Chapter Four

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So, you went out to lunch.

You had planned to meet Tony at the tower with these friends of his, but then Happy told you he was going to bring you to the restaurant instead since Tony had a last-minute meeting across town.

Okay, that's fine – he's busy, no big deal.

Not only did Tony have to cancel, you found out via text, but he hadn't told his friends in time either and now you were sitting next to an empty chair in an empty restaurant (Tony had called ahead to buy it out for lunch so you guys wouldn't be disturbed) across from three people who looked pissed. Pissed because you weren't who they wanted to spend lunch with or pissed because Tony cancelled or something totally unrelated, who knows.

"I'm Y/n, by the way, did I say that already?" You laughed lightly, trying to ease the awkward silence, and the redhead cracked a small smile, but the blonde just nodded while the other guy rolled his eyes.

"I'm Steve, this is Natasha, and that's Rhodey." The blonde told you shortly, opening a menu, and you nodded with pursed lips.

"Tony's paying and just because the prick bails doesn't mean I'm not hungry – wasting my time meeting one of his young, pretty interns isn't exactly on my to do list."

He mumbled the last part, and you leaned your face towards him with a squint.

"Uh, one, thanks? And two, I'm not his intern."

"So, it's true," Steve looked at you seriously, concern etched into his features, "Tony hired a nurse. What's wrong with him anyway?"

"Steve." Rhodey warned under his breath, and you were shaking your head.

"Not a nurse."

That made Natasha turned towards you, her own interest and curiosity piqued, but you just took a deep breath, letting one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen study you as you studied the menu.

"If we all order different things, we could share." Steve said, not even glancing at his menu, and you gave him a look.

"Uh, no, I'm ordering like I'm about to get the chair because he's paying like Rhode Rage said."

"What did you – what did she just call me?" He looked to Natasha who just shrugged, eyes still on you and you knew this because you could Feel the Bern™.

"I heard it's bad to mix chicken and fish." Steve offered and you grimaced.

"Not a massive fan of fish anyways." You shrugged.

Natasha mumbled something that sounded agreeable, finally browsing her menu, and you grinned at Steve who huffed.

"Excuse me?" Rhodey called over the waiter who seemed to have jelly for legs and was sweating bullets, but you couldn't figure out – oh, he's nervous as fuck.

"Can you stop?" You cringed and their attentions snapped to you, "Just chill out, you're making me itchy."

"Who?" Steve asked and you nodded towards the waiter.

"Sorry...?" The innocent little man grimaced, and you gave him a tight, painfilled smile.

"I can't fucking – forget it," You got up abruptly, your chair scraping against the floor as you did, "It – nice meeting you guys, but I'm gonna..." You got your stuff, sharp pains still shooting through your head, "Bye."

You rushed out of that place, and the moment you were out of the building, you could finally breathe, and the pain subsided. You righted your coat and slipped it on before starting to head towards the subway when you heard someone call your name, making you turn around.

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