Chapter - 23

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Lu Si Cheng was on the balcony rubbing his head. " Tyrannosaurus Rex!! Am I that scary? Let her come out!!" He said...Suddenly he heard the door bell. He waited for someone to open it, but nobody was there in the living room. So he sighed and went to open the door. It was Jinyang.

Jinyang : Good morning, Cheng ge!!

Lu Si Cheng : Good morning!!

Jinyang : I am here to meet my Yao!! Can I come in?

Lu Si Cheng : Oh yes!! That short ass is in her room!!

Jinyang : Hey!! Watch your mouth Captain. She might be small and short, but is really hot for her age!!

Lu Si Cheng felt himself getting red due to Jinyang mentioning Tong Yao in a different way. Jinyang noticed it and smirked. She started walking to Tong Yao's room, but she suddenly turned to Lu Si Cheng, " Mr.Lu Si Cheng, if you have something in your mind, first make it clear with your best friend, Lee Junheoyk. After all he is none other than Tong Yao's brother!!"

Lu Si Cheng : Wh..what are you s..saying? What to tell him?

Jinyang : You knows it well!!

Jinyang then walked upstairs. Lu Si Cheng stood there slightly smiling at what Jinyang said. He then sat on the couch, scrolling through the phone. Jinyang knocked on Tong Yao's door. She opened it!! Tong Yao smiled,seeing Jinyang.

Tong Yao : Jinyang!! You are here...Come on!! Come inside...

Jinyang : Yao Yao...let's sit in the living room for some time, after that lets come back to the room!!

Tong Yao : Oh...okay!!

Tong Yao and Jinyang walked downstairs. When they reached the living room...Tong Yao got nervous seeing Lu Si Cheng. Lu Si Cheng lifted his eyes from phone and saw Tong Yao with jinyang. " Have a nice talk with your friend, after that we will have a talk..don't think that you will escape from me...Now go!!" He told coldly.

Jinyang confused hearing Lu Si Cheng, Tong Yao pulled Jinyang outside the base and sat on the swing.

Jinyang : What was that about? Let me guess, is he going to confess his love to you?

Tong Yao : Jinyang!! It's just 3 weeks that I am here. You are making your own stories. It's just that...I gave him a nick name, Tyrannosaurus Rex. He heard it!! I, Yue Ge and Pang Ge were hiding from him. That is what you heard just now. He can't like a girl like me!!

Jinyang : Fine Fine!! But you really called him like that...

Tong Yao : Yes!!

Jinyang started laughing loudly. " Stop laughing!!" Tong Yao said.

Jinyang : Okay Okay!! So tell me, why you wanted to see me this early?

Tong Yao : Yes Yes!! Wait...

Tong Yao showed Jinyang the messages Jian Yang sent to her. After reading the message, Jinyang froze.

Jinyang : Bastard!! He really has guts!!

Tong Yao : Jinyang...why is he forcing me to quit ZGDX? I strongly doubt something is there that nobody knows.

Jinyang : I second it, like if it is because of rivalry, why did he intentionally try to hurt you? No, there is something, which he is afraid of.

Tong Yao : Yes!! He is just demanding only one thing. Quit ZGDX and join CK. Asking to get back to him is secondary.

Jinyang immediately took a screenshot of the message and took a copy of it. " Don't worry, we will get to know his intentions!! You just focus on your career and Cheng ge!!" She said.

Tong Yao : Cheng ge!! What to focus on him!! Shut up Jinyang!! Are you not going to meet my brother?

Jinyang : They are not there. Since Junhe Ge is new to Shenzhen, the boys went out to show him the city. They will be back by evening!!

Tong Yao : That is great!!

Suddenly she felt dizzy. " Jinyang, let's go to my room. I am feeling dizzy. I want to lay down!!". Jinyang immediately took her inside the base and then to the room. She helped Tong Yao into the bed, and tucked her well after giving some water.

Jinyang : Yao Yao...I will get going. Do call me okay!!

Tong Yao : Okay Jinyang!!

Jinyang nodded, took her bag and closed the door. She then went downstairs. The boys were on the breakfast table. " You going back!!" It was Lao K.

Jinyang : Yes!! Oh...I forgot something..

Little Fatty : What is it?

Jinyang walked to the boys, " Mm...boys..can I ask you something?"

Ming God : Yes, you can!!

Jinyang : Do you guys and Jian Yang have any kind of rivalry apart from being opposite teams, I mean does any one of you or the whole team, has something to do with him, other than Yao?

Xiao Rui : No!! We know Jian Yang, only after he joined CK as the jungler. Till then none of us knew him. What is the matter?

Jinyang took her phone and gave it to Xiao Rui. Xiao Rui was shocked to see the messages. " What do you think,Rui Ge?" She asked.

Xiao Rui : What the fuck!!! He has so much guts that he confessed his crime openly.

Hearing Xiao Rui, the boys gathered around him, and the captain took the phone in his hand, " He only has one demand, quit ZGDX!! Like he is afraid of something. Like he is afraid of someone!! Yao getting back to him is secondary and he is not pushing it." She said.

Lao Mao : Maybe it is Yao's case. He may be afraid of the truth to come out, since that may cause his failure in the esports industry!!

Lu Yue : No!! If that is the case, he will use the powers to convince Zhi Zhi to get back to him, not to hurt her!! This is something different. Jinyang, can you show us the video evidence you have?

Jinyang : Lu Yue!! I won't. I told that yesterday itself, I will show that only to a trustworthy female!!

Lu Yue : So, if I give you someone like that, will you promise to show that to her?

Jinyang : Yes, I will!!

Lu Yue : Okay!! Give me your number, once everything is set. I will inform you!! Keep this screenshot safe as well.

Jinyang : Deal!!  I will get going.

The boys nodded and Jinyang left the ZGDX base.

Little Fatty : Who is that trustworthy female you were implying to?

Lu Yue : Our mother!! Who else?

Lao K : Yue...will Mrs.Lu agree for that?

Lu Yue : She will! This more complicated than I thought. I strongle believe, this is something that connect Zhi Zhi and us!! Something we don't know yet. Jian Yang fears us!! Else he won't compel Zhi Zhi to quit ZGDX. Lets see, what his next move is!! After that, I will arrange mom and Jinyang's meeting!!

Lu Yue then walked to the gaming area. All this while Lu Si Cheng was silent. It was at that moment, the boys realised Lu Yue is a different version of his own brother, both are dangerous!!

The boys started their training for the upcoming summer championship. Days went off!! It has been 1 month since Tong Yao joined ZGDX. They did had, many skirmishes with different teams and they maintained a constant winning rate. ZGDX was becoming undefeatable. Lu Yue was always there to support Tong Yao. Finally everyone agreed to one thing, ' Tong Yao is their missing piece of puzzle!! '

It was a bright sunny monday!! The team was having a meeting in the conference room. They were learning about a new strategy, 4 protect 1. Tong Yao was seated in between Lu Si Cheng and Little Fatty. Ming god was taking class about the strategy. Everyone was taking notes, except the great captain. Even though he looked like listening to Ming god, it was clear that, his gaze was on the little girl near him. He thought nobody saw him looking at his girl, ( even though he is not saying it loud, in his mind, she is his little girl.) but Lu Yue was seeing all this. He felt happy seeing his brother smiling looking at Yao.....

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