at me. I am fine!! Sorry to worry you. Your brothers gave me an earful to me, including my own brother Lu Yue!!..." He said.

Tong Yao : I got scared seeing you lying unconscious!! You told me you won't leave me...what will I do if something happens to you!! I am scared!!

Lu Si Cheng cupped his face and looked closely at her face, " You have something to tell me?"

Tong Yao : You need to rest!! I will tell you later....

Lu Si Cheng : No...tell me!! What is it?

Tong Yao : Xan....I....I...

Lu Si Cheng : Tell me sweet heart...

" I....I love you Xan..." She said and closed her eyes tightly, and buried her face in his chest. Lu Si Cheng was numb. It took him time to register what she just said. " Why are you not saying anything?" She asked him, gaining strength to look at him.

Lu Si Cheng : Zhi Zhi....say that...what did you just said?

Tong Yao : I love you Lu Si Cheng....

His eyes become bright like the beaming sun, " Have you...have you thought about it seriously? You are not joking right!!" He asked with water-filled eyes...

Tong Yao : I am not!! I really like you...I want to be your girl, I want to love my husband and care him like he does to me. I want to make you happy everyday. I don't know anything about your ex-girlfriend, but I know she broke your heart. But I want to make you happy again...I don't ever lie to you, I won't let you break again. I promise you, I won't ever leave you...I really love you....

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