Chapter Ten

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It was only a few weeks before finals, so you had term papers to complete and course work to go through, prepping study guides, and organizing everything – you know, the basics since you're suddenly a perfectionist when it comes to uni, nothing to do with procrastinating, of course.

You had spent hours in your room after taking Porky for a walk, cleaning the space top to bottom for literally no reason, and then sat down at your desk, making sure everything was exactly, perfectly right. Then you checked your phone to make sure you were up to date on your socials and emails, ending it with replying to Natasha's cute text about how she wishes you were with her in Peru because nobody wants to see the sights with her, they're all business. So, of course you replied with wanting to lick famous monuments, being your favorite hobby, and she said she definitely wanted to hear about the ones you've gotten so far when she called later.

So, everything was set to start cramming.

Everything was settled and there was nothing left to do.

Your fingers hovered over the keyboard, every tab open with the resources you needed to write this paper that would be forty percent of your grade, and you had enough knowledge on the topic to make it decent on your own, but for some reason, it wasn't happening.

"I'm hungry." You concluded out loud, pushing your chair away from the desk so you could get up and then you made your way down to the kitchen where Alex was washing their arms and brushes in the deep sink.

"You're stalling." They scolded, not even glancing over as you opened the fridge, browsing for something to snack on.

"We have no food," You sighed, closing it before they could check it out for themselves with the confused expression they had on their face, "I'll have to do a shop."

"We have food and if you need something, I can go out, I'm done for the day," They told you easily and you narrowed your eyes on them before they added, "Like I said, stalling."

"Porky needs to go out, it's been a while." You turned towards the living room and the chub monster peaked his head over the back, always down to help with your procrastinating if it means another walk for him.

"Nope, just took him out."

"I should really-"

"Get back to studying?" They cut you off after drying everything, turning to hold your shoulders with their now clean hands, and you grimaced away, "Yeah, I agree. And no, the rest of the house doesn't need cleaning, we do it every Sunday when you get back from the shelter and no, I don't need you to do the shop for me, I'm bored as hell and I'm meeting someone for drinks later, so I'll do it before I leave."

"You sound busy, let me-"

"Don't make me lock you in your room."

"Fine," You groaned after a moment and Porky plopped down to continue his nap since he could tell it wasn't the time anymore, "But is it a date? These drinks?"

"I met someone on the pier and she's cool, invited me out with her friends tonight," They shrugged, "So, who knows, I guess."

"Can I come if it's not a date?"

"You're so pathetic."

You let out another groan before wishing them luck and saying you hoped they had fun tonight, trudging up the stairs without a snack, but they said they'd bring you up some tea in a bit, so that was something.

Three cups of tea and a random YouTube video later, you dove into your paper and didn't stop until it was finished, afraid you'd lose momentum. In the end, it worked out, and four hours later with some major edits, you were completely finished with the massive paper, turning it in before you started second guessing yourself.

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