Chapter Seven

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"Where's my favorite whore?"

"By the door!" You called back, smiling to yourself because you loved a good rhyme, and that's when Alex came jogging down the steps.

"You're all smiley – must be off to see the girlfriend, then."

"No," You dragged out the vowel, giving them a face, "I'm meeting Tony."

"At the tower," They spoke slowly, teasing you, and you rolled your eyes, getting your coat on, "Where your new girlfriend lives."


"Not really."

"Oh! Gimme the painting, he's wiring you the money later for it, but I'll bring it with me, so he doesn't have to send someone," You grinned, and they pursed their lips, eyes going from you to the wall by the door, so you followed, taking the canvas carefully after you spotted it, "What?" You sighed when you saw the cringe they had on their face, "Tell me you didn't spill something on this one too."

"He sent the money already and it's too much. He's just trying to charm and buy my love, so I'll convince you to stick with him for whatever. It's not going to work; I'm sending it back."

"Don't send it back," You put your hand on their phone when they took it out, stopping them, "Just let him do this and stick to your guns, it's a win-win, yeah?"

"It's evil, but I like it." They agreed after a moment of thinking it over.

"Knew you would," You smirked and then waved to them as you left, "See you later!"

"Make it back tonight for dinner – I'm going to attempt to make chicken tacos!"

"I'll pick up a new fire extinguisher and a take away pizza then!" You teased and they shoved you out the door, going as far as to lock it when it clicked shut, making you laugh.

By the time you got to the tower, it was almost ten, and you smiled at the security guard who let you through before heading up to the floor that held Tony's lab.

"Hello!" You cheered, rounding the corner, and then stopped short when it seemed empty, "Uh, hello? Anyone home?"

There was a clanking noise before someone painfully muttered, 'ow' and you winced as you rounded the massive table to see Tony laying on the floor.

"I liked your old rug better." You smirked and he glared at you.

"Aren't you going to offer me some help up?"

You leaned the painting up against the table's side as he spoke, shrugging to yourself before responding to him.

"Nope, I like you better horizontal."

"Miss L/n, is that a flirtation?" He faked a gasp, putting a hand to his chest, "I'm a gentleman."

"Since, uh, when?™"

"Good point." He nodded and you smiled, shaking your head as he got up, groaning in pain a little with the effort.

"So, I'm here," You lifted your arms out at your sides and let them fall again, raising your eyebrows with a slightly nervous smile, "Do you need a blood sample? Brain scan perhaps? Should I piss in a cup? I'm your lab rat, after all, show me the cheese, big daddy!"

He lifted a finger, opening his mouth to respond, but then deciding against it.

"I actually didn't mind the nickname."

"It's never happening again, so mourn and move on, pal."

"Fine. So," He jogged around the room, collecting some things that you couldn't name, and then ended up in front of you again with an excited grin on his face not a minute later, "Would you rather us do it in here or someplace more comfortable?"

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