Chapter Three

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"I'll drink till it's empty! Stay out till it's dead!" You sang loudly, raising your pint in the air as you sat on the bar, and most sang along, the dark liquid in their glasses sloshing as they swayed them, the bartender grinning before cranking up the volume, "I'll wake up in midday and marry my bed! I'll kiss all the women – get punched in the head! You could offer the world, baby, but I'll take this instead!!"

"And if you ask me round!" They continued as you slid off, somewhat gracefully, and downed your drink in record time, earning some cheers, before getting another.

You spun around with your refill clutched in your good hand and a raven-haired woman was smirking at you when you did, mere inches of distance between you both now as she placed a hand on your waist, leaning in to whisper loudly so you could hear her over the noise.

"Want to get out of here?"

You had flirted with her earlier and she seemed into it, but then she was swept away by her friend, and you guys have just been eyeing each other across the way now and then for most of the night, so this wasn't random.

And you found yourself nodding, probably too many times, but you were too out of it to notice, and she took your hand, taking you from the bar that you first entered with a group of people a few hours ago. They had gone home or to another – you weren't sure, and you had insisted on staying since you had been flirting with the bartender for half the night only to find out she was straight but enjoying the attention.

"Everybody's got somebody...I just wanna be alone!"

"Shh, baby, don't be so loud." She scolded and you itched the side of your head.

"This is..." You slurred heavily as she turned into the alley, pressing you against the nearest wall, "Not very..."

You were slurring your words and trying to get them out as she kissed you fiercely, with purpose, but when she reached under your skirt to skim her cold fingers up your thigh, you knew you didn't want this anymore.

"No – thank you, but no."

"What's wrong?" She asked as she kissed down your neck, fumbling with your bra since the dress was low enough in the back, and you tried to push her back, but it took a hard shove from your casted hand to finally get her attention, "What the fuck! You hurt me."

"Sorry." You mumbled, frowning, and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Thought it was better than fucking in a filthy bathroom," She read your mind and you scowled at her, sobering up a bit at the next part, "And by how you were acting, I didn't think you'd care...or notice."

"Just go away." You spat out, feeling put off, and then she fixed her top a bit with a shrug before leaving you there.

You hadn't even noticed it had started snowing.

You could still hear the muffled shouting, the music blasting with something you didn't recognize, and you considered going back inside. You had just pushed away from the wall, smoothing out your dress, when you spotted a family across the street. It was two people, each holding their kid's hands as they swung in between – it looked like a freaking movie, and you found yourself tearing up with a shaky smile.

You fished your phone out of your ridiculously tiny handbag which, while being drunk and having blurred vision from wet eyes was no easy task, before scanning your contacts for the right one. It rang a few times before someone picked up and you felt bad for calling this late, but you needed them right now.

"Honey?" Their voice was cracked from sleep, and you squeezed your eyes shut, hunched over where you stood as the pain clouded your chest, "Darling, what's wrong?"

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