Chapter Thirty-Four

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"This isn't your bedroom."

The two of you were dressed in workout clothes – she was wearing a sports bra, tank top, and bike shorts, all black and white, while you wore something she lent you that you could move in. And you were facing each other on the sparring mat connected to the gym. She raised her fists, a smirk donning her lips, and her hair was up in a ponytail with a few small braids. You were just processing that she probably wanted to do this earlier because your hair was in the style you wore whenever you knew you'd be working out or getting sweaty.

"Put that together all by yourself, baby?" She teased playfully, hopping around on her side of the mat a little to get ready, and never letting her eyes off you.

"I'd rather put," You pointed to yourself, the tip of your finger to your chest as you mouthed 'me' and then you pointed to her, mouthing 'and you', "Together instead, Talia."

"After," She promised, gesturing for you to raise your fists too, and you rolled your eyes with a quiet groan before you did it lazily, "But right now, I want to see if you can fight."

"I don't wanna fight you."

"You mean you don't want me to kick your ass."

"Oh, so it's like that, is it?"

"Yeah," She smile, narrowing her eyes challengingly, "It's like that."

"Screw it," You moved closer, "Gimme all you got."

She circled you almost like she was assessing angles, walking closer subtly as she did, and when you went for the high kick, she grabbed your ankle, but that only gave you the leverage to pull back, spinning in the air a little with the jump off. You landed and she was thrown off by the move, shocked you could pull it off, so you took advantage and swept the leg.

She didn't miss a beat, jumping back to her feet, and she seemed impressed before throwing a punch, making quick moves after that. You blocked them as they came, but she got a few in, stopping before she hit you too hard, and you threw your own, both of you quick on your feet for each attack, taking full advantage of the entire mat. You stumbled near the edge, and she offered you a hand out for balance, but you just swatted it away with a playful grin, the two of you breathing heavily now.

"Where'd you learn all that?" She asked breathlessly.

"Lewis took defense classes when he was being bullied, so he taught me what he learned." You shrugged and she nodded understandingly.

"Had enough?" She gritted out after a moment, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.

"Nope." You lied, throwing another hit that she raised an arm to block, tilting her head on the almost successful attack, her eyes trained on yours, and you raised your eyebrows with a tight-lipped smile before she swung it around, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you into a hard kiss.

You immediately deepened it, backing her up on the mat as you tumbled forward blindly, and you were both smiling and panting into it. The little clothes you were both wearing were suddenly way too much and too constricting. You needed her naked as soon as possible.

She tripped on her feet, taking you with her for the fall, and you both chuckled before kissing again, but then she flipped you in a calculated move.

"Don't fight me on this, sweetheart." She warned with a bite to your bottom lip to cement her words and you moaned softly, getting a smug smirk from your assassin.

She knew the lay out of the gym and the connecting rooms, knowing right where the cameras were and where they didn't cover, so when she rolled you both to make it so she was on top, she was also placing you guys in a blind spot. You didn't know this, but you couldn't care less as she slid the hand that wasn't cupping your waist down your side to the waistband on your bottoms.

"You're okay with this?" She asked before nipping at your jaw, distracting herself from doing what she was itching to until you gave your consent, but when you nodded, she whispered hotly into your ear, sending a shiver down your back, "Words, baby, or I'll stop here and we can go shower," She nibbled at your earlobe as your mind swirled with the loose threat that dripped like pure sex from her tongue, "Separately, for once."

That part slammed you back into reality, an offense stitched into your expression.

"I'm good – but what the fuck do you mean for once?" You scoffed as she nudged her fingers past your hip under your pants, "Don't you like when we – fuck." You moaned quietly when her fingers reached your center, throwing your head back when she ran them down before entering two right away.

"I love when we fuck," She deadpanned with a shit eating grin that you wanted to wipe off, but she did it for you when she kissed the snarl off your lips, mumbling against them, "And I was just screwing with you – in more ways than one."

You squeezed your eyes shut with your head thrown back against the mat when she started to move at a rhythmic pace, curling her fingers just right where she had to lean onto your leg, so you didn't close them, and you thought you were seeing stars when she circled your clit with her thumb. You felt like you were being forced to hold your breath as she kissed over your reddened, somewhat sweaty neck, and you could barely hold it back a few minutes later when she pressed down on your spot while furiously working you over with the pad of her thumb, her hand digging into your waist to keep you from squirming out of her hold when it became both too much and not enough.

"Let go, baby," She whispered in between kissing up your neck to under your ear, "It's just us and I've got you," A few more flicks of her thumb and a hard thrust against your spot with her fingers had your middle heaving with the effort as you came on her hand, "Just like that, sweetheart," She cooed into your ear, prolonging it with her hand's movements and her words as she worked you through it, "Cumming so good, love, so good for me."

She pulled away when you finished, breathing in shallow breaths, and finally opening your eyes slowly when you registered you still had them closed to see her looking at you with her chin resting on your middle. She smiled cheekily and you huffed a breath, laughing lightly after.

"Hi." You greeted her shyly when she crawled to lay next to you on her back, turning to look at you again like she never wanted to stop.

"Hi, babe."

"Yeah...sounds better." You agreed thoughtfully, but she furrowed her eyebrows, knowing she hadn't asked a question.

"What does?"
"You calling me that," You shrugged like it was obvious, "Sounds even more wrong coming from Carol now."
"It better." She scoffed, turning to glare at the ceiling like it was said blonde, and you smiled, admiring her profile for a moment.

"You're so beautiful," You whispered, thinking out loud, and you saw her physically fighting a smile, but her tint of a blush gave her away as you added, "I know you've probably heard that tons, but it's true. You're's crazy. So, I had to tell you," Then you chuckled shortly before blurting, "You'd also probably kick my ass for saying that if you didn't love me."

You widened your eyes, opening your mouth to take it back, but then she was narrowing her eyes almost undetectably at the ceiling like she was making sure she heard you right and she was smiling, trying to hide it again, when she silently confirmed it. You fish mouthed a few times, wondering if you should just start rambling about something to move on or let her respond, but then you were rolling over to snuggle between her legs, kissing her before she could comment on it at all.

You kissed her sweetly, each corner of her lips first and then her nose before placing a slower, more sensual one to her lips. She hugged you with her legs and pulled you closer with her arms, still not deepening the kiss, but smiling so much against it that it made it a challenge to keep going. You didn't care though, because you knew what you said wasn't wrong and it was just that neither of you were ready to mention it out loud quite yet.

With that floating around in your head, you couldn't help but to smile too and soon it was just smiles pressed against smiles before you took her into the showers to show her just how much you felt the same way.

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