Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next two weeks after meeting Nat's sister, promising to get the four of you together after your exams, had you slipping into a routine.

You would study – mostly at the townhouse when you had to actually focus, which sucked of course, but you really wanted to pass these exams. And whenever you had to take a break for your mental sanity, Natasha would either show up with take away to hang out with you three or you would meet her at the tower and, well, things. You finally took her out on a date, a classic dinner and a movie plan that turned into skipping said fancy dinner and random movie to play pool in a bar and make up new ways of turning down guys that came over to hit on you both. You two ended up plastered and singing off key to whatever song came on – whether either of you knew the lyrics or not. Stumbling home around three in the morning and it was the first time she spent the night at your place without sleeping together. If it was because you guys were too smashed or not was beside the point.

And then the day of exams showed up. Your stress levels were at new heights, and you couldn't wait for this day to be over – of course, all of them had to be scheduled for the same day. Alex got up before you did to take care of Porky and make sure there wasn't any added work to your load, even going as far as doing the dishes from last night when you guys both hated doing them.

Natasha promised to take you out for breakfast before driving you over to the campus and you were finishing up getting ready because she'd be here in ten minutes when your phone rang with an unknown number. Usually, you'd ignore it, but you were worried it was one of your classmates or professors and it had to do with the exams today because your number was listed on the student roster, so you picked it up just in case.

"I'm off the market, ladies, gents, and royalties, it's a loss, but we will survive." You greeted, sounding only somewhat apologetic.

"Is this Y/n L/n?" A woman's voice asked, already sounding tired of your bullshit.

"Nah, this is Judd Nelson."

"No, it's not."

"Know his gruff voice well, do ya?" You teased, but they didn't laugh.

"This is agent Maria Hill and I'm going to need you to come in today to discuss...important details about your relations to the avengers."

"This is about Nat?" You guessed in a hurry, worry lacing your voice when you realized she should probably be here, but you hadn't gotten a text yet.

"No, it's about your future with us."

"Oh," You let out a sigh of relief, laughing lightly as you shook your head, "No, thanks."

"I haven't even told you what-"

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks though."

"Stark can't fix everything for you." She told you bluntly, trying to convince you or just keep you on the line, but it only made you hesitate for a second before you pulled the phone away from your ear to end the call.

"It's time to face the music, little sis."

You spun around towards the familiar voice and almost dropped your phone, but instead, you gripped it tighter at your side.

"You need to leave." You gritted out, a shiver running down your back as you looked over your brother, and you purposely avoided the sight of his neck.

"If you were brave enough, we could talk without you doing your neat little trick like you did the last time." He suggested lightly, his voice full of faux excitement.

The thing is – well, there''s the thing, thing is, okay, fine, you've been seeing your brother in these weird visions or whatever when you're alone sometimes. It been happening for a bit over a week now and you've seen him about twenty times – you're chalking it up to the added stress of exams. And it's probably no coincidence that he popped up after that phone call, come on, you're not a complete idiot, everything has a reason...usually.

And the first time he showed up unannounced, you were in your bathroom – thankfully, he's never waltzed in when you were in a compromised position, so you can get your nasty mind right out of there, but you had cut your palm pretty deep on a kitchen knife. You had been making chicken fajitas and you like massive knives – we'll explore that later with Natasha, for sure. Ha. Anyway! So, you were cleaning it up in the sink, wrapping it in some stuff because you didn't want to spend the night in the emergency room for a couple of stitches, when he showed up behind you – classic mirror jump scare. If you need to know anything about your brother Lewis, it's that he loves the classics.

He went on in a rush like he thought this would be the last time he'd see you for a while and since he hasn't shown up since that night in the basement at your old house that we still haven't addressed, he felt like he had a lot to get off his cryptic chest. You ended up slipping your hand on the sink where you were gripping it too hard behind you, aggravating the cut, and he fizzled out until he vanished completely.

Long story short, pressing your opposite thumb into your hurt palm and opening the wound again, putting you in some serious pain, always got rid of him.

"Yeah, why not?" You huffed, feeling nauseous, and he reached out to stop you as you did, but you were already pressing with a cringe.

"Wait, I have to-"

"You don't have to do shit." You muttered angrily as he disappeared, making you let out a sigh of relief.

You jumped when your phone buzzed, checking it a moment later, and then grabbing what you needed before you left because she was waiting outside.

"Good luck, best friend!" Alex shouted when you came down the steps, heading for the door, and you tried not to laugh at the voice they used.

"Get off TikTok, best friend!" You called back mockingly, and they snorted a laugh as you left, hearing them mumble something about how it's actually become a problem for them.

You locked the door behind you, smiling, and then your jaw dropped when you turned around. Natasha was leaning back against a black motorcycle in a leather jacket, black jeans, boots, and a white tee shirt with her hair in braids. She crossed her legs at the ankles and had her arms crossed over her chest, smirking at your reaction, slowly cocking an eyebrow.

You made your way down the stoop with a casual go, playing off everything this was doing to you, but the second you stepped off and she stood straighter, you dropped your bag and tackled her in a hug.

"You brought the bike!" You nearly squealed and she laughed against you, still holding your waist when you pulled away to look it over, "Oh, Natalia...this is hot."
"You like it?"

"I fucking love it." You gushed, kissing her cheek a few times fast, and she turned her head just before you could again, capturing your lips in a searing kiss with no warning.

Then she went over and grabbed the forgotten bag off the curb, making you smile sheepishly.

"C'mon, let's go get some waffles," She smiled, offering you the spare helmet, and you couldn't stop grinning like a crazy person, even when she had to help you strap it on, "You're adorable, baby."

You blushed when she swiped her finger down your nose, kissing you quickly before tapping your helmet and making sure it was on right.

She got on first and as you swung your leg over behind her, you ignored the boy across the street whose neck was broken, tied in a noose that was hung suspended in the air, a chair kicked out from underneath, staring back at you with lifeless eyes.

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