Chapter Twenty-Ate

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Natasha was going to pick you up after your exams, but she got called out of the country – would be a red flag if this wasn't an avenger situation and you weren't whipped to the core, so you told her it was no big deal, you'd take the train. You went on to wish her good luck and she congratulated you on completely your exams – she'd be sure to take you out for a celebratory drink or twelve when she got back and insisted you call Alex to pick you up. You told her you liked the train once in a while, it could be peaceful with your headphones on, and she hesitantly agreed to let it go. Elsa, that one.

You felt so good and exhausted, the final release of all that built up – let's not make this dirty again, we'll just go with you felt relaxed now. Overly relaxed. And kind of hungry.

And powerful.

Which was weird.

The blood-stained bandage on your hand needed to be changed, but you ignored it as you hopped on a train and didn't even register that this one went a different way than your usual.

You fell asleep only five minutes into it and you never sleep on the train for multiple reasons, but it was like you had no control over your actions as the exhaustion took over. Your brain felt like mush from all those hours of taking exams and having studied practically nonstop for the past two weeks, so that's probably why you didn't realize where you were until you were already knocking on someone's door.

"Who is it!" The called out from behind, sending themselves into a coughing fit right after.

"It's me." You whispered, but the only thing they heard was you steadily knocking again.

"Fine, if you're not gonna answer, then you'll-" They grumbled, swinging the door open, and stopping short when they spotted you, their eyes growing wide, "...Y/n?...Y/n, is that – is that you?" They stuttered out and you were nodding, tears threatening to spill as you offered them a shaky smile, "You''re so grown and – and pretty."

"Thanks." You whispered, your voice coming out as wobbly as your chin was.

"Come in, come in," She waved you inside, slowly stepping back and wheeling the oxygen tank behind her so it wasn't in the way before she shut the door, "I can't..."

"It's okay," You assured, getting the wheelchair from where it was a few meters away by the grand arched doorway to the living room, "Here, sit."

"Thank you, dearie." She smiled gratefully and you returned it with a nod before she situated herself more comfortably.

"So, I made a stop," You gestured to the bag you had plopped down by the door after you came in and she hummed, "I was thinking," You paused because that was a lie – up until this point, you don't remember doing any of this with a thought in your head, "We could make lemon bars. Like when I was a kid."

"Of course, darling." She smiled easily, but her eyes held a heavy sadness.

You both made your way into the kitchen, and you set everything out as she watched you from her seat behind the counter, resting her forearms on top. You put one of the records on after dusting off the player and then got to work.

"This place is smaller than I remember." You thought out loud and she chuckled knowingly.

"You haven't been here since you were a little babe, so that sounds right."

"Yeah," Your smile tightened, and she frowned, glancing away uncomfortably as you slowly readied the plate for the bars, "Sorry, about that."

"All in the past," She gave you a quick smile, "Just glad I got to see my grandbaby before I leave this earth."

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