Chapter - 37

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It was dinner time, the boys got together in the private dining hall, that had been booked by grandpa tong for the boys to ensure their privacy. After having dinner, the boys went back to their rooms. There was a knock on Lu Si Cheng's room. It was little Fatty who opened the door.

Little Fatty : Ai Jia, what happened?

Ai Jia : Grandpa wants to meet Cheng ge!! Is he already asleep?

Little Fatty : No!! He is not!! We were actually discussing a small bachelor's party!!

Ai Jia : Oh really!! That is great...

Little Fatty : I will call him...

Little Fatty called him out and soon, Ai Jia and Lu Si Cheng went to meet Grandpa Tong. They went inside the room. Lu Si Cheng was surprised to see, Jinyang along with Tong Yao there. He felt happy to finally see his soon-to-be wife there.

Grandpa Tong : Have your seat son!! It's our first time meeting each other. But I have heard a lot from my grandsons.

Ai Jia : Grandpa, why did you call Zhi Zhi here as well? The bride and groom cannot see each other, it is a bad omen!!

Grandma : We know that Ai Jia. But we discussed it with Xiao Lu's parents and your parents. They all agreed for this. We wanted to talk with the children. Ai Jia, Junhe, Jinyang...

Heirophant : We understood Grandma!! We will leave.

Heirophant dragged the other two out of the room. " Yao Yao...come and sit beside Si Cheng!! Come on." Said grandma. She nodded and sat beside Lu Si Cheng. But she was not looking at him, instead her eyes was on floor. Lu Si Cheng's gaze was on his girl, she was biting her lips, due to nervousness!!

Grandpa : Yao Yao, Si Cheng, we wanted to give you something!!

Lu Si Cheng : What is it grandpa?

Grandpa and Grandma took a frame of Tong Yao's parents...

Grandma : We know everything happened so fast. You two didn't have proper talk as well, but we wants you two to live happily. We want you to love each other, support each other forever, just like your parents Yao!! Your parents, Tong Fei and Shen Yi, both of them were so in love with each other. Shen Yi was just 21 when she got married to my son. She didn't knew anything about how marriage works, but still she slowly started learning everything. She become our favourite. Both my daughters adored her a lot. When we learned she was pregnant, all of us, including our daughters and son-in-laws were over the moon. At age of 22 she gave birth to you, our only grand daughter, who looks exactly like her mother, soft and calm. But that accident took both of my children leaving there little 3 year old daughter to us!! You meant alot for us my child. You are stepping to a new life with Si Cheng. Therefore we want to give this to you, so that you can understand that, your parents are with you Yao. You are not alone. They are showering blessings up from the heaven, to both of you!!

Grandpa : It might be harder for you, Yao Yao, but just give a chance to this new life.

Tears were dripping from her eyes, " I...I will Grandpa!! I will try.." She stood up and walked to the balcony in the room. Seeing her crying like this, Lu Si Cheng felt sad.
" Grandpa, Grandma...I promise you that I will always take care of her. I agreed for this marriage wholeheartedly, because I really like your grand daughter. I know everything....I won't let her suffer anymore. She is in safe hands." He assured her grandparents.

Grandma : Thank you son!! Welcome to the family, grandson-in-law...

Grandpa : Do you want to talk with her?

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, I want to. Can I?

Grandpa : Ofcourse you can!! You should talk before marriage.Go ahead...

Lu Si Cheng smiled and walked to the balcony. Grandpa Tong, closed the balcony door to give them privacy. Lu Si Cheng walked behind Tong Yao and saw her looking at the dark sky. Tears were still dripping from her eyes. He slowly got near her and wiped her tears. She startled when a calloused hand suddenly touched her face.

Lu Si Cheng : From today, from this moments, these tears shouldn't fell from your eyes. I don't want to see these tears, but I want you to always smile brightly...

Tong Yao looked at him and them lowered her gaze back to floor, " Look at me, Zhi Zhi..." He said softly, " Why are you turning away your gaze from me, Yao Yao? Am I that bad? Are you really that afraid of me?" He asked. She lifted her eyes, and looked directly into his eyes.

Tong Yao : I...I am afraid when you get..angry!! You are not bad, but really a good person but...

Lu Si Cheng cupped her cheeks, " But what little one? You can tell me whatever is in your mind!!"

Tong Yao : Why did you agreed for this marriage captain? You are a good man, you deserves someone better than me. I...I am a girl, who couldn't protect herself from her ex-boyfriend. I, a tormented girl with dark past....I know you might be disgusted with me..You hates me. You agreed because of your family, right captain. Nobody will accept me knowing my past. I know that....

Lu Si Cheng : This is the last time, you are saying this. Do you understand that? I agreed because I have my own reasons. Whatever happened, it was not your mistake Zhi Zhi. You can't feel weak infront of Jian Yang. You have to be strong!! I am with you. I won't leave your side. Its not because of sympathy on you...but ....I...I like you Yao Yao...I really like you...

Tong Yao was shocked by his confession, " You like me, but why? How can you like someone like me, just an ordinary girl?" She asked.

Lu Si Cheng : Who said you are ordinary, Yao Yao?

He slowly took one of her hand and put it on his chest, " You made this broken heart beat again, my little one. You made me smile again. I was afraid to tell your brothers that I fell in love with their little sister, but heirophant read my mind. Not just him, Ming God, he found about it first and then my brother. It was a total surprise for me, when my team mates said that I am getting married soon. Then heirophant disclosed you are my bride. I was over the moon!! I know you will be shocked learning this, I won't force you to love me back. I can wait, no matter how much time it takes. But remember one thing, I won't leave your side. I will always be with you!! And I won't fool you or cheat on you!!"

She was crying silently hearing him. She hugged him without any warning, " Captain!! Please give me sometime, I don't know what to say to you. But please give me sometime." She broke from the hug.

Lu Si Cheng : Take your own time. Like I said, I won't force myself on you. I can wait!!

Tong Yao : Captain, I wanted to tell you something as well. You won't get angry right?

Lu Si Cheng : No!! I won't. Now tell me. You can share everything with me. I want to be your bestfriend..

Tong Yao : You won't get annoyed from my chattering...

Lu Si Cheng : No, I won't!!

Tong Yao : I don't know, how to tell you this....

Lu Si Cheng understood, what she wants to tell him, " When I said, I won't force myself on you, I meant in all means, Yao Yao...First lets be good friends, get to know each other, then we can take our relationship to next stage. What do you say?"

Tong Yao smiled brightly at him, " Thank you...I know I can't deny all those things to you, as you are my husband, but, those dark memories comes to mind, that I want to forget..."

Lu Si Cheng : I can understand that little one. You suffered alot, not anymore. Let me  help you to get out of the darkness. You filled light on my dark life, now let me do it to you...

Tong Yao nodded at him and smiled brightly. Lu Si Cheng kissed her on forehead, and hugged her from side. Both of them, stood there looking at the darkness, " Zhi Zhi...always remember, captain loves you alot. You are not alone!!" He said to her. She nodded at him, as he pulled her more close to him, as if he was assuring her, she is in safe hands!!

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