Chapter Thirty-One

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"Oh," You raised your eyebrows, trying to act surprised when you were really bored, "Wow."

To set the scene like a distinguished lady, it's been a few hours. You have a dining table off the kitchen, and it has eight chairs total, perfect for fancy dinner parties or rounds of drunk Cluedo if you had more friends. Right now, it has Happy and Tony on one side while Natasha and Yelena stood around, the blonde eating your Doritos, and Alex sitting at the head of the table looking grumpy as fuck with Porky on their lap.

And you've just been invited to live at the tower full time and essentially be trained to go on missions as a certified avenger, along with being an uncertified freak in the sheets. Okay, that last part was added by you, but in a distinguished manner, of course.

"You can think about it." Happy offered and Alex scoffed quietly.

"What's there to think about?" Tony huffed defensively, "Fury's off world, SHIELD's dismantled – I mean, we still have agents, but otherwise, it's a self-run machine, and by self-run, it's really just Apple Pie and me running the show."

"It'd be safer." Natasha shrugged when you spared her a glance and she sounded cautiously hopeful, like she wanted this a lot, but wanted you to want it just as much.

"They have good snacks and a shooting range, but it's quite dull otherwise." Yelena told you around her mouthful and Alex scoffed louder, rolling their eyes.

"You guys suck, she's mine!" Alex suddenly shouted at them when Tony mumbled room arrangements with Happy, so everyone stopped short and turned to them slowly before an argument broke out.

It started with Alex saying they've known you for way longer and you know how to take care of each other, but somehow got to the point that Yelena splits her time between Ohio, out of country, and now here because Natasha refuses to give up on the avengers to really make use of her skills.

"I think I'm gonna take a trip to Brazil, it's one of my favorite places." You mumbled to yourself, getting up, and then leaving the room – you seemed to just abruptly leave a lot now.

You jogged up the steps and went to your room, pulling your bag out from under your bed. Then you opened it before turning towards your massive walk-in closet to gather some clothes. You Googled the weather this time of year in the country to pack accordingly and by the time you came back into your room, Natasha was standing in the middle, eyeing your opened suitcase before her eyes went to you.

"Is this a solo trip?"

"You're okay with me going?" You asked back skeptically, slowly approaching your bed with the clothes.

"I don't run your life, sweetheart," She shrugged with her hands in her pockets, smiling at you after, "I just hope to be in it for a lot longer."

"Deep," You teased, and she rounded the bed to put her arms around you, your noses almost touching, "Very profound, Miss Romanova."

"What're you doing, baby?" She asked in a whisper, her lips a breath away from yours, and you closed your eyes, resting your forehead against hers.

"I don't know." You spoke so quietly, even this close you weren't sure she heard you, but she did because of course she did.

"And that's okay," She promised with an assuring smile, kissing your cheek and pulling back to look into your eyes, but never loosening her hold, "Because we'll just do whatever for as long as we want."

"We can't just fuck all though, can we?" You asked on a laugh and she smile, watching you with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "I mean, you've got missions and responsibilities and I've got...Porky."

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