Chapter Nine

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"It was a compliment!"

After pretending to enjoy the overcooked tacos, you and Alex were cleaning up while Natasha bonded with Porky in the living room. You had just told your best friend what Natasha had said about you – being beautiful and fun – but you thought maybe that was more of a backhanded compliment and you didn't love it as time went on.

"Makes me feel...shallow or something," You pursed your lips, grumbling, "Like everything's sunshine and rainbows because I'm pretty and who cares what else!"

The two of you were whispering in the kitchen as you did the dishes and they dried them, keeping your voices low enough so that even a trained assassin couldn't hear you.

"You're overthinking it."

"Am I?" You asked, sounding utterly defeated, and they softened at your next words, "Maybe I should just sleep with her and then never speak to her again, seems that's all I'm good for when it comes to relationships, anyways," Then you grumbled, disappointed with yourself, "Just a good lay."

"You know that's not true," They shoved your arm a little, getting you to look at them, "And I don't think she'd text you constantly and always want to hang out with you if she was just trying to sleep with you – I've seen girls flirt with you and if it was true, it would take a lot less to get you there."

"She'd just have to give me the eyes."

"Exactly," They huffed a quiet laugh before adding seriously, "And I think there's a reason she hasn't yet."

You glanced over to the couch where the redhead was getting Porky to sit his bubble butt down, trying to teach him paw, and then giving him kisses and cuddles when he did it.

"Should I ask Santa to turn me into a dog for Christmas?" You muttered, making Alex laugh.

"Stupid question," They prefaced before you finally took your eyes off the redhead who now had Porky in her lap and your heart in her hand, "But you do like her, right?"


"But not just...enough to sleep with her?"

"What? Of course, not, jesus."

"I'm sorry, but as long as I've known you, you've never been in a committed relationship and if dinner proved anything, she's down." They defended and you pursed your lips before snatching the dish towel from their hands, only to throw it at them, going into the living room without another word a second later.

"I have another mission tomorrow." She told you before you even sat down on the sofa.

"Already? You just got back, where this time?"

"Steve just messaged me a few minutes ago, but I was only told India, no specifics yet."

"How long?" You asked, not wanting to ask what she'd be doing because that'd probably just make you worry the entire time she was gone.

"A week, I think." She grimaced slightly, watching you closely, and you sighed, frowning, so she opened her mouth to say something else, but then Alex came in and her entire demeanor changed, "Hey, thanks for dinner, it was good."

It was like she plastered on a smile and closed everything else off or maybe you were overthinking this too and she really just wasn't supposed to be talking about missions because it's confidential or something.


"You don't have to lie," You smirked, and Alex punched your arm, "Ow, hey! Come on."

"Ah, they were burnt to a crisp, I don't know why I try to pretend."

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