Chapter Thirty-Five

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Two seconds. That's all it took.

Or, at least, that's all you figured it took once she had her mouth on you for you to fall face first over the edge, the massive hickey on your inner thigh resembling the shape of a flower with the angry red line down to your calf acting as its stem from when you begged her to use her knife on you. Kinky bastard.

When you finally came back to earth, she was smiling at you fondly, her face streaked and stained in various colors of your favorite edible paints, and her hair a mess. She was looking at you with so much adoration and care, a small, knowing smile grazing her lips when your eyes met her soft green ones. The two of you said very little outside of whatever dirty talk flew out of your mouths over the past six or so hours since you got back to the townhouse a few days after Thor dropped the bomb, but you could tell by her expression now that she just wanted to tell you everything that's been on her mind lately. Neither of you had mentioned the elephant following you both, just kept it locked away for the right time, so maybe it was sooner than you thought. And maybe you were okay with that.

You were both sweaty, covered in marks and stains – some that will wash away with a shower and some that'll throb against your heated skin for days – but you were both well and truly spent.

There was so much to say and talk about, but you opted for sharing sweet kisses wherever either of you could reach as you cuddled together, tangling your legs with each other and taking a breather on the sheets that desperately needed a washing.

There was no rush to anything really, Thor had said he'd be back on earth in a few weeks, maybe a month, to get your final decision and you kind of already knew what you were planning to do, you just hadn't told anyone yet because you wanted to be sure first.

Alex was visiting Yelena in Ohio for a few days, brought Porky with them to meet Yelena's dog, Franny, and you knew the two were making fast friends because they oddly fit. Yelena was going to try to teach Alex how to cook and you knew they'd just end up drinking the whole time, so you just prayed for Porky's safety. You were a little jealous that Alex was meeting Natasha's parents. You'd have to mention that to your girlfriend.

"You'd be an amazing queen," She whispered into the room a while later when she was kissing your middle and your breath hitched, but then she was rubbing circles into the soft flesh of your hip with her thumb to soothe you, a smile slowly curving your lips as you stared at the ceiling tiredly and she watched your face as it flicked through the emotions you were experiencing, "You're the most thoughtful and caring person I know. Wouldn't trust another with such a responsibility, personally."

It was like she was just pouring out her thoughts, letting them flow from her tongue because she trusted you enough to whisper them well into the night, and you knew this was another way of showing you she loved you.

She kissed up your middle and chest until she reached your neck, sweetly sucking at the skin where she left some bruises hours ago that had since darkened, and she wrapped her arms around you the best she could. Her movements were slow and deliberate, caring and filled with every emotion love entailed, but you could only hold her as she laid on you because you felt overwhelmed with her words as she continued.

"I remember you being more guarded than I was when we first met – so stubborn, it threw me," She chuckled against you softly and you ran a hand up and down her arm, your fingertips ghosting over her skin in the end, "I felt like you were going to bite my head off for giving you my number."

"Really?" You laughed and she nodded, but you could feel she was biting her lip to prevent a wide grin as she knocked against your skin.

"But there was this...pull," She confessed quietly like it was a secret, "I just had to protect you, care for you, and keep you from letting whatever had hurt you in the past from taking you under," She paused, becoming more aware of how much she was admitting, but then she sighed happily, remembering whose company she was in and then smiled, "Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," You breathed out and pulled her closer, "Sorry I was a dick and told you to piss off."

"You didn't know me and with everything you've been through," She shook her head a fraction, "I'm surprised you didn't actually shoot me with your hypothetical gun," You both giggled at the memory that was so many months ago now, "I mean, I did kinda break into your house."

"But you're an avenger," You defended, "I should've been a bit more understanding."

"Nah," She leaned up to kiss your cheek, peering into your eyes like she wanted to dig around for everything she could ever want, and you smiled when she did because she realized she didn't have to dig, you were right there, "I loved everything about that day," Her eyes were lidded sleepily, but her freckles seemed darker whenever it got late, "I couldn't stop thinking about you after that and I wouldn't change a thing about it."

You leaned forward, your eyes flicking between her lips and eyes before she met you halfway, kissing you slowly. You rolled her over, so you were on top, snuggled comfortably between her legs, and she lazily locked her ankles behind you as you continued kissing.

"Feels like I belong here." You whispered against her lips, and she smiled, running her hands through your hair and resting one on the back of your neck after a moment.

"No matter where we are in the world," She blinked slowly, her voice dripping like honey, "Whenever we're together, we're home."

You kissed her again, just because you could and you wanted to more than anything when she said that because it was more than saying those three words, but you would give her anything she wanted. And you had a feeling she wanted you to say it first because she knew. She knew everything you were thinking and feeling before you did – spinners included. She could predict your next move and you felt so good about that for once. You didn't let just anyone in – nobody's been this close to you in your life where they knew everything and stuck by your side and looked at you like this, touched you like they never wanted to stop even though they knew having you in any way was one of life's greatest privileges that they'd never take for granted.

You might be a goddess with history and strength and power, and you might be someone who rules the world one day or lives a life in the shadows of said possibilities, but you didn't care because you knew having this woman at your side, in your life, was more than enough.

"I love you, Natalia." You muttered against her lips because you could, because you wanted to, and because you'd keep saying it as long as she wanted to hear it.

She seemed more awake now, more aware of the impact these words had on both of your lives, and you couldn't even make an immature comment about how she seemed unsurprised to hear them, but maybe that's because you can't lick peach flavored edible paint off someone's peach without caring about them at least a little.

You stayed quiet instead, letting the words sink into her beautiful mind, and you smiled as you watched her slowly process it. Her lips curling into a bright smile, her eyes softening to the point where you thought they might spring tears, and the crinkles by her eyes begging to be kissed. So, you kissed them because you could and because you wanted to, kissing her entire face after because you felt like it. She was smiling, even when her cheeks ached, running her hands up and down your bare back before gripping your hips gently when you pressed your lips against hers, her eyes already closed.

"Because when you know, you know." You told her cheekily when you broke away and she chuckled lightly, nodding with a hum, not even mentioning the fact that you both knew she was the reason behind your spinners vanishing like they never happened.

It helped that you faced your demons, of course it did, but you couldn't have done it without your badass, redheaded assassin, and you would be the first to say it.

Sometimes someone comes into your life when you truly least expect it and turns it upside down for the better. And sometimes, you get so lucky that at the end of the day, you get to call them yours and they do the same.

"I love you too, sweetheart," She muttered between kissing you, something you were both easily addicted to at this point, "Because when you know, you know."

The End.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting on this story! Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!! :)xxAbby 

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