Chapter Eight

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You paced the door outside of her room, since Tony told you where it was, a few times before you finally braced yourself to go inside.

"Natalia?" You called in a whisper, not wanting to wake her up if she was actually sleeping, but you paired it with a soft knock as you opened the door slowly, mumbling to yourself, "If this is the wrong room, I'm going to shoot myself right in my gorgeous face."

You heard her laugh and then a lamp clicked on next to the bed, illuminating the otherwise dark room, and you smiled when you saw her sitting up against the headboard. She scooted up a bit further, so you knew she had been laying down before you came in and you felt guilty for waking her up.

"I can go, we don't have to-"

"No, it's fine," She was quick to waved it off, patting the other side of the bed, "Want to watch TV or something? I usually just chill by myself after missions, but I'd love your company."

"I've only known you two weeks and you're already inviting me to bed?" You put a hand to your chest like you were offended, but you shut the door behind you and went to the other side, shrugging to yourself before you got on top of the bed, getting comfortable since you toed your shoes off near the door already, "Cheeky, but I dig it."

"Wouldn't want your girlfriend, Hannah, to be jealous," She teased, and you scowled at her, "Or was it, Krissy?"

"You remembered longer than I did, apparently." You mumbled without thinking and she laughed loudly, shaking her head.

"Sleep with a lot of women then, do you?"

"A healthy amount."

"Makes sense." She nodded with pursed lips and you side glanced her.

"Yeah? And why's that?"

"You're beautiful and fun, anyone would be happy to have you, even just for the night."

You opened your mouth to respond with something inappropriate, but then decided against it, and kind of just sat with her words for a bit. On one hand, she thought you were beautiful, but on the didn't know. You saw the compliment, you weren't blind, but it held something heavier, and you weren't sure what to make of it.

"I figure it's the same for you, then, yeah?" You asked quietly, not sure why you even did.

"No," She shook her head, not down about it, just speaking honestly, "I tried to date someone about a year ago, but with all this," She gestured around, meaning Avenger bidniss, "It just wasn't worth it. She was nice, but I didn't see a future and maybe she was like you, just looking for some fun."

"Yeah, maybe." You frowned and the two of you gradually laid further down the bed, not bothering with a movie, just talking about the mission until she said something that had you jerking your head to the side to face her.

"What?" She laughed, "It happens."

"You got shot?" You threw your arms up, "Oh, yes, of course that happens to me every day! I walk down the block and-"

"Hey, come on, I said it was a graze."

You scrambled to sit up on your knees and gestured to her arm, figuring it was there.


"Well what?" She smirked, finding you amusing before you gestured frantically like you couldn't get the words out, "Oh, you want to see the damage?"

"Yes, please, and is it bandaged?"

"Yeah," She smiled, scooting up to sit again as she went to pull down her sweats since she had changed after getting back, "It's not that-"

"Oh, it''s on your th – leg." You fumbled out, blushing, and you missed her smirking again before she pulled them down enough so you could see it.

There was a wide white bandage wrapped around her upper thigh and you could see the hints of where the blood dried underneath. You found yourself reaching out to trace the edge of the bandage, you were already so close, so it wasn't that strange, and your eyes never left it just like her eyes never left yours.

"I told you," She was whispering now, "It's not a big deal. It happens."

"Does it hurt?" You huffed, really wanting to know if the person who did this is lying dead somewhere and if they're not, then you wanted to know where to find them.

Just to talk.

"Not really."

"Who wrapped it?" You asked just as quietly, not meaning to sound like you were jealous or anything but seeing the assassin this intimately kind of felt wrong for anyone else to do.

But you'd never say that out loud because it was all sorts of inappropriate for you to think.

"I did it myself."

You smiled to yourself before your eyes flicked up to hers, seeing them narrow on your expression, and you felt like she could read you so easily. You were worried about it, but then she smiled shyly, and your lips curled up at the side just by her doing so.


She gave you a look before you both started laughing and you didn't even realize your hand was still on her leg ever so slightly, but once you did, you pulled it back.

"Oops, sorry."

"Things are getting a bit intense," She teased, dancing her fingertips from your knee up to the top of your thigh while she hummed, "Dun, dun, dunna dun," Making you laugh loudly before she pulled away, "I'm the one who pulled my trousers down, let's not forget who started this."

"Believe me, I never will."

She shook her head with a chuckle, putting her trousers on properly again, and you laid back next to her, smiling when she put an arm around you.

"Have a good day with Tony?"

"Yeah, he said I could – oh, fuck," You cringed, "I forgot about the tacos!"

You moved to get up and she frowned, watching you until you stood there with an apologetic look on your face.


"Alex is making dinner and I said I'd be back," You checked your phone, "It's almost six, I should really get over there before they set my dog on fire again."

"Your d – what?" She let out a light laugh, confused, and then you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Do you want to come with me?"

She raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised by the invitation, but found herself nodding, and you shrugged to yourself before gesturing for her to follow you.

"Does your leg hurt to walk on it though?" You asked when the two of you reached the hall and she smirked.

"Might be a little slower than normal for a few days, but the meds Bruce gives us makes it manageable."

"Is Bruce gay?" You blurted with your eyebrows scrunched.

"," She laughed, and you shrugged, clearly disappointed, so she leaned towards you to add lower, "But I very much am."

"Is that a come on? You confirming your rainbowness to the council?" You teased and she chuckled.

"And what makes you the council?"

"My great ass, of course."

"Oh, of course." She smirked and you held your chin high in pride, making her laugh again as the two of you headed out.

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