Chapter Thirty-Three

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Since everybody knew everybody, Tony figured it was time for a family meeting. This family meeting would include himself, Steve, Steve's top, Steve's top's top, Carol, Thor, Nat, you, Clint, Wanda, and Bruce. Pietro wasn't asked because he was visiting his and Wanda's home where their parents were very much alive. An AU is a beautiful thing.

And like any classic meet up of a good handful of avengers, you were all piled into the penthouse suite's living room, drinking and sitting around. It was nice, everyone catching up and laughing, even if there were bigger issues to talk about.

You were sitting on the floor between Natasha's legs as she sat up on the low couch and she was mindlessly playing with your hair as you all drank and tore into the pizzas Tony ordered.

"But then my sister showed up and it got..." Thor trailed off thoughtfully and you smiled in amusement, "Messy."

"I'm surprised you made it out alive," Bucky huffed a laugh behind his beer, talking between gulps, "Your sister doesn't strike me as the compromise type."

"Oh, please," Sam scoffed, "Like you know his family."

"I've done my homework." Bucky defended himself with an even tone, challenging him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Not like they put shit about gods in the newspaper, you old fu-"

"Hey," Steve cut in, "Come on, guys."

"Aw, mommy Steve has to discipline her babies," Tony teased them and then turned to Steve faux seriously, "How do you balance work, being a single mother, and still have time to kiss America's ass until it blushes?"

You snorted a laugh and a few others chuckled, but Steve just grumbled something and sat back, glaring at him.

"If Lang was here and not in Frisco, he'd probably be wondering how the captain kisses his own ass." Clint smirked.

"Pilates." You piped in, earning a few laughs.

"So," Carol spoke up before the conversation could be deterred completely and you didn't miss her looking directly at you with a mischievous grin, "Thor needs a wife."

"To rule Asgard with me, yes," Thor nodded, "Or," He groaned quietly, reaching far for another beer, "A god needs to step in to take over, but they must be married, and I must trust them. It's an ancient way of power decision that even my sister can't fight."

"Emphasis on ancient," You huffed, taking a drink, and Natasha started styling your hair, keeping quiet, but you eyed Carol with a curious, amused smile when she started snickering your way, Natasha's hands stilling when she noticed, "Come on, Carol."

"I didn't say anything." She smirked with a shrug, and you chuckled, giving her a goofy grin, not noticing Natasha was tensing behind you until she spoke up.

"What're we missing?" Your redhead asked, her tone different and her voice slightly strained.

"Lay it on me, Danvers." You laughed and everyone started mostly talking between themselves, eating, or were waiting for what she was getting at.

"I'm just thinking-"

"Yeah, that must be new for you." You teased and then Natasha put her hands over your mouth.

"Let her speak then." She told you and you didn't have to see her expression to know she was frowning.

She released you a second later and you were frowning too, in confusion, now but shook it off to raise your eyebrows Carol's way, a small smile curling your lips.

"You don't need to marry Thor, you could marry whoever you wanted, and then rule Asgard...virtually on your own since you're just as worthy as Thor and his sister."

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