Chapter - 76

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After 1.5 hours of the flight they reached Sanya. Tong Yao greeted the air hostess and walked outside the plane. After getting their luggage, they walked out of the airport. A black audi was waiting outside the airport. The driver waved at Lu Si Cheng. He helped Lu Si Cheng in putting the luggage inside the car, and both got inside the car. " How are you uncle Zhou?" Lu Si Cheng asked once they started driving.

Uncle Zhou : Doing fine, master Lu!! It was a shock and pleasant to know that, you got married.

Lu Si Cheng : I forgot to introduce you to my wife. Uncle Zhou, meet my wife, Lu Yao. Yao Yao...this is uncle Zhao, he is more than a driver. He is our loyal member, and is serving for the past 25 years.

Tong Yao : Nice to meet you Uncle Zhou!!

Uncle Zhou : Nice to meet you too, Yao!! How old are you, child?

Lu Si Cheng : She is 19!! I know what you are thinking. She is short in height but she is over 18!!

Tong Yao : I am not short, you are giant!!

She pouted. He chuckled and stretched her cheeks and shook her face. Uncle Zhou was irritated with Lu Si Cheng's closeness with his wife. He made a frowned face and Lu Si Cheng saw it clearly. Uncle Zhou wondered how they got this close with each other. Soon they reached his private beach villa. Lu Si Cheng entwined his hands with Tong Yao and pulled her out from the car. The servants were happily waiting for the newly wedded couples. They all were happy to see their master's little wife.

Maid : Welcome Master Lu and...

Lu Si Cheng : Mrs.Lu Yao. Call her Mrs.Lu!!

The maid smiled, " Yes, Mrs. Lu Yao. We are happy to see you finally. You are so cute. Come in. We were all waiting for you two!!". Tong Yao bowed to the maid.

Maid : What are you doing Maam? No..its not right for you to bow infront of us.

Tong Yao : Why? You all are elder than me. And please don't call me maam. You can call me, Yao Yao. I am comfortable with that.

The maids and others looked at Lu Si Cheng who was smiling looking his little wife. Tong Yao turned to Lu Si Cheng, " They can, right?" She asked.

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, they can!!

The maids were amused to see Lu Si Cheng smiling, because he usually maintains an expressionless face with a dark aura. The maids nodded and took Yao with them inside the villa. The head maid turned to Lu Si Cheng, " Master Lu...where did you find her?"

Lu Si Cheng : Why? Why are you asking this question?

Head maid : She is like a soft and delicate flower. You like her alot right, young master.

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, I do!! She is my precious asset.

Head maid : I can see that. Be careful, alot of people are there, who wants to be called as your wife, your Mrs.Lu. I know, you can sense everything and might have sensed it long before itself. They will definitely try to create problem in your married life. Those people who we thinks loyal, might have hidden intentions.

Lu Si Cheng smirked, " Aunt think I will let their hidden agenda win. I asked mom to send to here because I know you are our well wisher. I am sure you will make my wife feel comfortable here and take care of her as well. Even Mom, Yue also knows everything."

Head maid : I will. By the way, everything is arranged as you asked for. And dinner is also ready.

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, sure.

He walked inside the house, and saw Tong Yao already on dining table waiting for him. He smiled and joined her on the table. The maid served the dinner, " Did you all had dinner?" She asked the maid who was serving them.

Maid : We will have them later, Miss.

Tong Yao : I will serve him. Its around 9:30 pm. You all go and have you dinner.

Head Maid : Yao Yao...we will have after two of you are finished..

Tong Yao : No...its an order. Please go and have your dinner aunty.

Lu Si Cheng signalled them to do as she wants. The maids nodded happily and went to have their dinner. Here, Tong Yao turned to her husband and both of them started eating the food. Once they finished, a maid cleared everything from the table. Tong Yao walked outside the villa and stood there with closed eyes, enjoying the cool breeze. The villa had an amazing view of the beach. Suddenly she felt a hand around her waist. She smiled and opened her eyes. " What are you thinking wifey?" Asked Lu Si Cheng.

Tong Yao : Nothing, just looking around. I wonder how beautiful will be the sunrise and sunset to watch. Can I go swimming tomorrow?

Lu Si Cheng : You can do whatever you wants. Its your house, your property. No body will stop you!! Lets do surfing as well.

Tong Yao : Okay!!

Suddenly he took a black piece of cloth and wrapped it around her eyes," Hey...I can't see anything!!"

Lu Si Cheng : Don't try to open it!! Come with me.

Tong Yao : Where are you taking me?

Lu Si Cheng : You will know it soon, baby doll!!

Lu Si Cheng then bent down and carried her in bridal style to their bedroom. He opened the door and took her straight to the washroom and put her down. " Wait here, I will be back!! And don't remove the cloth from your eyes!!" He said and walked outside the washroom. She felt suspicious but agreed to what he said. He locked his bedroom door and opened the wardrobe. The maids have already unpacked their luggage and put everything inside the wardrobe. He smiled and look out a thin piece of dress for Tong Yao along with some underwears. He then rushed to washroom and pulled her by waist, " Yao a bath, I have arranged everything that needs for your bath. Your favourite lavender body lotion is also arranged here. Come out wearing the clothes, I took for you. You can open the eyes, after I leave the washroom. I am waiting for you, my little wife!!" He said in his husky voice, she felt herself blushing hearing him. She nodded shyly. He then walked out closing the washroom door. She untied the cloth around her eyes and locked the bathroom door.

She then turned around, and was shocked to see the arrangements he made for her bath. Tea candles were lighted and bath tub was filled with rose flowers. Bath bombs, and shower gel was also arranged on side of the tub. She then turned to see the clothes he asked her to wear. Seeing the dress, she felt shy and a blush creeped on her face. It was thin lace slip wear with net fabric. She took it and smiled shyly. She then put it back and decided to take a bath......

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