Chapter - 72

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" Yao Yao...Yao your eyes!! Yao Yao..." Lu Si Cheng called her.

Xiao Rui : Let's take her to hospital!!

Lu Yue : No!! Not to hospital. We are going back to base. I will call Xia there!! Ge...take her. The media will be out there. Rui Ge, Ming Ge...

Lao K : We will handle them!! Cheng ge take her!!

Lu Si Cheng took her and they moved to their bus through back stage. On the way, Lu Yue informed Wang Xia about Yao being fainted and asked her to get to the base as fast as possible. She agreed to it. Soon the bus stopped infront of ZGDX base and Xia with Jinyang was waiting outside the base. Lu Si Cheng took her inside as Rui opened the door. He carefully put her on bed, " Boys...Let me check her. Wait outside." Xia said and they all went outside.

Lu Si Cheng : were with her right!! What the fuck happened?

Lu Yue : I will tell everything!! But I need to confirm it with her. Let her gain consciousness!!

Suddenly Xia came out, " She is fine!! Just fainted due to shock. She is okay now!!"

Lu Yue : Can I talk with her?

Wang Xia : Ofcourse you can!! Yue...what..

Lu Yue : Jie Jie...come with me!!

Lu Yue with Wang Xia went inside the room, and locked the door.

Lu Yue : Zhi do you feel now?

Tong Yao : I am okay Ge!!

Lu Yue : It's okay!! Relax okay...Zhi Zhi...That you know her?

A sudden fear came back to her, she nodded. " Is she the one?" He continued.

Tong Yao : Yes, Ge!! She is...

Jinyang : Lu Yue...which girl are you talking about?

Lu Yue : Zhi Zhi...take rest okay!! You both come with me!! I will send Ge shortly. Take a nap little one!!

Wang Xia : What the hell Yue...

Lu Yue : Will you please come with us? Let her take rest!!

Lu Yue took the girls with him outside to the living room, " Ge...its Ning Jiaqi!! She is the second girl from that day!!"

Lao K : So she got uncomfortable due to Ning Jiaqi!!

Lu Yue : Yes!!

Jinyang : Do you have any photo of that girl? I can also confirm that!!

Ming God : Here!! We recorded the event!!

Jinyang took the phone. Xia and Jinyang looked at the video, Jinyang identified the host, " Bloody Bitch!! Its her!! So her name is Ning Jiaqi..."

Wang Xia : Are you sure Jinyang?

Jinyang : I am cent percent sure Jie Jie!! Its her!! She was the one to slap and dig her long nails into Yao Yao's hands.

Lu Si Cheng : Yue there is more right!! Something happened in the back stage, which only you knows!! What is it?

Lu Yue : Don't lose your temper hearing me!! But a masked man tried to touch her inappropriately!! He is the one we are looking for. The fourth person of the gang....

Wang Xia : What the hell are you telling Yue...some one tried touch my child!! And where were you all? Si Cheng!! What the fuck was you doing at that time!! I told you to take care of her else you will face my warth!! When I learnt that her ex, that motherfucker abused her, my blood was boiling, now some other son of bitch again tried to do the same with her, when her husband and rest of the team, whi is her brothers as well was around!! How dare he!!

Lu Yue : Calm down!! Let me complete...Jinyang..

Jinyang : Jie Jie...please..calm down!!

Lu Yue : Ning Jiaqi plotted it well. She intentionally kept us busy. Do you know who it was?

Lu Si Cheng : You know him?

Lu Yue : He was wearing a mask, but I identified him, from his eyes itself. Its Xu Tailun!! X-N is none other that that scoundrel, Xu Tailun!! Ning Jianqi is his girlfriend!! I heard everything he told Yao. They didn't know I recorded everything. He clearly stated what his intention was. She was moving on from her past, but after hearing Xu Tailun, she got afraid. Ge...she needs you..please..

Lu Si Cheng : I want that motherfucker and that bitch at any cost!! He tried to touch my wife...I will break those hands, who dared to touch her!! And then Jian Yang!!

Lao Mao : Leave it to us!! K...lets kidnapp that bitch!! She was showing off a lot on stage right!!

Lao K : you say...Cheng ge...where should we bring her?

Lu Si Cheng smirked, " Where do you think?"

Lao K : Ahh...I understand!!

" And Xu Tailun? How will we catch him and Jian Yang?" Asked Fatty.

Ming God : Xu Tailun and Jian Yang...we will do it from arena itself. First lets get the girl!!

Jinyang : you want any help in kidnapping that bitch? I will lend you my support!!

Lao K : Sure!! Just give us two days, Cheng ge!!

Wang Xia : You boys are scary!! Lu Si Cheng I am taking Yao with me today!!

Lu Si Cheng: And why is that? We have a match tomorrow!!

Wang Xia : I will drop her at the arena tomorrow!! I know how she will be feeling now!!

Lu Si Cheng :

Xiao Rui : Let her!! Xia, please drop her at the arena tomorrow sharp at 10:30 am itself. The match will begin at 11:30 am. No minutes late!!

Wang Xia : Okay...I won't!! Si Cheng...if you want to talk to her, go now!! Else you will see and talk to her straight at the arena only!!

Lu Si Cheng glared at her and walked to his room!! " Ming it necessary she should play tomorrow? Can Lu Yue do it for one more time?" Asked Jinyang.

Ming God : She is in a fragile state now!! I think...Yue..can you do it?

Lu Yue : Yes...I can!! Everyone now knows that she is not well!! If anyone asks, we can go with the flow!!

Xiao Rui : Okay then it's fixed!!

Wang Xia : Then I will bring her back to base by evening!! Is it okay?

Xiao Rui : Yes fine!!

Meanwhile inside the room...

Lu Si Cheng locked the door. Tong Yao was sitting on bed with her face on her knees. Hearing the door locking, she lifted her eyes and saw Lu Si Cheng, tears were flowing from her eyes. He sat beside her and pulled into his embrace, " I am sorry, Zhi Zhi..." He said.

Tong Yao : Xan...why are they still....What was my fault? Why do they haunt me?

Lu Si Cheng : Not your fault, Zhi Zhi!! I promise, I will fix everything. I will break those hands which touched you, I will scoop out those eyes which looked at you with lust and moreover I will destroy them completely that they can't make a comeback and will be left only with regret!! Nothing else...

Tong Yao : you....feel disgusted with me, Xan?

Lu Si Cheng broke the hug and looked at her, " Never!! I can't do it Yao!! You are my lifeline...I can't be disgusted with you..."

Tong Yao : Then make me yours forever!! Only you have the right to touch me...then do it...

Lu Si Cheng : I will! I will make you mine forever in all means...

Suddenly they heard a knock, " Its Xia...she is taking you with her!! She is taking you against my wish, do call me at night!! Okay..and as I said earlier, tomorrow evening, we are flying to Sanya!!" He said wiping her tears...

Tong Yao : I didn't pack for our trip...

Lu Si Cheng : I will do it!! I will meet you at arena tomorrow morning!!

Tong Yao : Okay...

She pressed a kiss on his forehead, " I will be waiting for you, Lu Si Cheng!!"....

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