Chapter Twenty-Sixxx

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There was a trail of your guys' clothes from the door to one of the shower stalls and only when you put your leg between hers, kissing and nipping at her chest, did she turn the shower head on. You moaned when the hot water hit your back and she smirked before switching your guys' positions, so she had you against the wall just like out in the gym, but this time, one of her hands slid down your middle as she kissed your neck, slipping it between your legs as her other one pinned your hip to the wall.

"You want this?" She asked, her voice low and wrecked from kissing and arousal, but she didn't press her fingers into you before you responded.

"Fuck," You put your arms around her neck, and she bit her lip, waiting, "Yes, just – yes."

She smiled, kissing you hard as she inched her fingers in, her thumb circling your clit, and you couldn't help but to buck against her hand, craving more of rhythm that you soon received when she started moving them. You were panting into every kiss you got from her as a few minutes passed and you were so close to the edge, you could see it every time you closed your eyes and let her suck another mark to your chest or collarbone or shoulder or neck – wherever the fuck she wanted because you were about to-

"Someone in here?"

The voice came from another stall down the way, and you froze, but before you could say anything, Natasha's free hand flew up to cover your mouth, her hand slowing its movements, but not stopping and that action sent you flying over the edge like there was no tomorrow. Your eyes rolled to what felt like the back of your head and her breath hitched before she worked you through it, keeping you as quiet as possible with your mouth covered as you saw white. You were breathing harshly through your nose as you came back down to earth and she had furrowed eyebrows with an amused smile as she watched you, her eyes darker than ever.

'Kinky, sweetheart.' She mouthed, but it was almost a whisper, and your chest rose and fell as your heart tried to slow down.

You heard the door open and then close, your assassin's hand falling to your neck as she pulled you into a bruising kiss.

"Fuck, you look so hot when you cum." She muttered in between kissing you, acting as if she was starved for it, and you were still breathing a bit shakily, but you kissed her back like you told the need for oxygen to piss off.

"Who – who the fuck was that?" You got out when she pulled away long enough.

"It sounded like Brenda from-"

"Oh, ew," You cringed in disgust, cutting her off, "I definitely wouldn't have been able to finish if I knew the name ahead of time."

"Really?" She huffed a laugh.

"Yeah..." You trailed off before your demeanor changed, and she quirked an eyebrow, having noticed, "But she's gone, and I'd like to forget about that dickwad, so..." You easily slid down to your knees slowly in front of her, peering up at her with dark eyes under your eyelashes, raising your eyebrows quickly as you ran your tongue over your lips, smiling suggestively when you finished, "Wanna do me a favor, babe?"

"Fuck, baby." She moaned breathlessly, putting a hand to the top of your head as she stepped forward, tucking the lower part of your face between her legs, and you held her thighs, digging your fingers into them as they encased the sides of your head.

You turned to kiss her inner thighs, teasing her, and she tugged gently on your hair in warning, but that only made you moan.

"You're like a wet dream, sweetheart." She chuckled lightly and you smirked before burying your face between her legs, using your tongue to circle her clit, nibbling on it a moment later, and the hand she wasn't using to hold the back of your head flew out to lay flat against the tile wall, giving her some balance as she choked out a surprised moan.

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