Chapter - 55

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When the bus pulled in front of the base, the boys got down. Lu Si Cheng didn't wanted to wake her up, so signalled fatty to carry their bags. He slowly lifted Tong Yao and carried her to their room. Fatty helped him open the door, and Lu Si Cheng carefully placed her on the bed. " Cheng she alright?" Fatty asked.

Lu Si Cheng : Yes she is. I made a mistake.

Little Fatty : What!! Don't tell me you got her pregnant with in one month of marriage. Couldn't you be more careful Lu Si Cheng? She is just 19. She is still a child...Idiot..

Lu Si Cheng : Will you give me a chance to explain? She is not pregnant!! We didn't...forget about that!!

Little Fatty was taken back due to his straight forwardness, " Sorry Sorry. Then what is it?"

Lu Si Cheng : I accidentally pushed her this morning, when she came to wake me up. I thought it was my idiot brother. I was not in my sense!

Little Fatty : By the way, when did you come back to this room?

Lu Si Cheng : Early morning, around 4 or 5. Her elbow got hit on this side table. She played with the sprained elbow, she was hurt!! She was hiding the pain...

Little Fatty : You...Take care of her!! Telling anything to you is just a waste. She might have thought that you must be still angry with her for trying to wake you. Poor girl, afraid of being scolded by you, she hide her pain. I will get the ice pack and bandages for her. Stay here!!

For the first time fatty scolded Lu Si Cheng and went out of the room. Soon he gave the bandage and ice pack to Lu Si Cheng and went back to his room. Lu Si Cheng locked the door and changed to his black  shorts and t-shirt. He then sat next to Tong Yao caressing her head. Suddenly she woke up. She opened her eyes and tried to sit up. Her elbow was giving her a hard time. Still with help of Lu Si Cheng she sat up!!

Tong Yao : Xan...why didn't you wake me up?

Lu Si Cheng : I didn't want to dear!! I knew you were tired.

She slightly smiled at him. " I will go and change!!". She got out of bed and opened the wardrobe with right hand because her left hand was in pain. " Zhi Zhi...I will help you!! Your left hand is in pain right? Are you able to change with only your right hand? No, right. Tell me which one do you want to take?" Lu Si Cheng told while walking towards her. She was struck for a second. She was embaressed.

Tong Yao : Xan..I...I wanted to bath as well...I ..I can manage it...

Lu Si Cheng looked at her, " Who am I?" He asked. " Tell me Zhi Zhi...who am I?"

Tong Yao : My husband..

She looked at the floor, biting her lips. He forcefully pulled her lips out of the teeth and made her look up at him, " Then allow me!!" He said. She felt shy. He then helped him in removing the uniform jacket. She took a pyjama set..

 She took a pyjama set

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