Chapter Thirty

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You must've passed out (embarrassing) at some point because when you came to, you were back in the townhouse, in your room, and you weren't alone.

"Fuck," You hissed, holding a hand to your head as you tried to sit up, and wincing with your eyes closed, "What the fuck happened?"

"You don't remember?" You heard Alex whisper from across the room in a sofa chair and then you heard them crunch on something before sighing in relief when you felt Porky lying at your feet, "Dude, you went like that one chick from X-men or something – was it X-men? Huh, I dunno, but yeah, from what Natasha said, it was wild."

"Is – is," You paused, barely processing what they said as you woke up and remembering your grandmother, but then, "Is she okay? Nat was there, shit she knows," You started to panic, and they stood up with their hand out, "Where is she?"

"Right here, right here," Natasha's voice came from the doorway as she rushed into the room before Alex could respond, and then she was on the bed, bringing you gently into her side, kissing the top of your head, "Baby, I'm right here."

"Fuck, okay," You let out a deep breath, settling back into the cushions before you popped up again, only a second later, "My dad – Lewis, shit! I need to call my mom."

Natasha handed you your phone and you pressed your mom's contact, putting it on speaker because now everything was out in the open. Alex eyed Natasha warily when you set the phone down on the bed in front of you, knowing it was on speaker, and then their eyes flicked to you, silently asking if this was a good idea, especially when Yelena came out of the bathroom just to rest against the doorframe while she dried her hands.


You let out another sigh of relief when you heard your mother's voice on the other end, rubbing your face as you let your eyes close for a moment, and then you were leaning forward so she could hear you better.

"Are they gone?"

There was a long pause, everyone in the room holding their breaths before she finally spoke again, and you wished she was here instead of just on the phone.


Natasha, Yelena – who you're assuming was filled in by Natasha – and Alex let out deep breaths and were smiling a bit because they knew that meant the worst was over, but you were frowning, staring at the phone like it could fix everything, and when Natasha noticed, she mirrored you, rubbing your back comfortingly.

"Gram's..." You trailed off and Natasha hugged your side the best she could, kissing your shoulder before continuing to rub your back.

"I know, hun, but she saved you and that's all we ever wanted to do – some of us just..." She trailed off, getting a little choked up, "I just didn't know the right way to do it, I didn't realize how strong you were on your own, and I wanted to keep you from this – push you away."

"It's okay."

"It's not," She corrected, and you pursed your lips, "But I hope it will be soon."

"I should've called her more," You were mad at yourself, "I should've tried to...I don't know, it was just weird after Lewis and how she kept saying I reminded her of dad when I didn't even...she told me I tried to kill you."

"Your dad and Lewis were connected, but me, you, and your grandmother," She hesitated, "Honey, your grandmother was the goddess of war and when she had your father, he was human, but he was gifted with a mental manipulation ability that I still struggle to understand to this day," She huffed a small laugh, clearly remembering some of her past attempts at comprehending it all, "And we found each other, I just didn't realize the connection was stronger because I was a goddess too, but then his abilities kind of...took control of him and-"

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