Chapter Twelve

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 Natasha Romanoff is ten – twenty steps ahead of everyone in the room and she's never surprised – it's nearly impossible to surprise her and when Tony throws her birthday parties, they're clear examples of this. Even if he does it a month and a half in advance. She just knows it's coming.

But she never expected him to introduce her to maybe the most interesting, strong, beautiful, funny and intelligent woman she's ever known.

She just wasn't ready.

"What?" You pretended not to know there was sauce smeared on your upper lip and you were trying not to laugh, "Do I have something on my face?"

"Yeah." Amusement laced her tone as her lips curled up into a smile, the one she could never hold back around you.

You used the napkin to wipe everywhere but the top of your lip and she bit her lip as you chuckled to yourself.

"Did I get it?"


"That's a yes!" You cheered, going for another slice, and groaning with the reach since you had to lean forward pretty far, "What?" You furrowed your eyebrows, noticing she was staring at your lips, and even though you knew it was the saucestache, you decided to tease her, "Looks like you wanna kiss me, Natalia, and I thought I made myself clear," She raised her eyebrows when you paused, finally meeting your eyes, "No hanky panky, this is a strictly platonic sleepover."

"You never said that."

"I didn't?" You pretended to think back, "Huh, I'm smarter than I think – past me must've wanted to get laid, but now we've ruined that with stuffing me with deliciousness."

"I'll remember that for next time."

"Oh, so there's gonna be a next time?" You continued to tease, pouting your lips and jutting your chin out a bit, trying to see the saucestache before you added as an afterthought, "And you're planning to starve me next time, so I'll sleep with you? Tactical."

"Not starve," She huffed, lifting an empty box's corner before letting it drop again, "Maybe just not let you eat an entire pie without help."

"I thought you got two for a reason," You shrugged, "Not my fault."

She shook her head with a smile, getting up and helping you, the two of you heading back to the kitchen to clean up.

"Want to watch a movie now?" She asked as you washed your hands and face after she did.

"Sure, what've you got?"

"Mm, I was thinking maybe something horror?"

"Nah," You shook your head, and she raised her eyebrows curiously, "I'm not doing the whole 'cuddling up to you because I'm scared' thing, I'm not so cheap, let's watch White Chicks."

"Fine," She smirked, and you held your chin up proudly, making her chuckle, "Let's go."

The two of you went off to the theater floor, finding it dark and a little creepy until she flicked the lights on, selecting the movie before she'd make it dark again when it began. You picked your favorite seats for the viewing, and it was one of the more sofa-like seats so you guys could sit close. Just because you didn't want the scary movie cliché, didn't mean you don't plan on snuggling up to the assassin a little bit. You at least wanted the option.

"Oh," You just remembered when she sat down next to you, keeping your voice low as the opening sequence started even though nobody else was here, and she turned a bit towards you with a frown when you continued, "I'm going to Pennsylvania this weekend. So, I won't be around for a few days."

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