Chapter Twenty-Five

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You had Happy stop by a grocery store on the way because you felt like making pasta or something equally as sexy for your redhead and even though he grumbled about it, he got out to be your little shopping assistant.

"The kitchen at the tower is fully stocked." He told you for the third time and you pretended it was news to your ears.

"Oh, really? Wow!"


"I don't know if you guys have the good stuff, I want to cook and I want my lady love fed, so if you have the wrong sauce, then the night is ruined," You suddenly spun around and he stopped abruptly so he didn't crash into you as you held up two things, "So, do I make the sauce from scratch or buy it in a jar?"


"Scratch it is."

"Why do you keep doing that? You did that with the pasta too!"

"Happy, I love you, and just because you're in love with this May person that I've never met, doesn't mean you can woo a lady."

"Fine." He huffed and you hummed before carrying on with your ingredients.

"Do you think she'll want to make it with me?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows, the two of you in line and you were surveying the trolley, "Or should I try to make it while she's out?"

"She'll never leave your side, better to make it with her."

"I'm convinced she's paying you to say things like that." You deadpanned before he huffed a small laugh, but it was over before you could acknowledge it.

After paying – it was on Tony, according to Happy, the two of you finally made it back to the tower and you knew a part of you was procrastinating because some studying would be involved once you got there. But there was also Natasha, so you begged him to run a few red lights even though he flat out refused like a homophobe.

After not-so-gracefully unpacking everything onto the tower's kitchen counter, you dropped your bag off at her room and went strolling around, looking for her. Your phone still wasn't charged because you're a lazy dumbass, so you couldn't text her and find out where she was. You did decide to leave it charging in her room, but you got impatient, so you wandered around until you saw a familiar face or two that could help you out.

"Tony, if you're gonna cheat on Pepper with a blonde, at least make it Carol." You pretended to be disappointed as you caught their attention and Tony laughed while Steve scowled at you.

"Careful, Y/n, I hear Nat's the jealous type." Steve warned, trying to chime in, and you gave him a once over, scrunched up your nose a little in disgust at his appearance.

"You smell, dump trunk."

"You do," Tony agreed when Steve went to argue, "You're sweaty and gross."

"I was working out with Romanoff." He defended and you narrowed your eyes on him.

"Ha," Tony laughed, "Looks like they're both jealous types."

"Where's my girlfriend?" You asked him, completely ignoring the blonde who's definitely been pegged by lady liberty, or at least bent over for some jesus looking dude in cosplay of her, and put emphasis on the label because you wanted them to know.

"Using the gym's showers." Steve told you when Tony shrugged.

You left them and headed the way they had been coming from, but the second you turned towards the glass walls of the gym, you spotted a scruffy dude in a black tee shirt and well.

"Hi." You smiled, standing near him now as he lifted weights, and he looked you over for a second, smirking when he met your eyes again.

"What's your name?"

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