Chapter Five

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You just barely thanked Natasha for the help home, and she watched from the cab as you stumbled down past the little gate to go in the door under your stoop. She probably figured that this was your apartment and didn't own the upper floors, but you were too out of it to think much of this and when you finally got inside the pitch black room, you let out a deep breath.

There was one lamp in the entire place, you had disconnected the overhead light switch when you first started using this place, and you quickly stripped before grabbing the fluffy robe that you kept nearby. It smelt like your soap and the scent always relaxed you, it's why you haven't switched brands in over five years.

Then you went to the bedroom and crawled under the many covers, bunching them around until you were caved in a nest type of situation, surrounded by familiar scents and textures that always brought you down to earth.

You had just laid back when you opened your eyes again, jumping when you could make out a dark figure in the doorway.

"Relax! It's just me!" She told you hurriedly, putting her hands out to relax you, and you felt startled and exposed all at once – not the best feeling.

"I'm not really wearing much!" You pulled the robe tighter around yourself as your heart calmed down, and she kept her distance, "What the hell are you doing in here? I have a gun! This do be America, Nat!"

"I'm sorry! I just couldn't leave you here without anyone and you left the door unlocked – not the safest move."

"Cool. Thanks," You couldn't meet her eyes, not just because it was basically dark as night, but because you felt uneasy, "You can leave now."

"I thought you said you had a housemate," She crossed her arms, and you furrowed your eyebrows, wondering why she sounded put off, "And where are all the lights in this place?"

"Not that it's any of your business," You snapped back, unsure why you guys were suddenly arguing a bit, but going with it, "But my mate is upstairs, and I don't want lights in this place. Again, you're welcome to leave now, thanks for the help home."

"I'm offering to keep you company," She said it bluntly like it was super obvious before she huffed, "Are you always this stubborn?"

"Yes. Now, leave."
"Fine," She didn't move from the bedroom doorway, "But lock the door after I do."


She turned slowly and you moved back to get more comfortable, which she apparently noticed because she was looking to you again.

"You're getting up to follow me to the door, right?"

"Oh, fuck off," You spat, laughing quietly at how ridiculous this was, "I said I'll lock it, but I also said I'm half naked, so I'll let you go first."

"Yeah, I saw your clothes on the floor by the front door," She nodded once and you pressed your lips into a flat line, raising your eyebrows incredulously, "Thought maybe you had someone here, but you moved way too fast for that."

"And yet, even with that possibility," Your voice was high and teasing, "You still came in without so much as a knock. Very creepy of you, Natalia."

You clamped your mouth shut at the name, wondering why they told you not to use it, and figuring she'd snap at you for it or at least give you the reason, but she either didn't notice you said it or didn't care.

"I was concerned." She insisted.

"Oh, is that what this still is?" And yeah, maybe you were still on edge from that girl at the bar, needing to hear 'no' more than a few times before finally leaving, but you weren't far off with wanting someone you just met to leave the apartment you didn't invite them into, "You're worried about me? Screw off, you have no reason to care or be here right now, please just...leave."

The last word came out a bit strangled and desperate, but you figured she wouldn't notice that either. You had been wrong.

"Okay, I'm going," You still couldn't see all of her, but your eyes had adjusted to the dark, so it was more than when she scared you shitless earlier, "Can I just ask you one question?"

Here it comes.

Why did you freak out today? And not just once, but twice? Who does that? What's wrong with you that Tony keeps insisting that you're 'different'? Are you even human? How're you so fucking sexy and still single?

You know, the usual.

"Sure." You sighed in defeat, bracing yourself for the inevitable.

"Do you really have a gun?"

You snorted a laugh, truly not expecting that question, and even in the dark, you could tell she was smiling as you doubled forward, holding your ankles lightly as you kept laughing before you calmed down, shaking your head before you spoke.

"No, I um," You laughed lightly again, "No, I don't."

"Yeah, I didn't think so," She smirked, holding onto the doorknob now, "I'm going, as promised, but I'm going to write my number down and you call me if you need anything, alright?"

"Okay." Your voice was cracked, showing your surprise, and her voice softened, but she was still firm with her next words.

"Anything. Even if you just have another head spinner, okay? Promise me, yeah?"

You hadn't really recognized her accent before, but with the concern lacing her voice now, you could tell she must've lived in Russia when she was younger or something.

"'Head spinner'?" You scrunched your eyebrows, smiling with amusement, "You're calling my freak out episode thing a head spinner?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"I like it," You shrugged, thinking out loud, "Makes it seem not so bad."

"Good," She nodded again, "Okay, so call me or text me if you need anything, even if it's just Or if you need some company," She cleared her throat, uncomfortable with what she just offered and you narrowed your eyes with a teasing grin, but kept quiet before she mumbled, "Yeah, okay, night."

"Good night, Natalia." You smirked and she shook her head before closing the door gently.

It was only about four or five in the afternoon, but you knew you'd be texting Alex to let them know you wouldn't be back until the morning. You'd make up some excuse and say you'll probably just crash with a friend if it gets too late, but you didn't really feel guilty about keeping your hardships from your friend right now.

Because two 'head spinners' in one day, especially so soon after helping Tony, always drained your energy completely and you needed to close off your senses for about twelve hours before you were ready to face the world again.

You slept for a while, but that brought a nightmare about your brother, and by the time it was two in the morning, you decided to head back up to the apartment, needing some Porky cuddles.

You picked up the note off the counter, smiling as you read over the digits and small note saying that she would answer your call day or night, whenever you needed her. She had scribbled that part out, thinking you wouldn't be able to read it – she really tried because it wasn't easy to make out – and simply signed it 'Nat' after the number. You pocketed it before changing into your clothes from earlier and heading up and out.

You were also pretty hungry, so you made some mac and cheese, laughing at the television as you watched some late-night TV with the since cooled pot in your lap, eating from the big wooden spoon. Porky joined you as soon as he smelt cheese and he was snoring quite loudly, snuggled into your side under the throw blanket.

So, yeah, it sucked that you had to suffer through these sensory episodes, but you tried not to let it stop you from living your life the best you could.

Porky poked his chubby face out of the blanket, his eyes flicking from your face to the spoon, his drool pooling at the corner of his mouth, and you chuckled before giving him a few cheesy noodles, your phone going off next to you on the couch with a new message. You scooped it up, smiling to yourself when you saw her name and not caring that your dog was sneaking a few more bites as you did. You had sent her a quick text after you put it in your phone, so she'd have your number too, but you didn't expect her to message you back so quickly.

Glad you're feeling better. See you soon. xx

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