Chapter - 53

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" Enough of your lies and drama, Chan Juan. I don't love you, I hate you...You are the biggest mistake of my life..." Yelled Lu Si Cheng. " I know why you are here. I know everything. Not just me...the people in this room, we all knows about your dirty deeds!! So just just your fucking mouth!!" He growled.

Chan Juan : Lu Si Cheng!!

Lu Si Cheng : Shut up!!

Chan Juan : What relation does you two hold that you believed everything she told?

Mrs.Lu : Oh my...oh my...Chan Juan, stop this drama!! We all knows everything. You and Jian Yang were having illict relation behind my son's back. You got pregnant from him. He asked you to abort the child, but you said you have sinster plan!!

" And that sinster plan was to use that child, to fool my brother-in-law!! What a shame...we all got to know about this!!" It was Ai Jia.

Chan Juan : Brother-in-law?

Lu Yue pulled Tong Yao and placed her near his brother. Lu Si Cheng hugged her tightly from side, " Yes!! Let me introduce this girl beside me...Chan Juan meet my one and only wife, Mrs.Lu Yao. And trust me she didn't told me anything about you, she just told us, that when she got raped by that bastard, there was a girl who was pregnant. How we found it is you....lets don't talk about it!!"

Chan Juan : Wife? So...are you two married? You are joking right!! How can u marry a girl like this? How can you marry a girl who was abused by her boyfriend?

Lu Si Cheng : Was it her mistake that she got abused? Let me ask you, where did she gone wrong? Look at this girl, she was just 17 when he did all those things to this little one!! And were also a girl right...why didn't you stopped him? Why? Do you have any answer to this? This two boys, Ai Jia and Junhe, they are her brothers. Ai Jia was Yang's bestfriend from childhood, he got the biggest shock of his life, when he learned Yang abused his sister.

Jinyang : If you think we will let you and your companions live peacefully, then you are wrong!! You are absolutely wrong.Cheng ge is not lying...they are married. It's been 1 month since they got married. He loves her... Do you actally know who she is?

Chan Jaun : No...

Mrs.Lu : The real daughter of MH conglomerate Chan Juan. The one you pretended to be!!

" What?" The boys said in union. " Aunty...what are you saying?" Asked little fatty.

Heirophant : Yes, Aunty Lu is right!! When we first met, Lu Si Cheng was non-stop about his girlfriend. He said to me that she is the daughter of MH conglomerate. I was shocked but didn't said anything to him at that time.  Lu Si Cheng at that time didn't knew that, I also belong to MH. Later I got a call from Lu Yue asking about his brother's girlfriend, as he had doubt on this girl from beginning. I told Lu Yue everything. I told him Chan Juan is pretending to be the daughter of MH, and showed him the picture of real daughter of MH, our sister. So, literally Yue knew Yao from beginning itself!!

Tong Yao : Yue Ge...knew me?

Lu Yue : Yes...I knew you. The little girl whose photo I saw two years back is now ,y brother's wife. My sister-in-law!?

Chan Juan was pale. Tong Yao turned to Chan Juan.

Tong Yao : So let me ask you this. After all these years, why are you here? Why are you here to meet Si Cheng? Or you came here to meet me and give me some kind of shock.

Chan Juan : I ...I...

Jinyang slapped her tight, followed by Tong Yao. " Open your mouth!! Why are you here?" Jinyang asked.

Chan Juan : Yang...Yang sent me here!! He told me come face to face with you, break your confidence and also he had doubt that, you and Si Cheng may get into a relationship. So we wanted to break you guys apart. We thought Si Cheng and the boys will feel disgusted if he knows what happened to you and will kick you out of ZGDX.

Ming God : Good thought!! We are not narrow minded like you guys thinks. We knew this before she agreed to join us. Aunty Lu, what should we do with her? We can't leave her like this.

Ai Jia : Lets move her to some secret place!! Isolating from everyone. We still have two more people to be found. After that we can present them before the law. Ge...what do you say?

Heirophant : For the first time, my idiot brother said something correct!!

Lian Sheng : I have a place!! We can move her there!!

Chan Juan : What are you guys going to do with me?

Lu Yue : Don't worry...we are not scoundrels like Jian Yang!!

Mrs.Lu : Lian Sheng come with me son. Tell me the details!! We will move this bitch now itself!!

Lian Sheng nodded and went with Mrs.Lu . Lian Sheng gave the full details of the place!! It was actually a place owned by his dad. There will be a lot of security so that this girl can't escape from the place. Mrs.Lu talked with his dad, he lended full support. They joined back to boys...

Mrs.Lu : Okay boys...lets move this girl. Jinyang, dear you come with us. Si Cheng stay here with Yao. Chan Juan, we had enough of you. Now its time for the punishment. You will stay under our survillence in a dark place, with securities around you. You won't be able to escape the place nor contact anyone!! When all your companions are caught, we will move you all infront of law. Boys..come on!!

Tong Yao : Mumma...wait!! I need to talk with this girl in alone.

Mrs.Lu nodded and Tong Yao pulled Chan Juan to her room. " This is my and Xan's room." She said to Juan.

Chan Juan : Xan?

Tong Yao : Yes...I call him by that name. He likes it as well. You did a big mistake by hurting my man. I love him alot. I won't let you hurt him anymore. I might forgive you...hear me loudly, might..I might forgive you for what you did with me. But not what you did to my husband. I will make him happy, I will make him the happiest man as before. Even your shadow shouldn't reach him. Else I will finish you!! When it comes you my husband, I won't keep my silence...remember that!! Like mumma said, you will have to bear the punishment under law. Be ready to face that as wel l.

Chan Juan remained silent. " Come on...lets go!!" Tong Yao took her back to living room. Just as Mrs.Lu said, Jinyang and the boys took Juan; and drive off to Lian Sheng's dad's place. Ming and Rui, along with Lian Shen, Ai Jia and heirophant went with them. The remaining boys were at the base. He was waiting there....


Tong Yao was in the room, she sat in the courtyard with her face on her knees and was crying. Lu Si Cheng came to the room and saw her sitting in courtyard and crying. He locked the door and went near her.

Lu Si Cheng : Zhi Zhi...

She lifted her face and looked at him. " Xan.....!!" She said. She immediately cupped his face, " Why didn't you tell me.." she said.

Lu Si Cheng : I was afraid in first place. I didn't know how to tell this. But trust me, I didn't meant to hide this.

Tong Yao : I know. I believe you. She hurted you so much right!! I promise you....I promise you I will nevert cheat on you. I will never hurt you or leave you for some one else. I want to see you happy. Nothing else....

Lu Si Cheng kissed her forehead with tears in his eyes. Both of them were crying. "Zhi Zhi...I don't know what to say to you dear. But I can only promise you that you can find me in every step of your life. I won't leave you. God sent you as my healing angel, now I will take care this little angel. No matter what...

Both of them hugged each other. They found solace in each other. " Enough for today!! No more tears. Lets sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. We will start fresh from tomorrow!!" He said, wiping off her tears. She nodded, smiling at him. He carried her to the bed and carefully placed her on it. He then turned the lights off and climbed on bed as well. " Be little wife. I am always with you..." He said. She for his surprise, moved  towards his side and hugged him placing her head on his chest," Xan...I love you!! I will always love you until my last breath.." She said and closed her eyes......

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