Chapter Twenty-Two

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You were both wrapped up in the sheet a few hours later, kissing each other lazily as you sat perched on her lap – your self-proclaimed throne, and you just couldn't get enough. You had mentioned it was intoxicating and addicting, but it felt like if you stopped then you'd have to face some crappy reality and right here, you felt safe and happier than you ever remember being.

She held you close the entire time, it seemed more important than focusing on the kissing part sometimes, and it felt like she thought you might disappear if she didn't. It was a mix of possessiveness and protectiveness, but it kept the balance right where it didn't overwhelm either of you and kept you both in a nice, comfortable state where it felt like you two were the only ones in existence right now. Or at least in the tower.

"I can't feel my legs," You told her in between kisses when you felt her hands move to your ass, holding it in her hands, and she lightly squeezed it when you said that, a smug smile crossing her lips when you pulled back only a little to look at her green eyes – almost swallowed up by her blown pupils still, "And I don't hate it."

You both laughed, kissing in between giggling lowly after that, and she sighed into the kiss that you deepened soon after, still keeping it slow with no where to be.

"So," You spoke while she kissed sweetly down your neck, her fingers tracing over the marks she left, and she pulled back to smirk, searching your face the second she did, when you hissed quietly at the sensitive skin, "Why didn't you tell me about Tony's party?"

"Because I wasn't going." She told you simply, kissing over your shoulder.

"Why?" You pressed and she sighed before facing you again, her lips curling up into a smile when her eyes met yours like it was a response she couldn't stop.

"Because I was more looking forward to texting the girl I really like all night until one of us fell asleep."

"Oh." You raised your eyebrows, not having expected that response, but she narrowed her eyes playfully, not done.

"But then I get a text from Tony instead, saying someone was at his party and when I got there, well, knowing what I did about your spinners, it kind of clouded my judgement."

"So, weird, I mean," You scoffed lightly, shaking your head a bit like you were at a loss, widening your eyes quickly, "I was in your room, Stark naked, aha, this entire time – I'm surprised we didn't cross paths, but anyhoser, I hope you send anyone a fruit basket if they were collateral damage in your quest to get your woman."

She seemed amused, especially since she now had you naked in her bed, she didn't see any reason to care about how she got you here, even if it was messy, but when you mentioned collateral damage, her face fell, and you finished slowly when you noticed.

"I'm not sending Carol shit." She deadpanned dangerously low, and you were nodding in agreement before she finished, playing with her hair behind her neck as your arms rested on her shoulders loosely.

"Mhm." You bit your lip, watching as she got put off just by the joking suggestion, but you were trying not to smile and make this worse, even if you found her jealousy a little amusing.

And hot.

But like, that's expected.

Her hands were on your hips again, the possessive grip tightening a little, and when you winced only slightly, she eased up and instead, rested them on your ass again – you have your throne, she has her hand warmer, everybody's happy.

"But you're mine now," She spoke lowly again, her eyes lidded, and you found yourself giving her the same look as her eyes bore into yours before flicking down to your lips for only a second, your guys' breathing picking up, mixing together as she brought you impossibly closer, speaking against your lips now, "Always have been."

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