Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"So, that's a no on the tango or...?"

He circled the room, looking you over, and you stood there, letting him. It had been years since you last tried to track this asshole down and you weren't about to risk your life again for nothing. You knew what this trip would cost you and it was bad enough your mom met Natasha, but at least it was technically before you guys got together. She called again, asking about your girlfriend, and by then, it had been official, but you lied and said you knew her from the shelter that helps the youth who struggle with mental health specifically that you volunteer at every Sunday. You also added that Natasha quit soon after to move to Nebraska. Because nobody checks in on Nebraska. All love.

"My mother was right," He shrugged, "You do look nice," He stopped in front of you again, crossing his arms, and you glared at him, "You've got the fire in you."
"It's not the kamikaze in me, pops," You smirked, "It's the lemon bars."

He didn't seem amused, and you were grinning at him, your eyes still white.

"Where do your friends think you are right now?"

"Hm," You pretended to think, listing off on your fingers, "Alex thinks I'm out bar hopping, trying to pull," You lied easily, "Porky thinks I'm out on an amazing walk without him, so he'll be grumps when I get back and – oh!" You faked surprise, "That's kind of it because I don't have many friends."


"Oh, he doesn't need me anymore." You smiled proudly, a bit smug when he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, a little confused.

"You've been helping him with his PTSD."

"Right, yeah," You snapped, pointing at him like you just remembered, "And then a week ago, I kind of...let's just say he no longer puts the TS in PTSD," You smirked, and he tilted his head with a frown, still confused, so, "I cured him. Finally learned how to do that."

His posture stiffened, his arms falling to his sides, and you heard a knock on the door, making you raised your eyebrows, but you didn't turn towards it, keeping him where you could see him.

"Dearie, are you in there? The door's locked."

"Be out in a minute, nana!" You called back, making sure your voice was light, so she didn't worry, but then you were smirking darkly again at your dad.

"Will you?"

"Yeah, because I have a date tomorrow night I need to be back for," You smiled, moving your shoulders a bit because you were feeling happy at the thought of your redhead, "And I'm just here to make you stop messing with me. It'll be quick."

"I want you and Lewis to be with me."

"Ew, why?"

"I'm..." He frowned, trying to play with your emotions, "I'm all alone and I miss my kids."

"This isn't Hill House, I hardly remember the details, I was just in love with the one girl, but I think the mom tried that kind of? She was hot too. Anyways, it's not gonna happen, and even if I missed you guys enough for you to convince me to do that – I'm not in the headspace anymore."

You could tell he wanted to know what changed and you could just relieve him of the curiosity because you knew you were only stalling at this point, but you didn't want to assume.

Plus, you were hoping those lemon bars would settle down – really couldn't just have a snack without it hitting hard these days...maybe Natasha got you pregnant.

"Shit, it's twins." You whispered, holding your stomach like you had some fetosises growing in there when it growled quietly.

"You're – what?"

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