Chapter Seventeen

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You stood outside for only a bit longer because soon, Alex was helping you inside with your bags, and you were still trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. You ended up sitting on the sofa in the living room with Porky by your side, but you kept looking to your friend in confusion and they seemed to be amused by it.

"Good weekend away with the girlfriend?" They guessed and you parted your lips with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is Natalia my girlfriend?" You asked back, but it was more of a thought being blurted out of your mouth, and Alex snorted a laugh.

"It's what I've been trying to tell you."

"I think she just kissed me."

"What!" They jumped up excitedly, "What do you mean 'you think'? Did she actually kiss you? Oh my god, this is-"

"I thought I was telling her to go...but then she just...she kissed me."

"I'm going to piss myself, I'm so happy." Alex gushed and you tried not to laugh, burying your face in your hands.

You laid back against the cushions, your hands resting over your middle, and you looked over at them with a massive smile across your face.

"I'm so happy too."

"You are?" They cooed and you blushed, laughing before you looked the other way to hide your red cheeks, "Aw, you deserve this."

"Shut up and let's make cookies."

You guys ended up pulling all the food out, picking at things and drinking in between, so somehow Porky ended up on the kitchen island, snoozing in the sink, and you guys were sitting on the counter watching him, swinging your legs back and forth only about four hours later. Music was playing lowly from someone's phone, and you had the bottle in your hand while they drunk texted their most recent ex.

"I...miss her," You slurred, and they made a weird noise of agreement as you held the bottle up, "Whenever she's not so...much...with me, I wish – I wish she was."

"You should go to her..." They mumbled, dropping their phone into the bowl of cookie dough without a second glance and then turning to you with lidded eyes, "Let's just go get your woman."

"It's like midnight and..." You trailed off, forgetting why this wouldn't be a good idea until you looked down at yourself, "I'm in my bra."

"You have trousers on," They pointed out optimistically, "Don't be so down on yourself."

"I do have trousers," You nodded, checking your pockets, "And they're filled with peach pits...that's a nice feeling."

"We should bring the donkey."

"The donkey..."

"In the sink."

"Yes, we should," You nodded a lot, "That's smart."

So, all three of you were in a cab, on your way to the tower, and your face was practically stuck to the window, but Alex saved you from the nasty, as you watched the city lights zoom by. You got a bit dizzy by the time you guys were dropped off and you couldn't remember who paid him, but you must've tipped big because he drove off with a grin on his face.

"Do we knock?" You asked your friend, and they were laughing, pointing up at how you were trying to get Porky to stand on your head, but he wasn't into it, so you put him down.

"We could knock," They burped, "It's late, maybe the tower people aren't awake yet or they're sleeping or maybe they ate all of our peaches."

"Porky," You whispered loudly at the dog who was circling your bare feet, and people walking by were few and far between, but they still didn't give two shits about the half-naked girl and her tipsy as fuck friend swaying on the sidewalk, "Porky, go ring the bell, they'll love that you're here – you're the cute one."

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